List of national treasures in Japan (sculptures) – Wikipedia


Name Remarks Date Material Pose Height Current location Image Statues and canopies inside the gold building (Konjiki-Dō) ( The statues and Tianjie in the Golden Church , konjiki-dō dōnai shozō OYOBI TENGAI ? ) [ 13 ] . 32 Statues in the three altars and another Amida Nyorai seated with fragments of a wooden-piedestal halo. The three canopies of altars are part of the appointment. 1124 Era of Heian, around 1124–1187 wood Hinoki wooden block sculpture joined for amida, katsura wood for jizō and nitennō); Lacquer with gold leaf embossing Wishing it TROIS Amida NYORAI Assis, Trois Ensembles d’Assistants d’Amida (Kannon et Seishi), TROIS Ensembles de Nitennō, 18 Jizō BosatsuTsu 0078 50 × 78 cm Iwate Hiraizumi Chusonji Konjikido Konjikidō ( Golden hall ? ) , Chūson-Ji, Hiraizumi, Préfecture d’Iwate Interior of Konjikido, Chusonji (62).jpg

Interior GoldenHall Chusonji.JPG

Yakushi Nyorai and two assistants ( Wooden pharmacist Nyorai and both sides samurai statues , mokuzō yakushi NYORAI OYOBI ryōkyōjizō ? ) [ 14 ] , [ 15 ] . 0806 Era of Heian, c. 806–810 wood Zelkova wood, gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )) Yakushi NYORAI Yakushi NYORAI (BoudDha De la Guérisson) Assis Entouré de Nikkkō Bosatsu et de de Gakkō Bosatsu, 0173.9 141.8 cm (Yakushi), 169,4 cm , 173,9 cm FUKUSHIMA YUGAWA SHOJOJI Shōjō-ji, yugawa, préfecture de fukushima Fugen Bosatsu Samantabhadra) Sur to copically ( Wooden Puxian Bodhisattva Riding Elephant , mokuzō fugen bosatsu kizōzō ? ) [ 16 ] , [ 17 ] . 1100 Era of Heian, first half of the XII It is century wood Colorful wood and gold leaf cutting ( Intercept ( grace ? )) on wood Fugen Bosatsu Statue of Fugen Bosatsu sitting on an elephant 0140 140 cm (whole sculpture), 55.2 cm (statue) Tokyo Tokyo Okura Shukokan Museum Of Fine Arts Museum the arts the Okura, Tokyo Vue de trois-quarts d'une divinité, les jambes croisées, assise sur un piédestal avec les mains jointes comme en prière devant le corps. Big Buddha ( Copper Sanju statue , dōzō Amida Nyoraizō ? ) Outdoor statue melted by Hisatomo Tanji and Gorōemon Ohno. Second largest statue on the list. 1252 Kamakura era, bronze Bronze, gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )) Wishing it Amida nyorai assisis 1335 13.35 m , 93 t Kanagawa kamakura kotokuin Kōtoku-in, Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture Front view of an outside cross-legged seated statue. The eyes are closed and the hands rest on the lap with palms facing upward. The statue is left-right symmetric, appears green of copper rust and is placed on a stone platform. Goddess of compassion for eleven faces ( Wooden 11 -faced Kannon standing statue , mokuzō jūichimenkannon ryūzō ? ) [ 16 ] , [ 18 ] . 0850 Era of Heian, middle of IX It is century wood Colorful wood Juichimen Kannon Jūichimen Kannon deBout 0177.3 177.3 cm SHIGA TAKATSUKI KOGENJI Kōgen-ji ( Xiangyuan Temple ? ) (berTit the prison is not aminnament ( Watakishi Temple Kannon -do ? ) , TAKATSUKI, Préfecture de Shiga Kwannondo Temple Eleven-Head Kwannon (278).jpg Shinra Myōjin ( Wooden Shilla Myojinjin statue , mokuzō shinra myōjin zazō ? ) [ 19 ] . Statue of the guardian divinity of Mii-Dera 1000 Era of Heian, XI It is century wood Colorful wood and gold leaf cutting ( Intercept ( grace ? )) on wood shinra Myojin Shinra Myōjin ( Silla Myojin ? ) sat 0078 78 cm SHIGA OTSU Miidera SHINRA Zenshin Hall BâTimeNT SHINRA Zenshin ( San Luo Shan Kamada , SHINRA Zenshindō ? ) , Mii-Dera, ōtsu, Préfecture de Shiga Chishō Daishi (Enchin) ( Wooden wisdom Daishi statue , mokuzō chishō daishi zazō ? ) or Okotsu Daishi ( Master Royal Bone ? ) [ 20 ] . 0800 Era of Heian, IX It is century wood Colorful wood Chishō Daishi Chishō Daishi Assis (Enchin) 0086.3 86.3 cm SHIGA Otsu miidera toin daishi Hall Tō-in Daishi building ( Karoin Daishido , Tōin daishidō ? ) , Mii-Dera, ōtsu, Préfecture de Shiga Chishō Daishi (Enchin) ( Wooden wisdom Daishi statue , mokuzō chishō daishi zazō ? ) or chūson daishi ( Middle primary master ? ) [ 21 ] . 0900 Era of Heian, X It is century wood Colorful wood Chishō Daishi Chishō Daishi Assis (Enchin) 0084.3 84.3 cm SHIGA Otsu miidera toin daishi Hall Tō-in Daishi building ( Karoin Daishido , Tōin daishidō ? ) , Mii-Dera, ōtsu, Préfecture de Shiga Shakyamuni (Shaka NYORAI) ( Coppered Buddha Shamo Nyorai statue , dōzō clow n serpirazō ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 22 ] . 0700 Asuka period, beginning of VIII It is century bronze Gilded bronze Swind ingeny Shakyamuni (shaka nyorai) assis 0240.3 240.3 cm Kyoto Kizugawa Kanimanji Hondo Hon-dō de kaniman-ji ( Cabinanji Temple ? ) in Kizugawa, Kyoto prefecture Shakyamuni Bronze KANIMANJI.JPG Goddess of compassion for eleven faces ( Muxin dry paint eleven sides of 像 十 木 木 木 , mokushin kanshitsu jūichimenkannon ryūzō ? ) [ 23 ] . 0750 Era of Nara, second half of the VIII It is century wood Dry lacquer on the heart of the wood (木心 乾漆 乾漆 乾漆 乾漆 乾漆 乾漆 乾漆 乾漆 乾漆 乾漆 ( MOKUSHIN KANSHITSU ? ) ), gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )) Juichimen Kannon Jūichimen Kannon deBout 0172.7 172.7 cm Kyoto KYOTANABE KANNONJI HONDO Hon-dō de Kannon-Ji ( Kannonji Temple ? ) in Kyōtanabe, Kyoto prefecture ElevenFaced Kannon Kannonji.JPG Fūjin et raijin ( Wooden “Wind God / Thunder God> image , mokuzō fūjin-raijin zō ? ) or God of the wind and god of thunder [ 18 ] , [ 24 ] . 1250 Era of Kamakura, middle of XIII It is century wood Colored wood and crystal eyes set Fūjin et Raijin deBout 01111.5 111.5 cm (Fūjin) and 100.0 cm (Raijin) Kyoto Kyoto Myohoin Sanjusangendo Sanjūsangen-dō, myōhō-in ( Wonderful court ? ) , Kyoto, Kyoto prefecture Fūjin. Three-quarter view of a statue. His left leg is bend as if climbing stairs et he is carrying a long bag-shaped object which goes from one shoulder to the other around the back of his head. Black and white photograph.


Raijin. Vue de trois-quarts d'une statue. Sa jambe gauche est repliée, comme si elle montait des escaliers et elle se penche en avant. Ses cheveux sont debout et sa main droite est élevée au-dessus de sa tête. Une mince auréole autour de sa tête est ornée d'épais disques circulaires. Photographie noir et blanc.

Fur ( Wooden Brahma sitting statue , Mokuzō Bonten Zazō ? ) [ 25 ] and Taishakuten half in position of the lotus ( Taishakuten half lotus statue , Taishakuten Hankazō ? ) 0839 Era of Heian, 839 wood Colorful wood (past color) set Bonten sitting on a lotus pedestal worn by four geese and taishakuten seated on an elephant half in the lotus position 0110 101.1 cm (Bonts) it 110 cm Kyoto KYOTO TOJI KODO Reading building ( Lecture hall , The Dreams ? ) , Tō-ji, kyoto, kyoto prefecture Amida Nyorai and two seated assistants ( Wooden Amitabha Rulai and Said Sitting Statue , mokuzō amida NYOBI ryōwakiji zazō ? ) [ 26 ] . 1148 Era of Heian, 1148 wood Wood, gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )) Wishing it AMIDA NYORAI ASSIS ET DEUX Assistants Assis (Kannon et Sixhi) Seishi) Kyoto Kyoto Sanzenin Ojo Gokurakuin Ōjō gokuraku- in the Amida building ( Gakusakuin , ōjō gokurakuin Amidadō ? ) , Sanzen-in, Kyoto, Prefecture The Kyoto Amidaba OHARA SANZENIN.JPG Amida Nyorai and two seated servants ( Wooden Amitabha Rulai and Said Sitting Statue , mokuzō amida NYOBI ryōwakiji zazō ? ) [ 27 ] . Old main image of Seika-ji ( Qixia Temple ? ) 0896 Era of Heian, 896 wood Wood, gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )) Wishing it Amida Nyorai seated and two seated servants (Kannon and Seishi) 0172.2 172.2 cm (AMIDA), 165.7 cm (Kanton) et 168.2 cm (SEISHI) Kyoto KYOTO SEIRYOJI Seiryō-ji, Kyoto, Kyoto prefecture Amida Nyorai and two assistants ( Wooden Amida Nyorai and both sides of samurai , mokuzō amida NYOBI ryōwakijizō ? ) [ 28 ] . Originally venerated statue in the kon-dō 0888 Era of Heian, 888 wood Wood, gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )) Wishing it AMIDA NYORAI ASSIS ET DEUX ASSISTANTS DEBOUT, (Kannon et sixhi) 0123.4 88.6 cm (Amida), 123.4 cm (Kanton) et 123.3 cm (SEISHI) Kyoto KYOTO Ninnaji Reihokan Treasure ( Spiritual hall , laykan ? ) , Ninna-ji, kyoto, kyoto prefecture Wishing it ( Wooden Amitabha Rulai Sit Statue , mokuzō amida NYORAI ZAZō ? ) [ 29 ] . 1099 Era of Heian, end of XI It is century wood Wood, gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )) Wishing it Amida nyorai assisis 0280.0 280.0 cm Kyoto KYOTO HOKAIJI AMIDA HALL Amida Building ( Amida -do , Amidadō ? ) , Ji ( Dharma Temple ? ) , Kyoto, Kyoto prefecture Amida Hokaiji.jpg Wishing it ( Wooden Amitabha Rulai Sit Statue , mokuzō amida NYORAI ZAZō ? ) [ 30 ] . 0840 Era of Heian, 840 wood Wood, gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )) Wishing it Amida nyorai assisis 0263.6 263.6 cm Kyoto KYOTO KORYUJI Lecture Hall Reading building ( Lecture hall , The Dreams ? ) , Kōryū-ji, kyoto, préfecture de kyoto Koryuji Monastery Amida of the Kodo (272).jpg By UF Write ( Wooden Amitabha Rulai Sit Statue , mokuzō amida NYORAI ZAZō ? ) [ thirty first ] . Nine statues representing the nine stages of Nirvāna 1100 Era of Heian, around 1100 wood Wood, gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )) Wishing it A seated central nyorai amida surrounded by four amida nyorai seated on both sides 0224.2 224.2 cm (central), 138,8 × 145,4  cm (others) Kyoto Kizugawa JORURIJI HONDO Hon-dō From Jōruri-ji to Kizugawa, Kyoto prefecture Wishing it ( Wooden Amitabha Rulai Sit Statue , mokuzō amida NYORAI ZAZō ? ) [ 32 ] . Main image in the building of the phoenix of byōdō-in and the only work of Jōchō still existing 1053 Era of Heian, 1053 wood Wood, gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )) Wishing it Amida nyorai assisis 0283.9 283.9 cm Kyoto Uji Byodoin PHOENIX HALL Phoenix building ( Phoenix , The-Dreams ? ) , Byōdō-in, uji, préfecture de kyoto Sacred Lotus Pedestal Byodoin.jpg Bosatsu in the clouds ( Make a bodhisattva in the wooden cloud , mokuzō Unchū kuyō Bosatsuzō ? ) [ 33 ] . Supposed to accompany the believers who left for the pure land of Amida [ 34 ] . 1053 Era of Heian, 1053 wood Wood, gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )), colored, partial cutting of gold leaf ( Intercept ( grace ? )) on wood bosatsu 52 bosatsu on clouds attached to the walls 0087.0 40.0 × 87.0 cm Kyoto Uji Byodoin PHOENIX HALL Phoenix building ( Phoenix , The-Dreams ? ) , Byōdō-in, uji, préfecture de kyoto Byodoin bosatsu 18.jpg

Byodoin bosatsu 4.jpg

Tobatsu Bishamonten ( Wooden Kabuto Bishamonten statue , mokuzō Tobatsu Bishamonten ryūzō ? ) [ twelfth ] , [ 35 ] . Statue formerly revered in the Bishamon building ( Bishamon -do , bishamon-dō ? ) 0800 Dynastie tang, IX It is century wood Wood, gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )), colored, Practice ( Nerimon ? ) bishamonten Bishamonten deBout 0189.4 189.4 cm Kyoto KYOTO TOJI TREASURE HALL Treasure ( Spiritual hall , laykan ? ) , Tō-ji, kyoto, kyoto prefecture Kyowogokokuji Monastery Tobatsu Bishamonten (280).jpg CINQ Grands kokūzō Bosatsu (akasagarbha) ( Five wooden greater gorgeous bodhisattva statues , mokuzō Godai kokūzō Bosatsu zazō ? ) [ twelfth ] , [ 36 ] . Five large kokūzō bosatsu almost identical are revered in the one floor pagoda. 0800 Era of Heian, IX It is century wood Colorful wood Kokuzo Bosatsuu Cinq kokūzō Bosatsu (akasagarbha) Assis 0099.1 94.2 × 99.1 cm Kyoto KYOTO JINGOJI TAHOTO Tahōtō, jingo-ji, Kyoto, Kyoto prefecture Front view of a statue in lotus position. The palm of the right hand is turned upward and held in front of the stomach. The left hand, close to the right foot, is holding a long pole with decorations at the end resembling a trident. Five big bosatsu ( Wooden Bodhisattva Sitting Statue , mokuzō GODAI Bosatsu Zazō ? ) [ 18 ] . Being a later work, the central character is excluded from the appointment. 0839 Era of Heian, 839 wood Drink bosatsu Quatre Bosatsu Assis 0096.4 96.4 cm Kyoto KYOTO TOJI Lecture Hall Reading building ( Lecture hall , The Dreams ? ) , Tō-ji, kyoto, kyoto prefecture The central Bosatsu (in back) and one of four Great Bosatsu. Three-quarter view of two cross-legged seated statues (one in front of the other). The statue in the back appears larger and shows the Vajra Mudrā, enclosing the index finger of the left hand with the fist of the right hand. The statue in front has both hands resting on the lap. Five kings of clarity ( Wooden Five Great King Statue , Mokuzō Godai myōzō ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 37 ] . 0839 Era of Heian, 839 wood Colorful wood five wisdom kings Five kings of clarity: Acala sitting, Trilokavijaya standing, Kundali and Vajrayaksa, Yamantaka on the back of a bull 0201.0 173.0 cm (Acala), 174,0 cm (Trilokavijaya), 201,0 cm (Kundali), 143.0 cm (Yashes), 172,0 cm (Vajrayaksa) Kyoto KYOTO TOJI Lecture Hall Reading building ( Lecture hall , The Dreams ? ) , Tō-ji, kyoto, kyoto prefecture Gozanze Myoo Toji Kodo.jpg Kōbō daishi (kūkai) ( Master Wooden Master Sitting Statue , mokuzō kōbō daishi zazō ? ) Sculpted by Kōshō ( Winning victory ? ) 1233 Kamakura era, wood Colorful wood, crystal eyes kobo daishi Kōbō Daishi Assis (Kūkai) 0069.0 69.0 cm Kyoto KYOTO TOJI MIEI HALL Miei building ( Mikage -do , miidō ? ) , Tō-ji, kyoto, kyoto prefecture Four celestial kings ( Wooden Four Heavenly Kings , mokuzō shitennō ryūzō ? ) [ 38 ] . 1100 End of the era of Heian, II It is And XII It is centuries wood Colorful wood and gold leaf cutting ( Intercept ( grace ? )) on wood four heavenly kings Four celestial kings standing 0169.7 169.7 cm (Jikoku-Ten), 169,7 cm (Zōjō-ten), 168.8 cm (Kōmoku-ten), 167,0 cm (Tamon-Ten) Kyoto Kizugawa JORURIJI Jōruri-ji, Kizugawa, Kyoto prefecture Four celestial kings ( Wooden Four Heavenly Kings , mokuzō shitennō ryūzō ? ) [ twelfth ] . 0839 Era of Heian, 839 wood Drink four heavenly kings Four celestial kings standing 0197.9 183.0 cm (Jikoku-Ten), 184,2 cm (Zōjō-ten), 171.8 cm (Kōmoku-ten), 197,9 cm (Tamon-Ten) Kyoto KYOTO TOJI Lecture Hall Reading building ( Lecture hall , The Dreams ? ) , Tō-ji, kyoto, kyoto prefecture Shakyamuni (Shaka NYORAI) ( Wooden Buddha Nyorai statue , mokuzō clover nerves ryūzō ? ) and items found in the statue [ twelfth ] , [ 39 ] . Copy of the Udayana Buddha lost by Chinese sculptors Zhāng Yánjiǎo and Zhāng yánxí. Brought from China to Japan in 986 by the monk Chōnen ( Stunned ? ) . Includes a model of internal organs made of silk and other materials, a paper with the seal of Chōnen and other objects. A repair registration dates from 1218. 0985 Song You North, 985 wood Wood, natural wood surface ( Base , music ? ) , cutting of gold leaf ( Intercept ( grace ? )) on wood Swind ingeny Shakyamuni (shaka nyorai) debout 0160.0 cm 160.0 cm Kyoto KYOTO SEIRYOJI HONDO Hon-dō From Seiryō-ji to Kyoto, Kyoto prefecture Seiryoji Monastery Sakya (315).jpg Goddess of compassion for eleven faces ( Wooden 11 -faced Kannon standing statue , mokuzō jūichimenkannon ryūzō ? ) 0951 Era of Heian, 951 wood Drink Juichimen Kannon Jūichimen Kannon deBout 0258.0 258.0 cm Kyoto KYOTO ROKUHARAMITSUJI HONDO Hon-dō From Rokuharamitsu-ji to Kyoto, Kyoto prefecture Twelve celestial generals ( The Twelve Gods of Wood will stand for a portrait , mokuzō jūni shinshō ryūzō ? ) [ twelfth ] , [ 40 ] . Sculptiation par chōsi ( Grow up ? ) 1064 Era of Heian, 1064 wood Colorful wood twelve heavenly generals The twelve celestial generals standing 0123.0 123.0 cm (To the babe), 115,1 cm (Andira) Kyoto KYOTO KORYUJI TREASURE HOUSE Treasury house ( Religion , row ? ) , Kōryū-ji, kyoto, préfecture de kyoto Twelve Generals Koryuji.jpg Kannon with a thousand arms ( Wooden Senju Kannon sitting statue , mokuzō senju Kanton zazō ? ) [ twelfth ] , [ 41 ] . Principale Image you Sanjūsngeng-Dō. Sculptation par tanki. 1251 Kamakura’s era, 1251–1 wood Wood, gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )), crystal eyes thousand armed kannon Kannon with a thousand seated arms 0334.8 334.8 cm Kyoto Kyoto Myohoin Sanjusangendo Sanjūsangen-dō, myōhō-in ( Wonderful court ? ) , Kyoto, Kyoto prefecture Front view of a cross-legged seated statue with many arms positioned in a circular fashion around the body carrying various objects like bells and staffs. One pair of hands is folded in front of the body in prayer. The statue is positioned on a flower-shaped platform. Kannon with a thousand arms ( Wooden Senju Kannon standing statue , mokuzō senju Kannon ryūzō ? ) [ twelfth ] , [ 18 ] , [ 42 ] . 0934 Era of Heian, around 934 wood Colorful wood (faded) thousand armed kannon Kannon with a thousand arms standing 0109.7 109.7 cm Kyoto KYOTO HOSSHOJI Hosshō-ji, Kyoto, Kyoto prefecture Thousand armed Kannon Hosshoji.JPG Kannon with a thousand arms ( Wooden Senju Kannon standing statue , mokuzō senju Kannon ryūzō ? ) [ twelfth ] , [ 43 ] . 0794 Era of Heian, before 873 wood Colorful wood (faded) thousand armed kannon Kannon with a thousand arms standing 0266.0 266.0 cm Kyoto KYOTO KORYUJI Lecture Hall Reading building ( Lecture hall , The Dreams ? ) , Kōryū-ji, kyoto, préfecture de kyoto Hachiman under the appearance of a seated monk ( Wooden monk shaped Hachimanjin statue , mokuzō sōgyō hachimanjin zazō ? ) and two goddesses ( Wooden goddess sitting statue , Mokuzō Joshin Zazō ? ) [ 44 ] . 0800 Era of Heian, IX It is century wood Hinoki wood with dry lacquer (木心 乾漆 ( MOKUSHIN KANSHITSU ? ) ), painted or gilded Hachiman Hachiman seated and two assistant goddesses seated 0110.0 c. 110  cm each Kyoto KYOTO TOJI Tō-ji, Kyoto, Kyoto prefecture Canopy ( Wooden canopy , mokuzō TENGAI ? ) 1053 Era of Heian, 1053 wood Drink na n/a ??? Kyoto Uji Byodoin PHOENIX HALL Phoenix building ( Phoenix , The-Dreams ? ) , Byōdō-in, uji, préfecture de kyoto Canopy Phoenix Byodoin.JPG Twenty-eight assistants ( Wooden 28 parts , Mokuzō nijūhachi Bushū Ryuzō ? ) [ twelfth ] , [ 45 ] . 1250 Era of Kamakura, middle of XIII It is century wood Colorful wood (past color) and cutting of gold leaf ( Intercept ( grace ? )) on wood, crystal eyes twenty eight attendants 28 Kannon assistants in a thousand arms ( Senju Kannon , Senju stump ? ) upright. 0169.7 153,6 × 169.7 cm Kyoto Kyoto Myohoin Sanjusangendo Sanjūsangen-dō, myōhō-in ( Wonderful court ? ) , Kyoto, Kyoto prefecture Un des vingt-huit assistants. Vue de trois-quarts d'une statue portant un tambour à main en face. Une auréole est visible autour de sa tête.

Twenty-Eight Attendants (Basu Sennin) Sanjusangendo.jpg


Twenty-Eight Attendants (Taishakuten) Sanjusangendo.jpg

Bishamonten, KichijōTen, Zennishi dōji ( Wooden Vishamen Tian and “Auspicious Sky / Shan Never Boy Trthy” ” , mokuzō bishamonten kichijōten zennishi dōji ryūzō ? ) [ twelfth ] , [ 18 ] , [ forty six ] . 1127 HEIAN era, 1127 wood Wood, natural wood surface ( Base , music ? ) bishamonten Bishamonten accompanied by his wife Kichijōten and his son Zennishi Dōji (all standing) 0175.7 175.7 cm (Bishamonten) Kyoto KYOTO KURAMADERA HONDO Hon-dō You Kurama-Dera ( Kurama -ji Temple ? ) in Kyoto, Kyoto prefecture Kuramadera Monastery Bishamon (308).jpg

Kuramadera Monastery Kichijoten (334).jpg

Fukū KENSAKU Kannon ( Wooden absence 羂 羂 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 , mokuzō fukū kensaku kannon ryūzō ? ) [ 47 ] . Statue formerly revered in the reading building ( Lecture hall , The Dreams ? ) 0800 Era of Heian, around 800 wood Colorful wood (past color) FUKU KENSAKU Kannon Fukū Kensaku Kannon Debout 0313.6 313.6 cm Kyoto KYOTO KORYUJI TREASURE HOUSE Treasury house ( Religion ? ) , Kōryū-ji, kyoto, préfecture de kyoto Vue de face d'une statue debout avec des robes quatre paires de bras. Chaque paire est presque symétrique gauche-droite. Deux mains sont placées comme dans la prière, les paumes en face l'une de l'autre devant le corps. D'autres paires de bras sont dans des positions diverses tenant des fleurs, un court objet façonné comme une flûte, un collier et de longues perches. Il y a une grande auréole derrière la tête de la statue. Fudō Myōō (Acala) ( Wood Main -mounted King Sitting Statue , Mokuzō Tino Zazo ? ) and baldain ( Wooden canopy , mokuzō TENGAI ? ) [ 18 ] 0850 Era of Heian, second half of the IX It is century wood Drink Fudo Myoo Assistant Acala and Baldquin 0123.0 123.0 cm Kyoto KYOTO TOJI MIEI HALL Miei building ( Mikage -do , my-dō ? ) , Tō-ji, kyoto, kyoto prefecture Fudo Myoo Kodo Toji.jpg Bodhisattva half in position of the lotus ( Wooden Bodhisattva Half Simple , mokuzō bosatsu haankazō ? ) OU Nyoirin Kannon ( Nyorinaga Kannon ? ) [ 48 ] , [ 49 ] . 0859 Era of Heian, IX It is century, Jōgan era wood Wood, natural wood surface ( Base , music ? ) NYOIRIN Kannon Nyoirir Kannon half in position of the lotus 0088.2 88.2 cm Kyoto KYOTO GANTOKUJI HONDO Hon-dō du gantoku-ji ( Calon Temple ? ) , Kyoto, Kyoto prefecture Miroku bosatsu half in position of the lotus ( Wooden Madam Bodhisattva Bodhisattva , mokuzō Miroku Bosatsu Hankazō ? ) or Ganlin ( Hokan Mipiru ? ) [ 50 ] . Statue perhaps imported from Korea to Japan. One of the oldest items on the list. 0600 the period ends, VII It is century wood Japan red pine wood, gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )) MIROKU BOSATSU Miroku bosatsu half in the position of the lotus 0084.2 84.2 cm Kyoto KYOTO KORYUJI TREASURE HOUSE Treasury house ( Religion , row ? ) , Kōryū-ji, kyoto, préfecture de kyoto Vue de trois-quarts d'une statue assise en demi-lotus. Le pied droit repose sur la partie supérieure de la jambe gauche, le coude droit repose sur le genou droit avec la main droite près de la tête dans la pose de contemplation. Miroku bosatsu half in the position of the lotus ( Wooden Madam Bodhisattva Bodhisattva , mokuzō Miroku Bosatsu Hankazō ? ) or miroku crying ( Crying , Naki Miroku ? ) [ 51 ] . Statue can be done in Japan 0700 ASUKA period, around 700 wood Camphor wood, gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )) MIROKU BOSATSU Miroku bosatsu half in the position of the lotus 0066.4 66.4 cm Kyoto KYOTO KORYUJI TREASURE HOUSE Treasury house ( Religion , row ? ) , Kōryū-ji, kyoto, préfecture de kyoto Maitreya2 Koryuji.JPG Yakushi Nyorai and two assistants ( Wooden pharmacist Nyorai and both sides samurai statues , mokuzō yakushi NYORAI OYOBI ryōkyōjizō ? ) [ 52 ] , [ 16 ] Statue formerly revered in the Yakushi building ( Yakushi -do ? ) 0913 Era of Heian, 913 wood Hinoki wood, gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )) Yakushi NYORAI Yakushi Nyorai (healing Buddha) seated and two standing assistants: Nikkō Bosatsu and Gakkō Bosatsu (Bodhisattvas du Soleil et du Clair de Moon) 0176.5 176.5 cm (Yakushi) Kyoto KYOTO DAIGOJI TREASURE HOUSE Treasury house ( Spiritual hall , laykan ? ) , DAIGO-JI, Kyoto, Préfecture de Kyoto Yakushi NYORAI ( Wooden pharmacist Nyorai statue , mokuzō yakushi NYORAI ZAZō ? ) [ twelfth ] , [ 53 ] . Carved ( Puppet ? ) and chōen ( Long circle ? ) . Halo with the seven Buddhas of healing ( Seven Buddha pharmacists , SHICHIBUTSU YAKUSHI ? ) , Nikkō Bosatsu and Gakkō Bosatsu. Pedestal with the twelve celestial generals ( Twelve Gods , jūni shinshō ? ) 1103 Era of Heian, 1103 wood Sandalwood, natural wood surface ( Base , music ? ) , cutting of gold leaf ( Intercept ( grace ? )) on wood Yakushi NYORAI Yakushi NYORAI Assis 0010.7 10.7 cm Kyoto KYOTO ninnaji Reimeiden Da Ming Hall ( Reimeiden ? ), Ninna-ji, kyoto, kyoto prefecture Yakushi NYORAI ( Wooden pharmacist Nyorai statue , mokuzō yakushi NYORAI ryūzō ? ) [ 54 ] . Principale Image de jingan-JI ( Shintoji Temple ? ) , the temple preceding the jingo-ji 0799 Era of Heian, end of VIII It is century wood Wood, natural wood surface ( Base , music ? ) Yakushi NYORAI Yakushi NYORAI DEBOUT 0169.7 169.7 cm Kyoto KYOTO JINGOJI KONDO Kon-dō , Jingo-ji, Kyoto, Kyoto prefecture Yakushi Nyorai Jingoji2.JPG Kannon with a thousand arms ( Lacquer Sennote Kannon sitting statue , Kanshitsu Senjū Kannon Zazō ? ) [ 55 ] . In total, the statue has 1041 arms: 2 main arms with the palms of the hands opposite each other in front of the statue, 38 large arms and 1001 small arms which extend from the back of the body. 0750 Era of Nara, middle of VIII It is century lacquer Dry lacquer ( Macaronium , kanshitsu ? ) , gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil , shippaku ? ) thousand armed kannon Kannon with a thousand arms seated 0131.3 131.3 cm OSAKA FUJIDERA FUJIDERA HONDO Hon-dō DE FUJII-DERA ( Kuzui temple ? ) Pujiister, presenture of osaka Goddess of compassion for eleven faces ( Wooden 11 -faced Kannon standing statue , mokuzō jūichimenkannon ryūzō ? ) [ 56 ] . 02001 Era of Heian, beginning of IX It is century wood Wood, natural wood surface ( Base , music ? ) Juichimen Kannon Jūichimen Kannon deBout 0099.4 99.4 cm OSAKA FUJIIDERA DOMYOJI HONDO Hon-dō de dōmyō-ji ( Domyoji Temple ? ) Pujiister, presenture of osaka Portrait d'une statue en vue de trois quarts avec un visage plein et le lobe des oreilles allongé. Des petits visages sont situés sur le dessus de sa tête. NYOIRIN Kannon ( Wooden -yin -ring Kannon sitting statue , mokuzō nyoir’s stump zazō ? ) [ 57 ] . One of the three masterpieces of Nyoirin Kannon called San Nyoirir (三 如 意 輪) [ 58 ] . 0840 Era of Heian, around 840 wood Colorful wood NYOIRIN Kannon Nyoirin Kannon seated with a raised knee 0108.8 108.8 cm OSAKA KAWACHINAGANO KANSHINJI KONDO Kon-dō , Kanshin-ji, kawachinagano, préfecture d’oSAKA Three-quarter view of a seated statue with six arms. The left leg is bend, touching the ground along its whole length. The right leg is also bend, but with the knee up. The right foot is above the left foot. One of the right hands is touching the right ear, another is lifting a jewel-shaped object in front of the breast. One of the left hands carries a flower, another a small wheel-shaped object. Yakushi NYORAI ( Wooden pharmacist Nyorai statue , mokuzō yakushi NYORAI ZAZō ? ) [ 59 ] . 0900 Era of Heian, around 900 wood Wood, natural wood surface ( Base , music ? ) Yakushi NYORAI Yakushi NYORAI Assis 0092.9 92.9 cm OSAKA KATANO SHISHIKUTSUJI HONDO Hon-dō DU SHISHIKUTSU-JI ( Lion cavity temple ? ) , Katano, Osaka Prefecture Yakushi Nyorai Shishikutsuji1.JPG

Yakushi Nyorai Shishikutsuji2.JPG

Amida Nyorai and two standing assistants ( Wooden Amitabha Rulai and Radio Said Statue , mokuzō amida NYORAI OYOBI ryōwakiji ryūzō ? ) [ 60 ] . The wooden nucleus of the statues is covered with lacquer on which a gold leaf has been pressed. 1195 Kamakura era, wood Wood, gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )) Wishing it Amida Nyorai Standing and two standing assistants 0530.0 530.0 cm (Amida), 371.0 cm (each assistant) Hyogo ono Jodoji Hon-dō (Amida Building ( Amida -do ? ) or Jodokudo ( Jōdo-dō ? )) Jraccture, otract, amplocture democcercy Vue de face de trois statues anciennes couvertes en or. La statue centrale est d'environ deux têtes de plus que les deux statues d'accompagnement. Elle a la main droite vers le bas avec la paume vers le spectateur et la paume de la main gauche tournée vers le haut avec le pouce qui touche le doigt du milieu. Les trois statues ont une auréoles derrière la tête avec des rayons émanant. Fur ( Dry painted Brahma Story , Kanshitsu bonten ryūzō ? ) et taishakuten ( Ryaku Taishakuten statue , Kanshitsu Taishakuten ryūzō ? ) [ twelfth ] , [ sixty one ] . 0710 Nara era, VIII It is century lacquer Hollow dry lacquer ( Drying dry lacquer , DAKKATSU KANSHITSU ZUKURI ? ) , colored set Bonten Debout et Taishakuten Debout 0403.0 403.0 cm (Bonten), 378.8 cm (Taishakuten) NARA NARA TODAIJI HOKKEDO Hokkaido -do ( HOKKE-Dō ? ), Tōdai-Ji, Nara, Nara Préfecture Ganjin (jianzhen) (prêtre) ( Dry lacquer Jianzhen and Shangxia statue , kanshitsu ganjin wait ? ) 0710 Nara era, VIII It is century lacquer Hollow dry lacquer ( Drying dry lacquer , DAKKATSU KANSHITSU ZUKURI ? ) , colored ganjin Ganjin assis 0080.1 80.1 cm Nara Nara Toshodaiji Founders Hall Founding building ( Kaisan -do , kaisan-dō ? ) , Tōshōdai-ji, nara, prefecture of Nara Ganjin wajyo portrait.JPG Tongarikihi (ny) ( Dry painted Jintang Lishi statue , Kanshitsu kongōRikishi ryūzō ? ) [ 62 ] . Niō in armor. There is another pair of Kongōrikishi (National Treasury) in Nandaimon ( Southern Daigon ? ) du tōdai-ji. 0710 Nara era, VIII It is century lacquer Hollow dry lacquer ( Drying dry lacquer , DAKKATSU KANSHITSU ZUKURI ? ) , colorful, gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )) nine Pair of Niō Standing: Acyō ( A -shaped shape ? ) and Ungyō ( Shaped ? ) 0326.3 326.3 cm (Agyo) and 306.0 cm (Ungyō) NARA NARA TODAIJI HOKKEDO Hokkaido -do ( HOKKE-Dō ? ), Tōdai-Ji, Nara, Nara Préfecture Todaiji Monastery Kongorikishi of Hokkedo 234.jpg Gyōshin (priest) ( Dry painted and fabricated monks sit up like monks , Subspeakers ? ) Statue of the founder of the dream building ( Dream hall , yumedono ? ) 0750 Era of Nara, second half of the VIII It is century lacquer Dry lacquer ( Macaronium , kanshitsu ? ) gyoshin Gyōshin assis 0089.7 89.7 cm Nara IKARUGA HORYUJI HALL OF DREAMS Dream building ( Dream hall , yumedono ? ) , Hōryū-ji, Ikaruga, Nara prefecture Priest Gyoshin Statue.JPG Four celestial kings ( Dry painted four heavenly kings , kanshitsu shitennō ryūzō ? ) [ 63 ] . 0710 Nara era, VIII It is century lacquer Hollow dry lacquer ( Drying dry lacquer , DAKKATSU KANSHITSU ZUKURI ? ) , colored four heavenly kings Four celestial kings standing 0315.1 308.5 cm (Jikoku-ten), 300,0 cm (Zōjō-ten), 315.1 cm (Kōmoku-ten), 312,1 cm (Tamon-Ten) NARA NARA TODAIJI HOKKEDO Hokkaido -do ( HOKKE-Dō ? ), Tōdai-Ji, Nara, Nara Préfecture Todaiji Monastery Shitenno of Hokkedo (Komokuten) (233).jpg The ten main disciples ( Top ten disciples of dry paint , Kanshitsu jū daideshi ryūzō ? ) [ sixty four ] . Four statues of the group of ten are lost. Originally venerated statue in the west gold building ( Nishikin -do ? ) Where is the main image of Shaka Nyorai 0734 Era of Nara, 734 lacquer Hollow dry lacquer ( Drying dry lacquer , DAKKATSU KANSHITSU ZUKURI ? ) , colored ten principal disciples Six des Dix Principaux Disciples Debout: Punna, Mokuren, Sharihotsu, Kasennen, Ragora, Shubodai 0154.8 148.8 cm (Furuna), 149,1 cm (MOKUREN), 154,8 cm (Sharihotsu), 146,0 cm (KASENNEN), 148,8 cm (Morea), 147,6 cm (Shbodai) NARA NARA KOFUKUJI Kōfuku-ji, nara, préfecture de nara Kofukuji Furuna.jpg The eight legions ( Dry lacquer states (one lower body of inside) , kanshitsu hachibushū ryūzō ? ) [ 65 ] . From a figure, gobujō, only remains the upper part of the body. The Ashura of this group is one of the most famous statues in Japan. 0734 Era of Nara, 734 lacquer Hollow dry lacquer ( Drying dry lacquer , DAKKATSU KANSHITSU ZUKURI ? ) , colored Eight legions The eight standing legions: Ashura, Gobujō ( Five -part purification ? ) , Kinnara, Sakara/Shakara ( Sacrifice ? ) , Hibakara ( Bibarro ? ) , Cold ( Hatsuki ? ) , Kendatsuba, Garuda 0160.3 153.0 cm (Ashura), 48,8  cm (Fragments of Gobujō), 149.1 cm (Kinnara), 153,6 cm (Hasara), 156.0 cm (Hibakara), 151,2 cm (Cold), 160,3 cm (Kendatsuba), 149,7 cm (Garuda) NARA NARA KOFUKUJI Kōfuku-ji, nara, préfecture de nara Front view of a standing statue with six arms and three faces. One pair of hands is joined in front of the body with the palms facing each other as if praying. A second set of arms is bend to the sides with the palms of the hands pointing upwards. Also the third pair of arms is bend somewhere between the positions of the other pairs of arms. The three faces point to the fron and both sides of the statue. The statue is embellished with sculpted and painted wide three-quarter length trousers and sandals.

Kofukuji Gobujo.jpg

Fukū KENSAKU Kannon ( Dry lacquer insanence 羂 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 , Kanshitsu fukū kensaku kannon ryūzō ? ) [ 66 ] . 0710 Nara era, VIII It is century lacquer Hollow dry lacquer ( Drying dry lacquer , DAKKATSU KANSHITSU ZUKURI ? ) , gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )) FUKU KENSAKU Kannon Fukū Kensaku Kannon Debout 0362.1 362.1 cm NARA NARA TODAIJI HOKKEDO Hokkaido -do ( HOKKE-Dō ? ), Tōdai-Ji, Nara, Nara Préfecture Portrait of a deity with elongated earlobes, a crown with a small figure and emanating rays. Yakushi NYORAI ( Dry lotype pharmacist Nyorai sitting statue , Kanshitsu Yakushi NYORAI ZAZō ? ) [ sixty seven ] . Main image of the West octagonal building ( Nishendo, , saien-dō ? ) . One of the three national treasures Yakushi Nyorai at the Hōryū-ji. The others are in the kon-dō and in the Large reading building ( Auditorium, , dressed-dō ? ) . 0710 Nara era, VIII It is century lacquer Hollow dry lacquer ( Drying dry lacquer , DAKKATSU KANSHITSU ZUKURI ? ) , gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )) Yakushi NYORAI Yakushi Nyorai seated (healing Buddha) 0244.5 244.5 cm NARA IKARUGA HORYUJI WEST OCTAGONAL HALL West octagonal building ( Nishendo, , saien-dō ? ) , Hōryū-ji, Ikaruga, Nara prefecture Yakushi Nyorai Saiendo Horyuji.jpg Rushana Bouddha ( Inui lacquer shrine statue , RUSHANABUTSU ZAZō ? ) [ 68 ] . 0710 Nara era, VIII It is century lacquer Hollow dry lacquer ( Drying dry lacquer , DAKKATSU KANSHITSU ZUKURI ? ) , gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )) Rushana Buddha Rushana Bouddha Assis 0304.5 304.5 cm NARA NARA TOSHODAIJI KONDO Kon-dō de tōkersohda. In nara préfecture degree Vairocana Tosyodaiji.JPG Nikkō Bosatsuu ( Statue of plastic sunlight , sozō Nikkō Butsu ryūzō ? ) et Gakkkō Bosatsu ( Moving moonlight Buddha statue , sozō gakkō Butsu ryūzō ? ) [ 69 ] . 0710 Nara era, VIII It is century clay Colorful clay, cutting of gold leaf ( Intercept ( grace ? )) on clay set Nikkō Bosatsu Debout et et Gakkkō Bosatsu (BodHisattvas du Soleil et du Clair de Lune) 0206.8 206.3 cm (Nikkō), 206.8 cm (Gakkō) NARA NARA TODAIJI HOKKEDO Hokkaido -do ( HOKKE-Dō ? ), Tōdai-Ji, Nara, Nara Préfecture Todaiji Gakko Bosatsu.jpg Four celestial kings ( Shape the four heavenly kings , sozō shotennō ryūzō ? ) [ 70 ] . 0710 Nara era, VIII It is century clay Colored clay four heavenly kings Four celestial kings standing 0165.4 160.6 cm (Jikoku-Ten), 165,4 cm (Zōjō-ten), 162.7 cm (Kōmoku-ten), 164,5 cm (Tamon-Ten) NARA NARA TODAIJI KAIDAN HALL Kaidan building ( Kaidan -do , kaidan-dō ? ) , Tōdai-Ji, Nara, Nara Préfecture Tamonten, un des Quatre Rois célestes in the Kaidan Hall. Portrait of a statue in front view. The right arm is raised, the hair sculpted with a top knot and the breast with armour. Narrow slit eyes and a facial expression as if frowning.

Todaiji Monastery Shitenno of Kaidanin (Zochoten) (227).jpg

Shukongōshin ( Shape the statue of the King Kong Shenli , sozō shukongōshin ryzō ? ) [ twelfth ] , [ 71 ] . Quoted in the Nihon Ryōiki as being the statue that helped the priest Rōben 0750 Era of Nara, middle of VIII It is century clay Colored clay shukongoshin Shukongōshin deBout 0173.9 173.9 cm NARA NARA TODAIJI HOKKEDO Hokkaido -do ( HOKKE-Dō ? ), Tōdai-Ji, Nara, Nara Préfecture Frontal view of a fierce looking statue dressed in armour and wielding a stick-like object in his right hand. Twelve celestial generals ( Shape the Twelve Gods Story , sozō jūni shinshō ryūzō ? ) [ twelfth ] , [ 72 ] , [ nb 2 ] . The statues are arranged in a circle surrounding Yakushi Nyorai. Older existing statue of the twelve celestial generals. A statue, Haira ( Posolo ? ) , dated 1931 is excluded from the appointment. Each heads of the twelve statues is adorned with one of the twelve zodiac animals [ seventy three ] . 0729 Era of Nara, 729–749 clay Colored clay twelve heavenly generals Eleven of the Delest Delest General Generals: Bazara ( Folding Luo Luo ? ) , Apee ( Pheasant ? ) , BIGYARA ( Panalo ? ) , Kara ( Mo Hu Luo ? ) , Robbing ( Miya Pilo ? ) , Shōtora ( Zhao Du Luo ? ) , SHINTARA ( True ? ) , SANTERA ( Shanluo ? ) , Meikira ( Litter ? ) , Antera me ( Antilo ? ) , Insufficient ( Inferios ? ) 0170.1 162.9 cm (Spring), 154,2 cm (Disguise), 162,1 cm (BIGYARA), 170,1 cm (Korara), 165.1 cm (Robbery), 167,6 cm (Shōtora), 165,5  cm (SHINTARA), 161,8 cm (SANTERA), 159,5 cm (Meikira), 153,6 cm (Antera), 155.2 cm (Inaara) NARA NARA SHIN YAKUSHIJI HONDO Hon-dō from Shin-Yakushi-ji to Nara, prefecture of Nara 12 Heavenly Generals ShinYakushiji.JPG

Basara 12 Heavenly Generals ShinYakushiji.JPG

Antera 12 Heavenly Generals ShinYakushiji.JPG

Four scenes carved in the pagoda ( Shape the four masks of the tower , sozō Tōhon SHIMENGU ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 74 ] . Four groups in cardinal directions representing scenes from Buddha’s life 0711 Era of Nara, 711 clay Colorful clay, gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )) set Set of 78 statues and two other objects: Miroku bosatsu supported against an elephant (s); Yuimakoji seated, Monju bosatsu seated and 14 servants; Dying Buddha ( Buddha Buddha , Nehan Shaka ? ) (Shaka Nyorai) and 31 assistants (N); Gold coffin, reliquary and 29 assistants (W) 0098.0 81.0 cm (Miroku Bosatsu), 98,0 cm (Swaver and write), 45.2 cm (Yuimakoji), 52,4 cm (Monju Bosatsu), 25,6 cm (gold coffin), 37.3 cm (reliquary) NARA IKARUGA HORYUJI FIVE STORIEDA PAGODA Four -story pagoda ( Five -heavy tower , Gojūnotō ? ) , Hōryū-ji, Ikaruga, Nara prefecture Horyuji Monastery Clay Figures of the Pagoda II (224).jpg
Horyuji Monastery Clay Figures of the Pagoda I (223).jpg Dōsen (priest) ( Shape the statue of lawyers sitting , sozō dōsen risshi zazō ? ) [ 18 ] 0873 Era of Heian, around 873 clay Colored clay lecturer Dōsen assis 0088.2 88.2 cm Nara IKARUGA HORYUJI HALL OF DREAMS Dream building ( Dream hall , yumedono ? ) Hōryū-ji, Ikaruga, Nara prefecture Dosen Yumedono Horyuji.jpg MIROKU BOSATSU ( Shape Maitrea sitting image , sozō Miroku Butsu Zazō ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 75 ] . Older statue of Miroku Bosatsu still existing in Japan 0650 Asuka period, second half of the VII It is century clay Clay, gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )) MIROKU BOSATSU Miroku Bosatsu Assis 0219.7 219.7 cm NARA NARA TAIMADERA KONDO Kon-dō From Taima-Dera to Nara, prefecture of Nara Maitreya Buddha Taimadera.JPG Amida Nyorai and two assistants ( Coppered Amida Nyorai and both sides of Samurai , dōzō amida NYORAI OYOBI ryōwakijizō ? ) and a miniature sanctuary ( Wooden chef , mokuzō zushi ? ) [ twelfth ] , [ 18 ] , [ 76 ] . Buddhist image for daily personal cult ( Memorial Buddha ( Nenjibutsu ? )), consecrated by Dame Tachibana ( Mrs. Orange , TACHIBANA FUJIN ? ) 0699 Asuka period, end of VII It is century bronze Golden bronze, yuga (油画) oil painting on wood for the sanctuary Wishing it AMIDA NYORAI ASSIS ET DEUX ASSISTANTS DEBOUT (Kannon et sixhi) 0033.3 33.3 cm (AMIDA), 27.0 cm (each assistant) Nara IKARUGA HORYUJI TREASURE HOUSE Treasury house ( Daikura , diihōzōsds ? ) , Hōryū-ji, Ikaruga, Nara prefecture Amida Triad LadyTatibana Horyuji.JPG Kannon ( Copper Management Bodhisattva Statue , dōzō kannon bosatsu ryūzō ? ) ou shō kannon ( Seikannon ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 77 ] , [ 78 ] . The statue reflects the influence of Indian sculpture from the Gupta period 0700 Asuka period, beginning of VIII It is century bronze Gilded bronze kannon Kannon deBout 0188.9 188.9 cm NARA NARA YAKUSHIJI TOINDO Tain-Dō ( East Academy ? ) , Yakushi-Ji, Nara, Préfecture de Nara Sho Kannon Yakushiji.JPG Kannon ( Copper Management Bodhisattva Statue , dōzō kannon bosatsu ryūzō ? ) or Dream misunderstanding ( YUMECHIGAI Kannon ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 79 ] . His common name comes from the conviction that the statue can change bad dreams in good dreams. Formerly, the main statue of East Courtyard ( Tōin ? ). One of the four statues of Kannon Bosatsu standing classified national treasure at the Hōryū-ji. Two others are also in the large Treasury Gallery ( Dabao Council , diihōzō-in ? ) , while the third Kannon Bosatsu is revered in the dream building ( Dream hall , yumedono ? ) . 0700 ASUKA period, around 700 bronze Gilded bronze kannon Kannon deBout 0087.0 87.0 cm Nara IKARUGA HORYUJI GREAT TREASURE GALLERY Great Treasury Gallery ( Dabao Council , diihōzō-in ? ) , Hōryū-ji, Ikaruga, Nara prefecture Vue de face d'une statue sur un piédestal avec la main gauche levée à hauteur de poitrine. La main gauche porte un petit objet en forme de vase ou de pot. Shakyamuni (Shaka Nyorai) and two assistants ( Bronze Buddha Shakai and both sides of Samurai , dōzō shka NYOBI ryōwakijizō ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 80 ] . Sculpted by Tori Busshi. One of the most precious pieces of the start of Japanese bronze sculpture. It would have been modeled according to Prince Shirtoku [ first ] . 0623 period ends, bronze Gilded bronze Swind ingeny Shaka Nyorai seated and two seated assistants 0092.4 86.4 cm (Course), 90,7 cm (Gauche to.), 92.4 cm (droite that.) NARA IKARUGA HORYUJI KONDO Kon-dō From Hōryū-ji to Ikaruga, Nara prefecture Vue de face d'un personnage central assis les jambes croisées sur une plate-forme surélevée et flanqué de deux petites statues debout. Le personnage central a la paume de sa main droite tournée vers l'avant. Les serviteurs paraissent identiques pointant vers le haut avec leur main droite et leur main gauche levé à mi-chemin de toucher le pouce avec le doigt du milieu. Chacune des trois statues porte une auréole. Shaka birth ( Birth of copper structure, Buddha Buddha statue , dōzō tanjō Shaka Butsu ryūzō ? ) and ablution basin ( Copper , dōzō kanbutsuban ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 81 ] . 0750 Era of Nara, second half of the VIII It is century bronze Gilded bronze shaka at birth Shaka at birth, standing in an ablution basin 0047.5 47.5 cm (Shaka), cutting diameter: 89.4 cm NARA NARA TODAIJI KOKEIDO Gongqing Hall ( Immoral-sort ? ), Tōdai-Ji, Nara, Nara Préfecture Shaka at birth basin.JPG Buddha head (Buttō) ( Bronze head , dōzō buttō ? ) [ 82 ] . Old main image in the reading building ( Lecture hall , The Dreams ? ) de Yamada-Dera ( Yamada -ji Temple ? ) 0668 period ends, bronze Gilded bronze throw Buttō 0098.3 98.3 cm Nara Nara Kofukuji National Treasure House National Treasury House ( National treasure hall , jungn ? ) , Kōfuku-ji, nara, préfecture de nara A Buddha head in three-quarter view with elongated earlobe, thick lips, narrow slit eyes and broad nose. Yakushi Nyorai and two servants ( Bronze pharmacist Nyorai and both sides of samurai , dōzō yakushi NYORAI OYOBI ryōkyōjizō ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 77 ] , [ 83 ] . Yakushi Nyorai is placed on a pedestal of 150 cm In height combining elements of different cultures from the world: vineyard (Greece), Lotus flower motif (Middle East), squatting barbarians (India), dragon, tiger and turtle (China). Exceptionally, the yakushi does not carry a medicinal pot in its hand [ 77 ] . 0718 Time of Nara, around 718 bronze Gilded bronze Yakushi NYORAI Yakushi Nyorai (healing Buddha) seated and two standing assistants: Nikkō Bosatsu and Gakkō Bosatsu (Bodhisattvas du Soleil and Moon Clair) 0317.3 254.7 cm (Yakushi), 317.3 cm (Nikkō), 315.3 cm (Gakkō) NARA NARA YAKUSHIJI KONDO Kon-dō From Yakushi-I to Nara, prefecture of Nara Three-quarter view of a central cross-legged seated statue on a pedestal flanked by two standing statues of almost the same size. The central figure has the palm of his right hand facing forward and that of the left hand upwards with the left hand resting on his knee. The flanking statues show a similar pose with their right hand while their left arm is hanging down. All three statues have halos in their back which are decorated with small cross-legged seated statues. Yakushi NYORAI ( Copper Kokushi Yakushi Nyorai Statue , dōzō yakushi NYORAI ZAZō ? ) [ 84 ] . One of the three Yakushi Nyorai National Treasure at the Hōryū-ji. The others are in the West octagonal building ( Nishendo, , saien-dō ? ) and in the large reading building ( Auditorium, , dressed-dō ? ) . 0607 period ends, bronze Gilded bronze Yakushi NYORAI Yakushi NYORAI Assis 0063.0 63.0 cm NARA IKARUGA HORYUJI KONDO Kon-dō From Hōryū-ji to Ikaruga, Nara prefecture Yakushi Nyorai Kondo Horyuji.jpg Rushana Bouddha ( Copper Rosha Nabuzai statue , Dōzō Rushanabutsu Zazō ? ) or Large Nara Buddha [ twelfth ] , [ 85 ] . It is the largest statue on this list and the largest gilded bronze statue in the world. The main building of Tōdai-ji in which it is located, is the largest wooden structure in the world [ eighty six ] . 0752 Estate of Nara, 752. The head is a overhaul of the era of Edo, the hands date from the time Azuchi Momoyama bronze Gilded bronze Rushana Buddha Rushana Bouddha Assis 1486.8 14.868m NARA NARA TODAIJI KONDO Kon-dō Sta Thdai-Harvestment in Nara Vue de trois-quarts et vue du sol d'une statue assise. La paume de sa main droite est tournée vers l'avant. Les plis de ses vêtements sont profondément sculptés. Derrière la tête de la sculpture il y a une auréole décorée avec des statues assises. photo en couleur. Twelve celestial generals ( The twelve gods will stand in the board carving , Itabori jūni shinshō ryūzō ? ) [ eighty seven ] . 1000 Era of Heian, XI It is century wood Wooden tablets, relief sculpture ( Sculpture , itabori ? ) , colored, cutting of gold leaf ( Intercept ( grace ? )) on wood twelve heavenly generals The twelve celestial generals standing 0100.3 87.9 × 100.3 cm Nara Nara Kofukuji National Treasure House National Treasury House ( National treasure hall , jungn ? ) , Kōfuku-ji, nara, préfecture de nara Twelve Heavenly Generals Relief.JPG Gien (Priest) ( Koshin dry lacquer Yoshibuchi monk’s statue , MOKUSHIN KANSHITSU GIEN SōJō ZAZō ? ) [ 18 ] Gien is the founder of the Oka-Dera temple of Asuka. 0710 Nara era, VIII It is century wood Core of wood covered with dry lacquer ( Picine , MOKUSHIN KANSHITSU ? ) , colored gene Gien (priest) seated 0093.0 93.0 cm NARA ASUKA OKADERA OKA-DERA ( Oka temple ? ) , Asuka, prefecture of Nara Vue de face d'une statue assise les jambes croisées avec de longs lobes d'oreilles. Ses mains reposent sur les genoux avec les paumes retournées. Four celestial kings ( Muxin dry paint four heavenly kings standing statue , MOKUSHIN KANSHITSU SHITENNNō Ryūzō ? ) [ 88 ] . 0791 Era of Nara, 791 wood Core of wood covered with dry lacquer ( Picine , MOKUSHIN KANSHITSU ? ) , colored four heavenly kings Four celestial kings standing 0139.1 138.2 cm (Jikoku-ten), 136,0 cm (Zōjō-ten), 139.1 cm (Kōmoku-ten), 134,5 cm (Tamon-Ten) NARA NARA KOFUKUJI NORTH OCTAGONAL HALL North octagonal building ( North and Endodo , HOKUEN-Dō ? ) , Kōfuku-ji, nara, préfecture de nara Kofukuji Monastery Shitenno of Hokuendo (Jikokuten) (244).jpg Goddess of compassion for eleven faces ( Muxin dry paint eleven sides of 像 十 木 木 木 , mokushin kanshitsu jūichimenkannon ryūzō ? ) [ 89 ] . 0750 Era of Nara, second half of the VIII It is century wood Core of wood covered with dry lacquer ( Picine , MOKUSHIN KANSHITSU ? ) , gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )) Juichimen Kannon Jūichimen Kannon deBout 0209.1 209.1 cm NARA SAKURAI SHORINJI DAIBIDEN Great tragedy hall ( Daibiden ? ), Shōrin-Ji ( St. Rin Temple ? ) , Sakurai, Nara prefecture Eleven-faced Kannon Shorinji.JPG Kannon with a thousand arms ( Koshin dry lacquer thousand Tennon Kannon statue , mokushin Kanshitsu Senjū Kannon Ryūzō ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 90 ] . 0750 Era of Nara, second half of the VIII It is century wood Core of wood covered with dry lacquer ( Picine , MOKUSHIN KANSHITSU ? ) , gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )) thousand armed kannon Kannon with a thousand arms standing 0535.7 535.7 cm NARA NARA TOSHODAIJI KONDO Kon-dō de tōkersohda. In nara préfecture degree Thousand armed Kannon Tosyodaiji.JPG Yakushi NYORAI ( Koshin Dry Ryotakuri Nyorai Statue , Mokushin Kanshitsu Yakushi NYORAI ryūzō ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 91 ] . 0796 Era of Heian, 796–815 wood Core of wood covered with dry lacquer ( Picine , MOKUSHIN KANSHITSU ? ) , gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )) Yakushi NYORAI Yakushi NYORAI DEBOUT 0369.7 369.7 cm NARA NARA TOSHODAIJI KONDO Kon-dō of Tōshōdai-ji, Nara, prefecture of Nara Statues GoldenHall Toshodaiji.JPG Hachiman in the guise of a Buddhist monk ( Wooden monk shaped Hachimanjin statue , mokuzō sōgyō hachimanjin zazō ? ) , Empress Jingū ( Wooden Gong Queen Sitting Statue , Mozō Jiware Taxi Zazo ? ) , Nakatsuhime ( Wooden Nakatsu Himei statue , mokuzō nakatsuhime ? ) [ 18 ] Older statues of genre in Japan 0889 Era of Heian, 889–898 wood Colorful wood Hachiman Hachiman, Empress Jingū and Nakatsuhime seated 0038.8 38.8 cm (Hachiman), 33,9 cm (Jingu), 36.8 cm (Nakatsuhime) NARA NARA YAKUSHIJI CHINJU HACHIMANGU Chinju hachimangu ( Guardian Hachimangu Shrine ? ) , Yakushi-Ji, Nara, Préfecture de Nara Nakatsuhime Yakushiji.jpg Tent ( Wooden Lighting Ghost Statue , Mokubit Tutiki Ryūzō ? ) and Ryūtōki ( Statue of wooden dragon lanterns , Moizō Rytikiki Ryūhati ? ) [ 92 ] . Tentōki is attributed to Kōben ( Dialogue ? ) , Ryūtoki is Kōben’s hand. Tentōki is a unique creature in Japan and Ryūtōki is wearing a lantern in the historic Buddha [ 93 ] . 1216 Kamakura era, wood Colorful wood, crystal eyes set Tentōki standing (lantern carried on the shoulder, hand -held) and Ryūtōki (lantern on the head) 0077.9 77.9 cm (Tent), 77,3 cm (Ryupiki) NARA NARA KOFUKUJI Kōfuku-ji, nara, préfecture de nara Tentōki. Vue de face d'une statue trapue avec un visage de démon. Elle porte une lanterne sur l'épaule gauche qu'elle soutient de sa main gauche. Photographie noir et blanc.

Ryūtōki. Vue de face d'une statue trapue avec un visage de démon. Il porte la lanterne en équilibre sur la tête. Il tient son poignet droit avec la main gauche. Photographie noir et blanc.

Muchaku ( Woodless Bodhisattva Statue , mokuzō muchaku bosatsu ryūzō ? ) etshin ( The statue of the wood of the wooden world , mokuzō seshin bosatsu ryūzō ? ) [ 18 ] , [ ninety four ] . UNKEI sculpted 1208 Kamakura era, wood Colorful wood, crystal eyes set Muchaku et seshin deBout. 0193.0 193.0 cm (Muchaku), 190,9 cm (SESHIN) NARA NARA KOFUKUJI NORTH OCTAGONAL HALL North octagonal building ( North and Endodo , HOKUEN-Dō ? ) , Kōfuku-ji, nara, préfecture de nara Muchaku (Asanga). Vue de face d'une statue réaliste gardant les mains en face de son corps avec une paume tournée et l'autre de côté, comme pour conserver quelque chose. Photographie noir et blanc.

Seshin. Front view of a lifelike statue. Both arms are bend with the palm of the left hand turned upward and the right hand pointing up. Black and white photograph.

Fur ( Wooden Brahma Story , Mokuzō Bonten Ryūzō ? ) et taishakuten ( Wooden Imperial Raiken statue , mokuzō taishakuten ryūzō ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 95 ] . 0750 Era of Nara, second half of the VIII It is century wood Colorful wood set Bonten Debout et Taishakuten Debout 0188.8 186.2 cm (Bonten), 188.8 cm (Taishakuten) NARA NARA TOSHODAIJI KONDO Kon-dō de tōkersohda. In nara préfecture degree Bonten Toshodaiji.JPG Yuima ( Wooden Vimor Sitting Statue , Mokuzō yuima who zazō ? ) [ seventy three ] , [ 96 ] . Sculpted by Jōkei over a period of 56 days and painted by Kōen in 50 days 1196 Kamakura era, wood Colored wood according to the technique of the joint blocks ( Yosegi ), crystal eyes yuima Yuima assis 0088.6 88.6 cm Nara Nara Kofukuji Eastern Golden Hall East golden building ( Togane -do, , Takon-Dō ? ) , Kōfuku-ji, nara, préfecture de nara Vue de face d'une statue assise les jambes croisées placé sur un trône. Son bras droit repose sur sa jambe, le bras gauche est légèrement surélevé et plié. Kannon ( Wooden Kannon Bodhisattva standing statue , mokuzō kannon bosatsu ryūzō ? ) or kannon with nine faces ( Nine -sided Kannon , Kumen Kannon ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 97 ] . One of the four statues of Kannon Bosatsu standing classified national treasure in Hōryū-ji. Two others are also in the Grand Trésor gallery ( Dabao Council , diihōzō-in ? ) , while the third Kannon Bosatsu is revered in the dream building ( Dream hall , yumedono ? ) . 0600 Dynastie tang, VII It is century wood Sandalwood, natural wood surface ( Base , music ? ) kannon Kannon deBout 0037.6 37.6 cm Nara IKARUGA HORYUJI GREAT TREASURE GALLERY Great Treasury Gallery ( Dabao Council , diihōzō-in ? ) , Hōryū-ji, Ikaruga, Nara prefecture Vue de face et de profil d'une statue debout avec son bras gauche plié en avant. Sur la tête il y a de petites têtes orientées dans des directions différentes. Kannon ( Wooden Kanzeon Bodhisattva statue , mokuzō kanzeon Bosatsu ryūzō ? ) or kudara Kannon ( Baekje Kannon ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 98 ] . One of the four statues of Kannon Bosatsu standing classified national treasure at the Hōryū-ji. Two others are in the Grand Trésor gallery ( Dabao Council , diihōzō-in ? ) , while the third statue of Kannon Bosatsu is revered in the dream building ( Dream hall , yumedono ? ) . It was assumed that it was a work of Korean craftsmen [ first ] . 0650 Asuka period, middle of VII It is century wood Colorful wood kannon Kannon deBout 0209.4 209.4 cm Nara IKARUGA HORYUJI GREAT TREASURE GALLERY Great Treasury Gallery ( Dabao Council , diihōzō-in ? ) , Hōryū-ji, Ikaruga, Nara prefecture Vue de trois-quarts d'une statue grande et très mince portant un vase avec deux doigts de sa main gauche. Son bras droit est courbé avec la paume de sa main droite vers le haut. Une auréole sur un mât est vue derrière la statue. Kannon ( Wooden Kanzeon Bodhisattva statue , mokuzō kanzeon Bosatsu ryūzō ? ) or Salvation Kannon ( GUZE Kannon ? ) [ first ] . Older wooden statue existing in Japan. One of the four statues of Kannon Bosatsu Standing listed national treasure in Hōryū-ji. The others are in the Grand Trésor gallery ( Dabao Council , diihōzō-in ? ) . 0620 Asuka period, first half of the VII It is century, around 620 wood Single block of camphor wood, golden leaf sewn ( Foil , hakuoshi ? ) kannon Kannon deBout 0178.8 178.8 cm Nara IKARUGA HORYUJI HALL OF DREAMS Dream building ( Dream hall , yumedono ? ) Hōryū-ji, Ikaruga, Nara prefecture Vue de face d'une statue debout avec une grande robe et portant un petit récipient en face de son corps. Il y a une grande auréole derrière la tête de la statue. TAMAYORIHIME ( Wooden balls , mokuzō TAMAYORIHIME NO MIKOTO ZAZō ? ) [ 99 ] . Probably by a sculptor of the Kei school 1251 Kamakura era, wood Wood, technique yosegi-zukuri ( Make wood ? ) , crystal eyes TAMAYORIHIME Tamayorihime assis 0083 83 cm NARA YOSHINO YOSHINO MIKUMARI SHRINE Yoshino Mikumari-Jinja, Yoshino, Nara prefecture Head and shoulder portrait of a female statue with long hair, painted eyebrows, colored lips and cloths. Tongarikihi (ny) ( Wooden Vajrayana statue , Mozō Kongoka rhyzō ? ) [ 100 ] . 1288 Kamakura era, wood Colorful wood, crystal eyes nine Pair of Niō Standing: Acyō ( A -shaped shape ? ) and Ungyō ( Shaped ? ) 0154.0 154.0 cm (Agyō) and 153.7 cm (Ungyō) Nara Nara Kofukuji National Treasure House National Treasury House ( National treasure hall , jungn ? ) , Kōfuku-ji, nara, préfecture de nara Kongorikishi Kofukuji 2.jpg

Kofukuji Monastery Kongo Rikishi of Saikondo (417).jpg

Tongarikihi (ny) ( Wooden Vajrayana statue , Mozō Kongoka rhyzō ? ) [ 101 ] . Sculpted by Kaikei and Unkei. There is another pair of Kongōrikishi (National Treasury) at Hokke-Dō ( Hokkaido -do ? ) , Tōdai-ji. 1203 Kamakura era, wood Colorful wood nine Pair of Niō Standing: Acyō ( A -shaped shape ? ) and Ungyō ( Shaped ? ) 0842.3 836.3 cm (Agyō) and 842.3 cm (Ungyō) NARA NARA TODAIJI NANDAIMON Nandaimon ( Southern Daigon ? ) , Tōdai-Ji, Nara, Nara Préfecture Agyō. Front view of a scary statue carrying a spear like object in his right hand and the palm of his left hand facing the viewer with fingers spread. Sculpted breastplate and necklace are visible.

Ungyō. Front view of a scary statue with the right arm raised and carrying a weapon in his lowered left arm. Sculpted breastplate and necklace are visible.

Four celestial kings ( Wooden Four Heavenly King Story (Jintang resettlement) , mokuzō shitennō ryūzō ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 102 ] . Sculpted by Yamaguchi no ōguchi Atai ( Yamaguchi Dakou fee ? ) et al. 0650 Asuka period, around 650 wood Colorful wood and gold leaf cutting ( Intercept ( grace ? )) on wood four heavenly kings Four celestial kings standing 0134.8 133.3 cm (Jikoku-ten), 134,8 cm (Zōjō-ten), 133.3 cm (Kōmoku-ten), 134,2 cm (Tamon-Ten) NARA IKARUGA HORYUJI KONDO Kon-dō From Hōryū-ji to Ikaruga, Nara prefecture ZojoTen viruudhaka Horyuji Kondo.jpg Four celestial kings ( Wooden Four Heavenly King Story (Jintang resettlement) , mokuzō shitennō ryūzō ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 103 ] . 0750 Era of Nara, second half of the VIII It is century wood Colorful wood four heavenly kings Four celestial kings standing 0188.5 185.0 cm (Jikoku-ten), 187,2 cm (Zōjō-ten), 186.3 cm (Kōmoku-ten), 188,5 cm (Tamon-Ten) NARA NARA TOSHODAIJI KONDO Kon-dō de tōkersohda. In nara préfecture degree Tamonten Toshodaiji.JPG Four celestial kings ( Wooden Four Heavenly Kings , mokuzō shitennō ryūzō ? ) [ 18 ] , [ seventy three ] , [ 104 ] . There are three sets of four celestial kings classified national treasure in Kōfuku-ji. The others are located in the northern octagonal building ( North and Endodo , HOKUEN-Dō ? ) and the southern octagonal building ( Nanya Hall , nan’endō ? ) . 02001 Era of Heian, beginning of IX It is century wood Colored wood according to the technique of unique blocks ( Ichiboku ) and cutting of gold leaf ( Intercept ( grace ? )) on wood four heavenly kings Four celestial kings standing 0164.0 162.5 cm (Jikoku-Ten), 161,0 cm (Zōjōten), 164.0 cm (Kōmoku-ten), 153,0 cm (Tamon-Ten) Nara Nara Kofukuji Eastern Golden Hall East golden building ( Togane -do, , Takon-Dō ? ) , Kōfuku-ji, nara, préfecture de nara Kofukuji Monastery Jikokuten of Tokondo (306).jpg Four celestial kings ( Wooden Four Heavenly Kings , mokuzō shitennō ryūzō ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 105 ] . Sculpted by Kōkei. There are three sets of the four celestial kings listed national treasure in Kōfuku-ji. the others are in the northern octagonal building ( North and Endodo , HOKUEN-Dō ? ) and in the East Golden Building ( Togane -do, , Takon-Dō ? ) . 1189 Kamakura era, wood Colorful wood four heavenly kings Four celestial kings standing 0206.6 206.6 cm (Jikoku-Ten), 197,5 cm (Zōjō-ten), 200.0 cm (Kōmoku-ten), 197,2 cm (Tamon-Ten) NARA NARA KOFUKUJI SOUTAGONAL HALL South octagonal building ( Nanya Hall , nanendōō ? ) , Kōfuku-ji, nara, préfecture de nara Kofukuji Monastery Shitenno of Nan-endo (Tamonten) (406).jpg Shakyamuni (Shaka Nyorai) and two assistants ( Wooden Buddha Nyorai and both side samurai sitting statues , mokuzō shaka NYORAI OYOBI ryōwakiji zazō ? ) [ 106 ] . 0925 HEian era, 925–931 wood In cherry wood from a single tree, gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )) Swind ingeny Shaka Nyorai seated and two assistants. 0227.9 227.9 cm (Course), 155,7 cm (Gauche to.), 153.9 cm (right to.) NARA IKARUGA HORYUJI Inner Sanctuary Inner sanctuary ( Kamikodo , Kami no mi-dō ? ) , Hōryū-ji, Ikaruga, Nara prefecture Shaka Kami no Mido Horyuji.jpg Shakyamuni (Shaka NYORAI) ( Wooden Buddha Nyorai statue , mokuzō Shaka NYORAI ZAZō ? ) [ 107 ] . 0799 Era of Heian, end of VIII It is century wood Colorful wood Swind ingeny Ska thirsposa wissis 0105.7 105.7 cm NARA UDA MUROJI MIROKU HALL Miroku building ( Maitreya , miroku-dō ? ) , Murō-ji, UDA, Nara prefecture Shaka Muroji Mirokudo.jpg Shakyamuni (Shaka NYORAI) ( Wooden Buddha Nyorai statue , mokuzō clover nerves ryūzō ? ) [ 108 ] . 0899 Era of Heian, end of IX It is century wood Colorful wood Swind ingeny Shaka Nyorai Debout 0237.7 237.7 cm Nara Uda Muroji Kondo Kon-dō From Murō-ji to Uda, Nara prefecture Shaka Muroji Kondo.jpg Goddess of compassion for eleven faces ( Wooden 11 faces.

Sound image, mokuzō jūichimenkannon ryūzō ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 109 ]

0899 Era of Heian, end of IX It is century wood Colorful wood Juichimen Kannon Jūichimen Kannon deBout 0195.1 195,1 cm Nara Uda Muroji Kondo Kon-dō From Murō-ji to Uda, Nara prefecture Almost frontal view of the head and chest of a statue. A number of small heads and small statues are placed on top of the head. Goddess of compassion for eleven faces ( Wooden 11 -faced Kannon standing statue , mokuzō jūichimenkannon ryūzō ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 110 ] . 0800 Era of Heian, first half of the IX It is century wood Wood, natural wood surface ( Base , music ? ) Juichimen Kannon Jūichimen Kannon deBout 0100.0 100.0 cm NARA NARA HOKKEJI HONDO Hon-dō From Hokke-ji to Nara, Nara prefecture Hokkeiji Nunnery Eleven-Headed Kwannon I (303).jpg

Frontal view of the head of a sculpture of a deity. A number of small heads and small statues are placed on top of the head.

Twelve celestial generals ( The Twelve Gods of Wood will stand for a portrait , mokuzō jūni shinshō ryūzō ? ) [ seventy three ] , [ 111 ] . Apparently each of the statues was sculpted by a different sculptor 1207 Kamakura era, wood Colorful wood and gold leaf cutting ( Intercept ( grace ? )) on wood twelve heavenly generals The twelve celestial generals standing 0126.4 113.0 × 126.4 cm Nara Nara Kofukuji Eastern Golden Hall Eastern gilded building ( Higashi Kindo , Takon-Dō ? ) , Kōfuku-ji, nara, préfecture de nara Three-quarter view of a standing statue. The right arm is bend with the right hand in front of the breast. The left arm is also bend with the palm of the left hand pointing upward.

Kofukuji Monastery The Twelve Generals of Yakushi (423).jpg

Shunjō (priest) ( Wooden Jun takes people to sit and sit for , mokuzō shunjō shōnin zazō ? ) [ 18 ] 1206 Era of Kamakura, around 1206 wood Colored Hinoki wood chogen Chōgen assis 0081.4 81.4 cm NARA NARA TODAIJI SHUNJODO Shunjō-dō ( Shinko Ride ? ) , Tōdai-Ji, Nara, Nara Préfecture Todaiji Monastery Portrait of Chogen (427).jpg Prince Shōtoku et Quatre Assistants ( Wooden Shotoku Prince Status , mokuzō shōtoku Taishi zazō ? ) [ twelfth ] , [ 18 ] 1121 Era of Heian, 1121 wood Colorful wood and gold leaf cutting ( Intercept ( grace ? )) on wood shotoku Prince Shirtoku seated surrounded by four seated characters: his younger brother Eguri ( Back ? ) , PREMIER FILS YAMASHIRO ( Colonial chestnut ? ) , the priest Eji and Somaro ( Loin Lv ? ) 0084.2 84.2 cm (Skipu), 53,9 cm (Eguri), 63,9 cm (Yamashiro), 63,9 cm (Used), 52,4 cm (Donkey) Nara IKARUGA HORYUJI SHORYOIN Holy Rei Institute ( Shōryō-in ? ), Hōryū-ji, ikaruga, prefecture of Nara Horyuji Monastery Shotoku Taishi of Shoryoin (331).jpg Kannon with a thousand arms ( Wooden Senju Kannon standing statue , mokuzō senju Kannon ryūzō ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 112 ] . Made by a Keiha school sculptor ( Celebrate ? ) . Old main image of the refectory ( canteen , Jiki-Dō ? ) 1220 Era of Kamakura, around 1220 wood Hinoki wood, gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )), crystal eyes thousand armed kannon Kannon with a thousand arms standing 0520.5 520.5 cm Nara Nara Kofukuji National Treasure House National Treasury House ( National treasure hall , jungn ? ) , Kōfuku-ji, nara, préfecture de nara Hachiman under the appearance of a seated monk ( Wooden monk shaped Hachimanjin statue , mokuzō sōgyō hachimanjin zazō ? ) [ 18 ] Sculpted by KAIKEI 1201 Kamakura era, wood Colored Hinoki wood Hachiman Hachiman Assis 0087.1 87.1 cm NARA NARA TODAIJI HACHIMANDONO Hachiman-dono ( Hachiman ? ) , Tōdai-Ji, Nara, Nara Préfecture Todaiji Monastery Hachiman by Kaikei (420).jpg DAINICHI NYORAI ( Wooden Da Ri Rulai Sitting Statue , mokuzō DAINICHI NYORAI ZAZō ? ) [ 113 ] . Sculpted by UNKEI. 1176 Era of Heian, 1176 wood Wood, gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )), crystal eyes DAINICHI NYORAI DAINICHI NYORAI Assis 0098.8 98.8 cm NARA NARA ENJOJI TAHOTO Tahōtō, enjō-ji, nara, prefecture of Nara Vue de face d'une statue représentée portant une couronne et montrant la Vajra Mudrā, enfermant l'index de la main gauche avec le poing de la main droite. Jizō Bosatsu ( Wooden Jizo Bodhisattva standing statue , mokuzō jizō bosatsu ryūzō ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 114 ] . 0800 Era of Heian, IX It is century wood Drink Jizo Bosatsu Jizō Bosatsu Debout 0172.7 172.7 cm Nara IKARUGA HORYUJI GREAT TREASURE GALLERY Great Treasury Gallery ( Dabao Council , diihōzō-in ? ) , Hōryū-ji, Ikaruga, Nara prefecture Jizo Bosatsu Horyuji.JPG Bishamonten ( Wooden Bishamon Tenchikate statue (Kondo Ayu) , mokuzō bishamonten ryūzō ? ) et kichijōTen ( Wooden auspicious Tianli statue (Jintang resettlement) , mokuzō kichijōTen ryūzō ? ) [ 18 ] 1078 Era of Heian, 1078 wood Colorful wood and gold leaf cutting ( Intercept ( grace ? )) on wood Jizo Bosatsu Jizō Bosatsu Debout 0123.2 123.2 cm (Bishamonten), 116,7 cm (KichijōTen) NARA IKARUGA HORYUJI KONDO Kon-dō From Hōryū-ji to Ikaruga, Nara prefecture Horyuji Monastery Bishamonten and Kichijoten of Kondo (330).jpg Fukū KENSAKU Kannon ( Wooden absence 羂 羂 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 観 , mokuzō fukū kensaku kannon ryūzō ? ) [ 115 ] . Sculpted by Kōkei 1189 Kamakura era, wood Wood, gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )) FUKU KENSAKU Kannon FUKū KENSAKU KANNON ASSIS 0341.5 341.5 cm NARA NARA KOFUKUJI SOUTAGONAL HALL South octagonal building ( Nanya Hall , nan’endō ? ) , Kōfuku-ji, nara, préfecture de nara Fukukensaku Kannon Nanendo Kofukuji.jpg Monju Bosatsu ( Wooden Wenshu Bodhisattva Sit Story , mokuzō monju bosatsu zazō ? ) [ seventy three ] , [ 116 ] . Work of a Kokei school sculptor 1196 Kamakura era, wood Hinoki wood colored according to the technique of assembled blocks ( Yosegi ), golden painting, crystal eyes Monju Bosatsu Monju Bosatsu Assis 0093.9 93.9 cm Nara Nara Kofukuji Eastern Golden Hall Eastern gilded building ( Higashi Kindo , Takon-Dō ? ) , Kōfuku-ji, nara, préfecture de nara Vue de trois-quarts d'une statue aux jambes croisées assise sur un trône. Les deux bras reposent sur ses jambes. Les cheveux sont sculptés avec chignon qui soutient un écrin sacré. Bodhisattva a position demi lotus ( Wooden Bodhisattva Half Simple , mokuzō bosatsu haankazō ? ) OU Nyoirin Kannon ( Nyorinaga Kannon ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 117 ] . He had been wrongly venerated like Nyoirin Kannon [ 58 ] . 0650 Asuka period, second half of the VII It is century wood Colorful Camphrier Wood NYOIRIN Kannon Nyoirir Kannon half in the position of the lotus 0087.0 87.0 cm NARA IKARUGA CHUGUJI HONDO Hon-dō From Chūgū-Ji to Ikaruga, Nara prefecture Vue de trois-quarts d'une statue assise en demi-lotus. Le pied droit repose sur la partie supérieure de la jambe gauche, le coude droit repose sur le genou droit avec la main droite près de la tête. Les cheveux de la statue sont sculptés avec deux chignons. Il y a une auréole derrière la tête de la statue. Six patriarches of the hossō-shū secte ( Six ancestors sitting like wooden method , Mozoh’s Rokuso Zazo ? ) [ twelfth ] , [ 118 ] . Sculpted by Kōkei 1188 Kamakura’s era, wood Colored Hinoki wood, crystal eyes patriarchs of the hosso sect Six Patriarches of the SECTE HOSSō-Shū: Jōtō ( Often ? ) SHINEI ( Kamiyoshi ? ) , Zenshu ( Good bead ? ) , Genbō ( Mysterious ? ) , Genpin ( Xuanbin ? ) , Full ( Congratulate ? ) 0084.8 73.3 cm (Jōtō), 81.2 cm (SHINEI), 83,0 cm (Zenshu), 84,8 cm (Genbō), 77,2 cm (Genpin), 74,8 cm (gurm) NARA NARA KOFUKUJI SOUTAGONAL HALL Southern octagonal building ( Nanya Hall , nan’endō ? ) , Kōfuku-ji, nara, préfecture de nara Gyōga. Frontal view of a seated monk with the left leg propped up.

Kofukuji Monastery Hosso Patriarchs of Nanendo I (407).jpg

Kofukuji Monastery Hosso Patriarchs of Nanendo II (408).jpg

MIROKU BOSATSU ( Wooden Maitreya Buddha statue , mokuzō Miroku Butsu Zazō ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 119 ] . UNKEI sculpted 1212 Kamakura era, wood Wood, gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )) MIROKU BOSATSU Miroku Bosatsu Assis 0141.5 141.5 cm NARA NARA KOFUKUJI NORTH OCTAGONAL HALL Northern octagonal building ( North and Endodo , HOKUEN-Dō ? ) , Kōfuku-ji, nara, préfecture de nara Miroku Hokuendo Kofukuji.jpg Yakushi Nyorai and two assistants ( Wooden pharmacist Nyorai and both side samurai sitting statues , mokuzō yakushi NYORAI OYOBI ryōkyōji zazō ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 120 ] . 0999 Era of Heian, end of X It is century wood Hinoki wood from a single tree, gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )) Yakushi NYORAI Yakushi Nyorai (healing Buddha) seated and two seated assistants: Nikkō Bosatsu and Gakkō Bosatsu (Bodhisattvas du Soleil et du Clair de Moon) 0247.2 247.2 cm (Yakushi), 172,1 cm (each assistant) NARA IKARUGA HORYUJI Lecture Hall Reading building ( Lecture hall , The Dreams ? ) Du Hōryū-ji to Ikaruga, préfecture of Nara Yakushi NYORAI ( Wooden pharmacist Nyorai statue , mokuzō yakushi NYORAI ZAZō ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 121 ] . 0800 Era of Heian, IX It is century wood Colored kaya wood from a single tree Yakushi NYORAI Yakushi NYORAI Assis 0049.7 49.7 cm Nara Nara Nara National Museum Nara National Museum, Nara, Nara prefecture Yakushi Nyorai Nara National Museum.jpg Yakushi NYORAI ( Wooden pharmacist Nyorai statue , mokuzō yakushi NYORAI ZAZō ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 122 ] . 0799 Era of Heian, end of VIII It is century wood Kaya wood from a unique tree, natural wood surface ( Base , music ? ) Yakushi NYORAI Yakushi NYORAI Assis 0191.5 191.5 cm NARA NARA SHIN YAKUSHIJI HONDO Hon-dō from Shin-Yakushi-ji to Nara, prefecture of Nara 12 Heavenly Generals ShinYakushiji.JPG Yakushi NYORAI ( Wooden pharmacist Nyorai statue , mokuzō yakushi NYORAI ryūzō ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 123 ] . 02001 Era of Heian, beginning of IX It is century wood Kaya wood from a single tree, natural wood surface ( Base , music ? ) Yakushi NYORAI Yakushi NYORAI DEBOUT 0164.8 164.8 cm NARA NARA GANGOJI HONDO Hon-dō From gangō-ji to Nara, prefecture of Nara Yakushi Nyorai Gankoji.jpg Rōben (priest) ( Wooden bento monk , mokushō rōben sōjō Zazō ? ) [ 18 ] 0899 Era of Heian, end of IX It is century wood Colored wood in one hinoki Roben Rōben seated 0092.4 92.4 cm Nara Nara Todaiji Founder’s Hall Founding building ( Kaisan -do , kaisan-dō ? ) , Tōdai-Ji, Nara, Nara Préfecture Todaiji Monastery Portrait of Ryoben (268).jpg My life ( Wooden Kumano Hayama Ogami Statue , mokuzō kumano hayatama ōkami zazō ? ) , FUSUMI ( Wooden husband Sumi Ogami sitting statue , mokuzō fusumi ōkami zazō ? ) , KETSUMIKO ( Wooden Izu Miko Ogami sitting statue , mokuzō ketsumiko ōkami zazō ? ) , To me ( Wooden country conventional life statue , Mokuzō Kunitoticachachi No Mikoto Zazō ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 124 ] . 0800 Beginning of the era of Heian, IX It is century wood Colorful wood set Quatre Dieux Shintō Assis: Hayatama, FUSUMI, KETSUMIKO, KUNITOKOTATCHI 0101.2 101.2 cm (My Life), 98.5 cm (FUSUMI), 81,2 cm (Ketsumiko), 80,3 cm (Takes Me) Wakayama SHINGU KUMANO HAYATAMA TAISHA Kumano Hayatama-Taisha, Shingū, Préfecture de Wakayama Miniature Buddhist Sanctuary ( Wooden Buddhas , MOKUZō SHOSON BUTSUGAN ? ) [ 18 ] Statue reported from China by Kūkai 0700 Dynastie tang, VIII It is century wood Sandalwood, natural wood surface ( Organizer, , music ? ) set Various Buddhist images 0023.1 23.1 cm Wakayama KOYA KONGOBUJI TREASURE HALL Treasure ( Spiritual hall , laykan ? ) , Kongōbu-ji, kōya, préfecture de wakayama Miniature Buddhist shrine Kongobuji.jpg Kannon with a thousand arms ( Wooden Senju Kannon standing statue , mokuzō senju Kannon ryūzō ? ) and two bodhisattvas ( Wooden Bodhisattva Statue , mokuzō Bosatsu ryūzō ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 125 ] . Unusual combination of deities in this triad 0850 Era of Heian, second half of the IX It is century wood Wood from a tree threshold, gold leaf on lacquer ( Lacquer foil ( shippaku ? )) thousand armed kannon Kannon with a thousand standing arms and two standing bodhisattvas that could be Nikkō Bosatsu and Gakkō Bosatsu (Bodhisattvas du Soleil and the moonlight) 0294.2 294.2 cm (Kannon), 241.5 cm (Nikkō), 242.4 cm (Gakkō) Wakayama Hidakagawa Dojoji Hobutsuden Treasure Temple ( Hōbutsuden ? ), Dōjō-waking ( Dogenji Temple ? ) , Hidakagawa, Préfecture de Wakayama Thousand armed Kannon Dojoji.JPG Eight servants of Fudō Myōō ( The eight boys of the wooden boy , mokuzō hachidai dōji ryūzō ? ) [ twelfth ] , [ 18 ] , [ 126 ] . Only six of the eight statues date from the Kamakura era and are classified “national treasures”. The other two, (anokuda ( Aya Da ? ) et Shitoku ( Finger ? ) ), were made during the XIV It is century and are not included in this appointment. Sculpted by UNKEI. Statue formerly revered in the Fudō-Dō ( Fudokudo ? ) 1197 Kamakura era, wood Hinoki colorful wood, crystal eyes Eight assistants from Fudō Myōō Six of the eight assistants of Fudō Myōō: Ekō ( Wisdom ? ) , Suffix ( Wisdom ? ) , Cigarettes ( Wu Yan Po 誐 ? ) , Shōjō Biku ( Seika Hill ? ) , Kongara ( 矜 矜 羯 羯 ? ) , SEITAKA ( Make Duojia ? ) 0103.0 96.6 cm (Ekō), 98.8 cm (Attachment), 95,1 cm (To gather), 97,1 cm (Shōjō), 95,6 cm (Kongara), 103,0 cm (Seitaka) Wakayama KOYA KONGOBUJI TREASURE HALL Treasure ( Spiritual hall , laykan ? ) , Kongōbu-ji, kōya, préfecture de wakayama Seitaka Doji Kongobuji.jpg

Eight Attendants I Kongobuji.jpg

Eight Attendants II Kongobuji.jpg

MIROKU BOSATSU ( Wooden Maitreya Buddha statue , mokuzō Miroku Butsu Zazō ? ) [ 18 ] 0892 Era of Heian, 892 wood Colored wood in one hinoki MIROKU BOSATSU Miroku Bosatsu Assis 0091.0 91.0 cm Wakayama Kudoyama Jisonin Jison-in, kudoyama, préfecture de wakayama Usuki stone Buddhas ( Usuki Kuma Buddha , USUKI magaibutsu ? ) [ 18 ] , [ 127 ] . Only “national treasure” sculptures in stone. 1185 End of the Heian era – Beginning of the Kamakura era stone Colorful stone set 59 statues in total, divided into four groups. (i) Furuzono group ( Old garden stone Buddha , Furuzono Sekibutsu ? ) : 13 statues; (ii) Sannō group ( Sannoyama stone Buddha , Sannōzan Sekibutsu ? ) : 3 statues; (iii) GROOUK for ( Bokuishi Buddha , HOKI SEKIBUTSU ? ) , first is Grotte: 25 Statues (iv) Grooup for, 2 It is Cave: 18 statues 0280.0 26.8 × 280.0 cm Oita Usuki Uski, Préfecture d’ita Photographie d'une rangée d'environ. dix statues de pierre assise en face d'un rocher. Vue de trois-quarts. L'une des statues est environ deux fois plus grande que les autres.