List of legislative districts of Meurthe-et-Moselle-Wikipedia


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The French department of Meurthe-et-Moselle is, under the fifth republic, made up of seven legislative constituencies from 1958 to 2012, then six constituencies since the redistribution of 2010, which entered into account from the 2012 legislative elections.

By order of relating to the election of deputies in the National Assembly, the department of Meurthe-et-Moselle is first made up of seven electoral districts [ first ] .

During the 1986 legislative elections which took place in a proportional voting system in a single round by departmental lists [ 2 ] , the number of seven seats in Meurthe-et-Moselle has been preserved [ 3 ] .

The return to a majority -by -round uninominal voting system for the following legislative elections [ 4 ] , maintained this number of seven seats [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] , according to a new electoral division.

The redistribution of the legislative constituencies carried out in 2010 and entering into account from the legislative elections of June 2012, modified the number and distribution of the constituencies of Meurthe-et-Moselle, reduced to six due to the demographic over-representation of the department [ 7 ] .


Composition of the constituencies from 1958 to 1986 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

As of 1958, the department of Meurthe-et-Moselle included seven constituencies.

Composition of constituencies from 1988 to 2012 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

As of the 1986 division, the department of Meurthe-et-Moselle includes seven constituencies bringing together the following cantons:

  • first re Constituency: Nancy-Est, Nancy-Nord, Nancy-Sud.
  • 2 It is Constituency: Arracourt, Jarville-la-Malgrange, Saint-Max, Tomblaine, Vandeuvre-lès-Nancy.
  • 3 It is Constituency: Laxou, Nancy-Ouest, Pompey.
  • 4 It is Constituency: Baccarat, Badonviller, Bayon, Blâmont, Cirey-sur-Vezouze, Gerbéviller, Lunéville-Nord, Lunéville-Sud, Saint-Nicolas-de-Port.
  • 5 It is Constituency: Colombey-les-Belles, Domèvre-en-Haye, Haroué, Neuves-Maisons, Thiaucourt-Regniéville (except municipalities of Arnaville, Bayonville-sur-Mada and Vandelainville), Toul-Nord, Toul-Sud, Vézelise.
  • 6 It is Constituency: Briey, Chambley-Bussières, Conflans-en-Jarnisy, Dieulouard, Homécourt, Nomeny, Pont-à-Mousson.
  • 7 It is Constituency: Audun-le-Roman, Herserange, Longuyon, Longwy, Mont-Saint-Martin, Villerupt.

Composition of the constituencies from 2012 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Since the new electoral division, the department includes six constituencies bringing together the following cantons:

  • first re Constituency: Nancy-Est, Nancy-Nord, Nancy-Sud, Malzéville, Saint-Max, Seichamps
  • 2 It is Constituency: Jarville-la-Malgrange, Laxou, Nancy-Ouest, Vandeuvre-lès-Nancy-Est, Vandeuvre-lès-Nancy-Ouest
  • 3 It is Constituency: Audun-le-Roman, Briey, Herserange, Longuyon, Longwy, Mont-Saint-Martin, Villerupt
  • 4 It is Constituency: Arracourt, Baccarat, Badonviller, Bayon, Blâmont, Cirey-sur-Vezouze, Gerbéviller, Lunéville-Nord, Lunéville-Sud, Saint-Nicolas-de-Port, Tomblaine
  • 5 It is Constituency: Colombey-les-Belles, Domèvre-en-Haye, Haroué, Neuves-Maisons, Thiaucourt-Regniéville (except municipalities of Arnaville, Bayonville-sur-Mada and Vandelainville), Toul-Nord, Toul-Sud, Vézelise.
  • 6 It is Constituency: Chambley-Bussières, Conflans-en-Jarnisy, Dieulouard, Homécourt, Nomeny, Pompey, Pont-à-Mousson, municipalities of Arnaville, Bayonville-sur-Mada, Vandelainville (from the canton of Thiaucourt-Regniéville)

Following the redistribution of the cantons of 2014, the legislative constituencies are no longer composed of whole cantons but continue to be defined according to the cantonal limits in force in 2010. The constituencies are thus composed of the following current cantons:

  • first re Constituency: cantons of Seille and Meurthe ( 4 municipalities), Crowned (15 municipalities), Nancy-1 (Boudonville district) , Nancy-2 ( Solliers Hart Duèrèvre, Scarpone, town-légne, cathedral, holidays, waiting), Nancy-3 et Saint-Max ( except commune of Tomblaine)
  • 2 It is Constituency: cantons of Jarville-la-Malgrange (4 municipalities) , Laxou , Nancy-1 (Beauregard, Boufflers and Buthegnemont districts) , Nancy-2 (Poincaré-Foch-Anatole France and Croix-de-Bourgogne districts) and Vandeuvre-lès-Nancy
  • 3 It is Constituency: Cantons of Longwy, Mont-Saint-Martin, Pays de Briey (28 municipalities) and Villerupt
  • 4 It is Constituency: Cantons of Baccarat, Grand Crown (9 municipalities), Jarville-la-Malgrange (8 municipalities), Lunéville-1, Lunéville-2, communes of Flavigny-sur-Moselle, Richardmenil and Tomblaine
  • 5 It is Constituency: Cantons of new-butons (except municipalities of Flavigny-sur-Moselle and Richardmenil) , North Toulis (except commune of Saizerais) , Meine in Saintois and Toul
  • 6 It is Constituency: cantons of Seille and Meurthe ( 35 municipalities), Jarny, Pays de Briey (9 municipalities), Pont-à-Mousson and Val de Lorraine Sud, commune of Saizerais
  1. Composition of the districts of Meurthe-et-Moselle , Official Journal of the French Republic, October 14, 1958, p. 9374.
  2. Organic law n O 85-688 modifying the electoral code and relating to the election of deputies , Official Journal of the French Republic, July 10, 1985, p. 7800.
  3. Annex n O 1 to organic law n O 85-690 modifying the electoral code and relation to the election of deputies , Official Journal of the French Republic, July 10, 1985, p. 7803.
  4. Loop n O 86-825 relating to the election of deputies and authorizing the government to delimit by order the electoral districts , Official Journal of the French Republic, July 12, 1986, p. 8701.
  5. Bernard Gaudillère , Historical Atlas of French electoral districts , Geneva, Droz / Diff. Champion, , 840 p. (ISBN  2-600-00065-8 ) , p. 404
  6. Loop n O 86-1197 relating to the delimitation of the constituencies for the election of deputies , Official Journal of the French Republic, November 25, 1986, p. 14179.
  7. Arrangement n O 2009-935 distribution of seats and delimitation of the constituencies for the election of deputies , Official Journal of the French Republic, July 29, 2009, p. 12752.
