List of mayors of Martigues – Wikipedia


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List of all mayors who have succeeded the town hall of Martigues [ first ] , [ 2 ] .

List of successive mayors
Period Identify Label Quality
1790 1791 Louis Puech Moderate then leafy Bourgeois
1791 1792 Joseph Blanc Leafy Ship captain
1792 1793 Louis Puech Girondins Bourgeois
1793 1793 Louis Meiffren Girondins Attorney
1794 1800 Jean François Martin Mountain Boulanger
1800 1800 Pierre Balthazar Dol Mountain Merchant
1800 1801 Jean François Martin Appointed by the first is Consul Boulanger
1801 1803 Jean Joseph Icard Appointed by the first is Consul Man of the law
1803 1829 Henry Roustan Bonapartist then legitimist Retired navy
1829 1837 François Tamisier Legitimist then Orleanist Clerk
1837 1840 Pierre Angry Orleanist Former ship captain
1840 1843 Jean-Baptiste Jourdan Orleanist Merchant
1843 1846 Paillet spirit Orleanist Notary
1846 1847 Jean Baptiste Blondel Orleanist Retired officer
1847 1848 Pierre Angry Orleanist Former ship captain
1848 1848 Jean Graille Republican Owner
1848 1849 Pierre Martin Conservative Merchant
1849 1860 Pierre Angry Conservative Former ship captain
1860 1864 Pierre Garnier Conservative Retired officer
1864 1870 Jules Blondel Conservative Industrial
1870 1874 Félix Pascal Republican Former customs office chief
1874 1876 Alphonse Autheman Monarchist Pharmacist
1876 1877 Félix Pascal Republican Former customs office chief
1877 1877 Alphonse Autheman Monarchist Pharmacist
1877 1878 Félix Pascal Republican Former customs office chief
1878 1880 Jean Baptiste Olive Republican Merchant
1880 1880 François Mandine Republican Watchmaker
1880 1884 Claude Lieutaud Republican Former baker
1884 1888 Paul Désiré Republican Former treasurer of the prud’hommie
1888 1892 François Mandine Republican Watchmaker
1892 1896 Lucien due Republican Lawyer and notary
1896 1901 Augustin RIPERT Socialist radical Former postal employee
1901 1919 Toussaint Merlat Socialist radical Quincailler
1919 1926 Jean Roque Socialist radical ?
1926 1941 Marius Granier Socialist radical Trader
1941 1942 Charles Roque Named by Vichy Owner
1942 1943 Vigne Named by Vichy Attorney
1943 1944 Aristide Pigeot Named by Vichy Former collector
1944 1944 Max Payssé Provisional Administration Committee Secretary General of the Town Hall
1944 1945 Albert Long Special delegation Administrative director E.M.C.
1945 1946 Jean toulmond National Front (Resistance) Trader
1946 1947 Francis Turcan PCF Clerk
1947 1953 Théoreore Sfio Artisan
1953 1959 Paul Pascal Sfio Entrepreneur
1959 1969 Francis Turcan PCF Clerk
1969 2009 Paul Lombard PCF Clerk
2009 In progress Gaby Charroux PCF Guidance counselor

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  1. From 1790 to 1800 then from 1919 to 1969, list established by Mr. Duroux, archivist at the town hall.
  2. From 1800 to 1912, list established by M me Martinez (under the direction of Mr. Maurice Agulhon) University of Provence (Center of Aix) (1970-71)
