List of kings of Israel – Wikipedia


Albright Thiele Galil Kitchen Common biblical name Hebrew name Biblical references and notes

Saul House [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

1051–1010 1050–1010 1050–1010 1042–1010 Saul borrowed the king
Sha’ul 1Sam. IX – 1Sam. XXXI ; 1Chr. X
Son of Qish, of the Benjamin tribe. Reigned in Israel for 40 years ( on all Israelite tribes ). He killed himself during the war against the Philistines, at Mont Guilboa.
1010–1008 1000–998 1010–1008 1006–1004 Ishulten ,
Ashba’al or Ishba’al [ first ] ( A brothel man (Ashollah
Ishulten (Ashba’al) 2Sam. II,8 – 2Sam. IV,12 ; 1Chr. VIII,33;IX,39
Reigned 2 years in Israel [ 2 ] (on all tribes except Judah)

David’s house [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

1000–962 1010–970 1010–970 David Uncle Ben-Rishon King of Israel
David Ben Yayh, Lyricshhh yisra 1Sam. XVI – 1Rois II,2 ; 1Chr. XI – 1Chr. XXIX
Reigned 7 years on the Judah tribe in Hebron [ 2 ] , then 33 years old on all Israelite tribes , in Jerusalem, a whole 40 years old. Natural death.
962–922 970–931 971–931 Salomon Shlomo Ben-David King of Israel
Shelomh Ben David, Lyricshhh yisra 2Sam. XII,24-25 ; 1Rois I,10 – 1Rois XI ; 1Chr. XXII,5 – 2Chr. IX
Régna 40 years old on all Israelite tribes , in Jerusalem. Natural death.

Jeroboam house [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

922–901 931–910 931–909 931–911 Jeroboam I is Jeroboam Ben-Nebba King of Israel
Yerav’am very snowy, Lyricshhh yisra 1Rois XI,26 – 1Rois XIV,20 ; 2Chr. IX,29 – 2Chr. XIII,20
Led the rebellion which caused the Division of the Kingdom of Solomon between the Kingdom of Judah (Sud of Judah and Benjamin) and the kingdom of Israel (North, 10 other tribes). Reigned in Israel for 22 years. Natural death.
901–900 910–909 909–908 911–910 Nadab Nadav Ben-Gerbaram King of Israel
Nadav I am eat, Lyricshhh yisra 1Rois XV,25-31
Reigned 2 years in Israel. Assassinated by Baasa son of Ahiyya from the tribe of Issacar, with all his family.

Baasa house [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

900–877 909–886 908–885 910–887 Basis Rae A brother’s king of Israel
Ba’asha Ben ahiyya, Lyricshhh yisra 1Rois XV,17 – 1Rois XVI,7 ; 2Chr. XVI,1-6
Reigned 24 years in Israel, Tirça. Natural death.
877–876 886–885 885–884 887–886 She goddess Ben-Bish King of Israel
‘Eday I Ba’asha, Lyricshhh yisra 1st XVI, 6-14
Reigned for 2 years in Israel, in Tirça. Murdered by Zimri, one of his officers, who made him drink [What ?] And killed him in Açra’s house.

Zimri’s house [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

876 885 884 886 Zimri Singers The king of Israel
Zimri , Lyricshhh yisra 1st XVI, 9-20
Reigned 7 days in Israel, in Tirça. He perished in the fire of his palace, fire which he had ignited himself in front of the Israelite armies which had acclaimed Omri and which returned from Gibbetôn to put the seat in front of Tirça.

Omri house [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

876–869 885–874 884–873 886–875 Omri Omri The king of Israel
’Omri , Lyricshhh yisra 1st XVI, 16-28
Reigned 12 years in Israel, including 6 years in Tirça and 6 years in Samaria, which he founded. Natural death.
869–850 874–853 873–852 875–853 Ahab Ahab Ben-Omri King of Israel
Ah’av Ben ’omri, Lyricshhh yisra 1Rois XVI,29 – 1Rois XXII,40 ; 2Chr. XVIII
Reigned 22 years in Israel, in Samaria. Mortally affected by an archer during the battle of Ramoth in the Galaad. He died before his return to Samaria.
850–849 853–852 852–851 853–852 Ahaziah or Color [ 3 ] Ahazu Ben-Ahba King of Israel
‘Ahazyhu Ben ‘ah’av, Lyricshhh yisra 1Rois XXII,50 – 2Rois I ; 2Chr. XX,35-37
Reigned 2 years in Israel, in Samaria. Injured himself deadly falling from the balcony of his upper room. Died in his bed, in accordance with the prediction of the Prophet Elijah.
849–842 852–841 851–842 852–841 Joram Yoram Ben-Ahba King of Israel
Jehoram Ben ‘ah’av, Lyricshhh yisra 2Rois III – 2Rois IX,26 ; 2Chr. XXII,5-7
Reigned 11 years in Israel, in Samaria. Murdered by Jehu.

Jehu’s house [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

842–815 841–814 842–815 841–814 Forecast July Ben-Nazi King of Israel
We see I Nimshi, Lyricshhh yisra 2Rois IX,2 – 2Rois X ; 2Chr. XXII,7-9
Anointed as king of Israel by a servant of Elisha. Reigned 28 years in Israel, in Samaria [ 4 ] . Natural death.
815–801 814–798 819–804 814–806 Jehoahaz Jehozer Ben-Jeho the King of Israel
Yeho’ahaz I Yehu, Lyricshhh yisra 2rois xiii,1-9 ; 2chr. xxv,1
Reigned 17 years in Israel, in Samaria. Natural death.
801–786 798–782 805–790 806–791 Joash Joash Ben-Yuzz King of Israel
Yeho’ash Ben yeho’ahaz, Lyricshhh yisra 2ROIS XIII,10 – 2ROIS XIV,16 ; 2chr. xxv,17-2
Reigned 16 years in Israel, in Samaria. Natural death.
786–746 782–753 790–750 791–750 Jeroboam II Jeroboam Ben-Joish King of Israel
Yerav’am Ben Yeho’ash, Lyricshhh yisra 2Rois XIV,23-29
Reigned 41 years in Israel, in Samaria. Natural death. The journey of Jonas to Nineveh (during which he was swallowed by a whale or a fish), told in the book of Jonas, would have had that time for context.
746 753 750–749 750 Zachariah Zechariah Ben-Gerbaram King of Israel
Of caryah I am eat, Lyricshhh yisra 2ROIS XV, 8-12
Reigned 6 months in Israel, in Samaria. Murdered by Shalloum son of Yabesh.

Shallum house [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

745 752 749 749 Shallum whole Ben-Misht King of Israel
Shallum I am yeast, Lyricshhh yisra 2ROIS XV, 10-15
Reigned 1 month in Israel, in Samaria. Murdered by Ménahem son of Gadi.

Ménahem house [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

745–738 752–742 749–738 749–739 By less comfort Ben-Gadi King of Israel
MENAHEM I’m gadi, Lyricshhh yisra 2ROIS XV, 14-22
Reigned 10 years in Israel, in Samaria. Natural death.
738–737 742–740 738–736 739–737 Peqahya Its supervisor Ben-Menachem King of Israel
Peqahyah Ben Menahem, Lyricshhh yisra 2ROIS XV, 23-26
Reigned 2 years in Israel, in Samaria. Assassinated in his palace by the squire Peqah son of Remalyahu, and 50 men.

Peqah house [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

737–732 740–732 736–732 737–732 Peqah inspector Ben-Ramyahu King of Israel
Peqah Ben remalyahu, Lyricshhh yisra 2Rois XV,25 – 2Rois XVI,5 ; 2Chr. XXVIII,6
Reigned 20 years in Israel, in Samaria. Murdered by Osée son of Ela.

Daring house [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

732–722 732–722 732–722 732–722 Daring Holy Ben-God the King of Israel
Hoshe’a Ben ‘Eve, Lyricshhh yisra 2ROIS XV, 30 – 2ROIS XVII, 4
Reigned 9 years in Israel, in Samaria [ 5 ] . The king of Assyria having taken the city of Samaria, he imprisoned daring for betrayal, and deported the Israelites to Assyria.