List of spices and herbs – Wikipedia


#ISO #SHIFT Image Common name Botanical name Family Part used Subgroup Liste iso 676 first HS 0772 Rhizoma calami by Danny S. - 001.JPG Calamus, ACORE TRUE Acorus pen L. Araceae Rhizome 28-D. Spices
(root or rhizome) 2 – Defaut.svg Cardamom of Madagascar Aframomum angustifolium (Sonn.) Schumann Zingiberaceae Fruit, seed – 3 – Defaut.svg Cameroon cardamom Aframomum hanburyi Schumann Zingiberaceae Fruit, seed – 4 HS 0775 KororimaWhole02.jpg Ethiopia aframom Aframomum Koraroa (Pereira) Engl. Zingiberaceae Fruit, seed 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) 5 HS 3295 Grains of paradise (Aframomum melegueta).jpg Maniguette, seed of paradise A Atramomum Meelgueeta (Roscoe) Schumann Zingiberaceae Fruit, seed 28-A. Spices
(seeds) 6 And 0388 Échalotes en vrac.jpg Shallot Garlic ascalonicum L. Liliaceae Bulb 9. bulbous vegetables 7 And 0385 Onion 2.JPG Onion [ a ] garlic onion L. Liliaceae Bulb 9. bulbous vegetables 8 And 2615 Defaut.svg Onion [ 2 ] garlic onion was. aggregatum Liliaceae Bulb 9. bulbous vegetables 9 And 0386 HK 深水埗 Sham Shui Po 104 福華街 Fuk Wa Street 圓方餃子粥麵 Yuen Fong restaurant green 韮菜 Allium tuberosum Dec 2018 SSG 02.jpg China chives [ 2 ] Garlic tuberosum Rottler ex Sprengel Liliaceae Bulb, leaf 9. bulbous vegetables ten And 0387 Cebolleta-rafax.jpg Jerk Garlic pipe L. Liliaceae Leaf and bulb 9. bulbous vegetables 11 And 0384 Poireaux au marché de Valréas.jpg Leek Garlic L. Liliaceae Leaf and bulb 9. bulbous vegetables twelfth And 0381 1656Food Fruits Cuisine Bulacan Philippines 06.jpg Second [ b ] Allium sativum L. Liliaceae Bulb 9. bulbous vegetables 13 And 4155 Ciboulette au marché de Valréas.jpg Chives, civet Garlic Schoenoprasum L. Liliaceae Sheet 9. bulbous vegetables 14 HS 0783 Thai ginger (Alpinia galanga).jpg Grand Galanga Alpinia Galanga (L.) Willd Zingiberaceae Rhizome 28-D. Spices
(root or rhizome) 15 HS 0783 Lesser galangal Kencur Luc Viatour.jpg Petit Galanga Alpinia factories Hance Zingiberaceae Rhizome 28-D. Spices
(root or rhizome) 16 HS 0775 Defaut.svg Bengal cardamom Aromatic Amom Roxb. Zingiberaceae Fruit, seed 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) 17 HS 0775 Amom compact 090715-0191 plratu.jpg Cardamom round Amomum Detailed Sprague et Burk.
his. AMOMUM compacted Sol. ex Maton Zingiberaceae Fruit, seed 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) 18 – Defaut.svg Cardamome karavanh, hoodh Amomum krervanh Pierre Ex Gagnepain Zingiberaceae Fruit, seed 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) 19 HS 0775 BlackCardamom.jpg Grand Cardamom, cardamom of Nepal AMOMUM subulatum Roxb. Zingiberaceae Fruit, seed 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) 20 HS 3329 Defaut.svg Cardamome Taxo Amomum Tsao-Ko Crevost and Lemaire Zingiberaceae Fruit, seed 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) 21 HH 0730 Anethum graveolens Bouquet 0zz.jpg Aneth Anethum graveolens L. Apiaceae Fruit, leaf, summit 27-A. Herbes HS 0730 Anethum graveolens seeds.JPG 28-A. Spices
(seeds) 22 – Defaut.svg Aneth from India ANETHUM SOWA Short Apiaceae Fruit – 23 HH 0720 Angelica archangelica spring.jpg Angelic Angelica archangelica L. Apiaceae Fruit, petiole, root 27-A. Herbes HS 0720 Angelica archangelica subsp. archangelica Dzięgiel litwor 2019-07-18 03.jpg 28-A. Spices
(seeds) HS 3360 Angelicae radix 021014.jpg 28-D. Spices
(root or rhizome) 24 VL 0465 Zamatos turbolya - 2015.04.17.JPG Chervil Anthrisus cerepholyman (L.) Hoffm. Apiaceae Sheet 13. Leaf vegetables HS 3289 Graine de cerfeuil.JPG 28-A. Spices
(seeds 25 – 26 HH 0624 Host symptoms of Cercospora apii on Apium graveolens..jpg Celery [ c ] Graveolens L. Apiaceae Fruit, root, leaf 27-A. Herbes [ d ] HS 0624 Apium graveolens seeds.jpg 28-A. Spices
(seeds) [ d ] 27 VR 0583 Kren Verkauf.jpg Horseradish Rusticat Woman armoracia P. Gartn., B. Meyer it sherb. Brassicaceae Racine 16. Rest vegetables and tubers 28 HH 0749 Artemisia dracunculus - Botanischer Garten Mainz IMG 5516.JPG Tarragon [ It is ] Artemisia Dracunculus L. Asteraceae Sheet 27-A. Herbes 29 FT 0288 0231jfAverrhoa bilimbi Saint Judge Village San Agustin San Fernando, Pampangafvf 08.jpg Bili Averrhoa Bilbb L. Oxalidaceae Fruit 5. Various tropical and subtropical fruits with edible skin 30 FT 0289 Oxalidales - Averrhoa carambola - 5.jpg Carambole Averrhoa carambola L. Oxalidaceae Fruit 5. Various tropical and subtropical fruits with edible skin thirty first SO 0478 Brassica juncea-4-yercaud-salem-India.JPG Brown mustard, mustard from India [ f ] Brassica juncea (L.) Czernj. and Cosson Brassicaceae Seed 23-a. Small oil seeds 32 SO 0485 Black-mustard-seeds.jpg Black mustard [ f ] Brassica nigra (L.) Koch Brassicaceae Seed 23-a. Small oil seeds 33 HS 3314 Black Cumin.jpg Black cumin [ 2 ] Bewri Peach (Boiss.) B. Fedtsch Apiaceae Seed, tuber 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) 34 HS 3306 Cucunci-Salina (2).jpg Goats Caper spinosa L. Capparidaceae Bouton floral 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) HS 0773 Kapern.jpg 28-E. Spices
(buds) 35 HS 0444 Pimientos maduros.jpg Peppers, peppers, paprika [ g ] Potato L. [ h ] Solanaceae Fruit 28-I. Dried strong peppers [ i ] 36 HS 0444 Piments rouges.JPG Peppers, peppers [ j ] Potato frutescens L. [ h ] Solanaceae Fruit 28-I. Dried strong peppers [ i ] 37 – Defaut.svg Earth chestnut [ k ] COMPANY BULBOCASTANUM L. Apiaceae Fruit, bulb – 38 HH 3203 Carum carvi 1zz.jpg Black carvi, blond carvi [ k ] Dear carved L. Apiaceae Fruit 27-A. Herbes HS 0774 Kümmel 2012-07-08-9523.jpg 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) 39 HS 3307 Defaut.svg China Cinnamon [ l ] Cinnamon aromatic No one so
his. Cinnamomum Cassia Nees ex Blume Lauraceae Bark, leaf 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) HS 0777 Gyepi.jpg 28-C. Spices
(bark) HS 0776 Defaut.svg 28-E. Spices
(buds) 40 HS 0777 Canelle Cinnamomum burmannii Luc Viatour crop1.jpg Cinnamon type Indonesia (Padang, Java) [ l ] Cinnamon Burmannii (Repay T. again) blee Lauraceae Bark 28-C. Spices
(bark) 41 HS 3312 Cinnamomum loureirii Nees (AM AK276468).jpg Cannelle type-nam [ l ] Cinnamomum loureirii No one so Lauraceae Bark 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) HS 0777 Saigoncinnamon.jpg 28-C. Spices
(bark) 42 HH 3276 Indian bay leaf - tejpatta - indisches Lorbeerblatt.jpg India Cinnamon Cinnamomum Tamala No one so Lauraceae Leaf, bark 27-B. Local plant sheets 43 HS 3312 Cinnamomum verum. Cinnamon .കറുവ.jpg Cinnamon type Sri Lanka, Seychelles, Madagascar, India [ m ] Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume Lauraceae Bark, leaf
(fruit [ 2 ] ) 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) HS 0777 Cinnamomum verum spices.jpg 28-C. Spices
(bark) 44 HH 3209 Cilantro leaf rot crop.jpg Coriander [ n ] Quivering coriander L. Apiaceae Leaf, fruit
(seed [ 2 ] , racine [ 2 ] ) 27-A. Herbes HS 0779 Defaut.svg 28-A. Spices
(seeds) HS 3313 Coriander.jpg 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) HS 3366 Coriander roots.JPG 28-D. Spices
(root or rhizome) 45 HS 3380 Saffron-spice adjusted.jpg Safran [ O ] Crocus sativus L. Iridaceae Stigma 28-F. Spices
(flowers or stigma) forty six HS 0780 Sa cumin.jpg Cumin [ p ] Cumin cumin L. Apiaceae Fruit 28-A. Spices
(seeds) 47 HS 0794 YosriKunyitHidup.jpg Curcuma [ q ] Curcuma long L. Zingiberaceae Rhizome, leaf 28-D. Spices
(root or rhizome) 48 HH 3233 Serai.jpg Central America Lemongrass Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf Poaceae Sheet 27-A. Herbes 49 – Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus) 1.jpg Sri Lanka type lemongrass Cymbopogon nardus (L.) Rendle Poaceae Sheet – 50 HS 0775 Elettaria cardamomum2.jpg Malabar cardamom [ r ] Cardamomum Electoria (L.) Maton was. minuscule Burk. Zingiberaceae Fruit, seed 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) 51 Wild cardamom, cardamom of Sri Lanka [ s ] Cardamomum Electoria (L.) Maton was. major Thwaites Zingiberaceae Fruit, seed 52.1 HS 3361 Heing.JPG ASE FETIDE Cane-foetida L. Apiaceae Exudate du rhizome 28-D. Spices
(root or rhizome) [ t ] 52.2 Cane smelly (Bunge) Rule 52.3 Canon Narthex Boiss. 53 – 54 HH 0731 Foeniculum vulgare05.jpg Fennel [ in ] Foeniculum vulgare Miller Apiaceae Leaf, stem, fruit 27-A. Herbes [ in ] HS 0731 Fructus Foeniculi amari by Danny S. - 001.JPG 28-A. Spices
(seeds) [ in ] 55 HS 3317 Kudampuli Yellow.jpg Garcinia (Gambooge [ 2 ] ) Garcinia cambogia (Gaertn.) Desr. Clusiaceae Péricar du Fruit 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) 56 Be 2487 Kokumfruitsdried.jpg Garcinia (Kokam [ 2 ] ) Garcinia indicates (Thouars) Choisy Clusiaceae Péricar du Fruit 6. Various tropical and subtropical fruits with non-edible skin 57 HH 0733 Hysop.png Hysope Hyssop officinalis L. Lamiaceae Sheet 27-A. Herbes 58 HS 3327 StarAnise.jpg Badiane, star anise [ In ] Illicium but Hook.f. Illiciaceae Fruit 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) 59 HS 0786 Juniperus communis cones.jpg Juniper [ x ] Juniperus communis L. Cupressaceae Fruit (many) 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) 60 HS 0783 Kaempferia galanga.jpgKaempferia Galanga L. Zingiberaceae Rhizome 28-D. Spices
(root or rhizome) sixty one HH 0723 Avrovii-list2.png Apollo laurel, common laurel, noble laurel, laurel sauce [ and ] WINNING NOBILE L. Lauraceae Sheet 27-B. Local plant sheets 62 HH 0735 Levisticum officinale 2zz.jpg Splash Levisticum Officinale Koch Apiaceae Fruit, leaf 27-A. Herbes HS 0735 Nasiona Lubczyk ogrodowy.jpg 28-A. Spices
(seeds) HS 3370 Radix Levistici by Danny S. - 001.JPG 28-D. Spices
(root or rhizome) 63.1 HH 3245 Mexican Oregano (5200441431).jpg Mexico oregano Graveolens, Kunth. Verbenaceae Leaf, summary 27-A. Herbes 63.2 Berlandieri Liah Schauer sixty four Be 0345 Dried Mango Slices.JPG MANGUE (see AMCHUR) Mangifera indicates L. Anacardiaceae No ripe fruit (dried edge) 6. Various tropical and subtropical fruits with non-edible skin 65 HH 0721 Sitruunamelissa.jpg Lemon balm Melissa officinalis L. Lamiaceae Leaf, summary 27-A. Herbes 66 HH 0738 Corn Mint (Mentha arvensis).jpg Mint type Japan, Brazil, China Mentha arvensis L. Lamiaceae Leaf, summary 27-A. Herbes sixty seven HH 0738 Mentha aquatica Citrata 0zz.jpg Bergamot mint Mentha Citrata L. Lamiaceae Leaf, summary 27-A. Herbes 68 HH 0738 CSA-Chocolate-Mint.jpg Pepper mint [ With ] Mentha x pepper L. Lamiaceae Leaf, summary 27-A. Herbes 69 HH 0738 Siwa spearmint 02.JPG Sweet mint, green mint [ aa ] Mentha spica L. Lamiaceae Leaf, summary 27-A. Herbes 70 HH 0729 Curry patta.JPG Murraya leaf Murray the Koren (L.) Sprengel Rutaceae Sheet 27-B. Local plant sheets 71 – Defaut.svg Papua type nutmeg Myristiea silver Campaigned. Myristicaceae Seed (almond) – Macis Type Papua For the 72 HS 0789 Muscade.jpg Muscade type Indonesia, siauw type [ ab ] Myristica fragrans Houtt. Myristicaceae Seed (almond) 28-A. Spices
(seeds) HS 0788 Macis-1.jpg Macis type Indonesia, siauw type [ ab ] For the 28-G. Spices
(Ari) seventy three – Nigella damascena seeds 2020.jpg Damascus Nigelle Nigella damascena L. Ranunculaceae Seed – 74 HS 3285 Czarnuszka - ziarna.jpg Nigella Niglla sativa L. Ranunculaceae Seed 28-A. Spices
(seeds) 75 HH 0722 Basilikum-Blätter.jpg Basil [ and ] Ocimum Basil L. Lamiaceae Leaf, summary 27-A. Herbes HS 0722 Basilseeds.jpg 28-A. Spices
(seeds) 76 HH 0736 Starr 070906-8861 Origanum majorana.jpg Marjoram [ ad ] Origanum majorana L. Lamiaceae Sheet, floral button 27-A. Herbes HS 3300 Defaut.svg 28-A. Spices
(seeds) 77 HH 0736 Ẓaɛter n leqbayel - Origanum vulgare.jpg Oregano [ But ] Origanum vulgare L. Lamiaceae Leaf, flower 27-A. Herbes HS 3300 Defaut.svg 28-A. Spices
(seeds) 78 HH 3246 JPandanus9505fvf 02.JPG Pandanus Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb. his. Pandanus latifolius HSSK. was. minor Pandanaceae Sheet 27-A. Herbes 79 SO 0698 Poppy seeds 2.jpg Popper with eyelet Papaver somniferum L. was. black Papaveraceae Seed 23-a. Small oil seeds 80 HH 0740 Petersilie Kraus.jpg Parsley Parsley curl (Miller) Nyman ex A.W. Hill his. Parsley Hortense Anct. his. Parsley Hoffm. Apiaceae Leaf, root 27-A. Herbes HS 0740 Parsley seeds(রাধুনি).JPG 28-A. Spices
(seeds) 81 HS 0792 AllspiceSeeds.jpg Pepper called “Jamaica” [ of ] Dioic pepper (L.) Merr. Myrtaceae Immature fruit, leaf 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) 82 – P.rac.-seeds-1.jpg Fly Pepper (Miller) J. Moore Myrtaceae Fruit, leaf – 83 HH 3191 Pimpinella anisum. Anís.jpg Anis vert Padangella anisum L. Apiaceae Fruit 27-A. Herbes HS 0771 Aniseed p1160018.jpg 28-A. Spices
(seeds) 84 HS 3331 Piper guineense-Jardin botanique Meise (3).jpg Achantis pepper Guinean Piper Schumann it then. L. Piperaceae Fruit 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) 85 HS 0791 Poivre long.jpg Long pepper Pepper long L. Piperaceae Fruit 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) eighty six HS 0790 Nahrungsmittel 2012-07-08-9530.jpg Black pepper, white pepper, green pepper [ at ] Pepper black L. Piperaceae Fruit 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) [ like ] eighty seven Be 0355 Pomegranate Seeds Collected BNC.jpg Grenade Punica granatum L. Punicaceae Seed (dried with the flesh) 6. Various tropical and subtropical fruits with non-edible skin 88 HH 0741 Romarin 2.jpg Rosemary [ Who ] Rosmarinus officinalis L. Lamiaceae Summith, leaf 27-A. Herbes 89 HH 0743 Growing leaves of garden sage (Salvia officinalis).jpg SAGE OFFICINAL [ to ] Salvia officinalis L. Lamiaceae Summith, leaf 27-A. Herbes 90 HH 0745 Gartenbohnenkraut April 2012.JPG SARRIETTE DES JARDINS [ and ] Satureja hortensis L. Lamiaceae Summith, leaf 27-A. Herbes 91 HH 0745 Satureja montana 2c.JPG Sariette of the mountains [ al ] Saturi Montana L. Lamiaceae Leaf, branch 27-A. Herbes 92 HS 3325 Peppercorns.jpg Pink berries, false pepper, America’s pepper Schinus soft L. Anacardiaceae Fruit 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) 93 HS 3325 Pink Peppercorns (Schinus terebinthifolius).JPG Brazil pepper Schinus Terebinthifius Radde Anacardiaceae Fruit 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) ninety four SO 0700 Sesame Seeds - NIAID.jpg Sesame Sesama indigo L. Pedaliaceae Seed 23-a. Small oil seeds 95 SO 0485 White mustard seeds.jpg White mustard [ f ] Mustard White L. Brassicaceae Seed 23-a. Small oil seeds 96 HS 0778 Cloves Madagascar.jpg Clove [ am ] Syzygium aromatic (L.) Merr. and Perry his. Eugenia caryophyllus (Sprengel) Bullock et S. Harrison Myrtaceae Bouton floral 28-E. Spices
(buds) 97 HS 0369 Starr-120627-7631-Tamarindus indica-seedpods-Hawea Pl Olinda-Maui (24554919684).jpg Tamarind Tamarindus indicates L. Fabaceae Fruit 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) [ an ] 98 HH 0750 Serpylli herba 181270.jpg Serpolet Thymus Serpyllum L. Lamiaceae Summith, leaf 27-A. Herbes 99 HH 0750 Thyme-Bundle.jpg Thyme, common thyme [ to the ] Thymus vulgaris L. Lamiaceae Summith, leaf 27-A. Herbes 100 HS 3281 Carom.jpg Ranwan Trachyspermum ammi (L.) Sprague Apiaceae Fruit 28-A. Spices
(seeds) 101 HH 3219 Fenugreek leafs.JPG Fenugreek [ ap ] Trigonella grass-Greek L. Fabaceae Seed, leaf 27-A. Herbes HS 0782 Fenugrec.jpg 28-A. Spices
(seeds) 102 HS 0795 Vanille de Madagascar -Black Gold 21-25cm bourbon.JPG Bourbon vanilla, vanilla Indonesia, Mexico vanilla Pany plannophyia Andrews his. Vanilla Fragrans (Salisb.) Ames Orchidaceae Fruit (pod) 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) 103 HS 0795 Defaut.svg Vanille Tahiti Vanilla Tahitensis J. Moore Orchidaceae Fruit (pod) 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) 104 HS 0795 Defaut.svg Vanillon of the Antilles Vanilla Pompona Difference Orchidaceae Fruit (pod) 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) 105 HS 3319 Xylopiaaethiopica.jpg Guinea pepper, Kani Xylopia acthiopica (Dunal) A. Rich Annonaceae Fruit 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) 106 HS 3323 Defaut.svg Sechuang pepper, China pepper Zanthoxylum bungei Boards. his. Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim. Rutaceae Fruit 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) 107 – Andaliman.jpg Chinese pepper, Himalayan pepper Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC. Rutaceae Fruit – 108 HH 3266 Zanthoxylum piperitum (leaf).jpg Japan pepper Zanthoxylum piperitum DC. Rutaceae Fruit 27-B. Local plant sheets HS 3323 Poivre fond blanc.jpg 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) 109 HS 0784 Gingembre.jpg Ginger [ aq ] Zingiber officinale Roscoe Zingiberaceae Rhizome 28-D. Spices
(root or rhizome) Other condimentary herbs indicated by the codex – HH 3190 Odermennig (Agrimonia eupatoria) 03.jpg Aigremoine Agrimonia eupatoria L. Rosaceae Leaf, summary 27-A. Herbes – HH 3193 Lippia dulcis 2017-09-26 4716.jpg Sweet grass of aztecs Luni dulcis (L.) Roxb. Verbenaceae Leaf, summary – HH 3196 Hierochloe odorata 4zz.jpg Bison grass Anthoxanthum glittering (Weber) Y. Schouten & Veldkamp Poaceae Sheet – HH 3197 Malva sylvestris Torslunda Öland 0561.JPG Big mallow Malva Sylvestris L. Malvaceae Leaf, whole plant – HH 0724 Borago officinalis 001.JPG Borage Borago officinalis L. Boraginaceae Leaf, flower – HH 0724 FvfFlowersPhil0717 06.JPG Indian borage Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Blast. Lamiaceae Leaf, summary – HH 0725 Sanguisorba minor Krwiściąg mniejszy 2007-08-11 03.jpg Pimprenelle Sanguisorba Minor Purpose. Rosaceae Sheet 1024 Großer Wiesenknopf (Sanguisorba officinalis)-2784.jpg Large pimternel Sanguisorba officinalis L. – HH 3200 Calamintha grandiflora 'Variegata'.JPG Large flowers Re-update Grandifora (L.) Moench Lamiaceae Leaf, summary Clinopodium nepeta 1652.jpg Nepéta Converted nepa (L.) Savi – HH 3208 Vitex-agnus-castus-foliage.JPG Cat Vitex Lamb-chaste L. Verbenaceae Leaf, Summite, Fruit – HH 3210 Quirquina mature1.jpg Bolivian coriander Porophyllum ruderale (Jacq.) Cass. Asteraceae Sheet – HH 3211 Persicaria odorata (2).JPG Vietnamese coriander Petrorhagia smell (Lour.) Sojak. Polygonaceae Sheet – HH 0748 Tanacetum balsamita balsamita 0zz.jpg Mint Tanachetum Balsamita L. Asteraceae Sheet – HH 3212 Marsilea crenata.JPGMarsalea Created C. Presl. Marsileaceae Sheet – HH 3213 Starr 080608-7417 Unknown sp..jpg Fetid panicaut Eryngium foetidum L. Apiaceae Leaf, seed [ With ] – HH 3214 Helichrysum italicum italicum 0zz.jpg Curry plants Helichrysum italicum (Roth.) G. Don Asteraceae Leaf, summary – HH 3215 Houttuynia cordata in Jardin des 5 sens (2).jpg Dokudamami Houtuynia Cordata Thunb. Saururaceae Sheet – HH 3216 Dysphania ambrosioides kz02.jpg Wreck Dysphania ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants Chenopodiaceae Sheet – HH 3217 Oenothera-biennis-rosette.jpg Biennial Oenothera biennis L. Onagraceae Sheet – HH 3221 20130415Ackerhellerkraut Hockenheim1.jpg Field stool Thlaspi arvense L. Brassicaceae Sheet – HH 3223 Defaut.svg Gambir Uncaria Gambir (W. Hunter) Roxb. Rubiaceae Sheet – HH 3225 Teucrium polium kz06.jpg Golden German Teuerium Polium L. Lamiaceae Sheet – HH 3229 Cryptotaenia canadensis BotGardBln07122011B-1.jpg Canada Cryptotian Cryptotaenia canadensis (L.) DC. Apiaceae Sheet – HH 0732 Marrubium vulgare 001.JPG Marrube Blanc Wycherleyi max L. Lamiaceae Sheet – HH 3230 White Agastache foeniculum with bumblebee.jpg Aniseed hysope Agastache foeniculum (Pursh) kuntze Lamiaceae Sheet – HH 3231 Jasminum officinale Enfoque 2010-7-11 TorrelaMata.jpg Jasmin Jasmine officinale L. Oleaceae Sheet – HH 3232 Labrador Tea.jpg Labrador tea Rhododendron Greenlandicum (Oeder) Kron & Judd Ericaceae Sheet Rhododendron tomentosum Bagno zwyczajne 2018-09-02 01.jpg Rhododendron tomentosum Gray – HH 0734 Lavandula-angustifolia-flowering.JPG Lavender Dawn lies Mill. Lamiaceae Leaf, summary – HH 3234 Defaut.svg Lemongrass Micromeria biflora (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don.) Benth. Lamiaceae Leaf, summary – HH 3236 Althaea officinalis sl13.jpg MEMAVOILE Officinale Althaea officinalis L. Malvaceae Sheet – HH 3237 Filipendula ulmaria european meadowsweet.JPG Reine-des-Prés Filipatendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim. Rosaceae Sheet – HH 3238 Korean mint leaves.jpg Korean mint Rough (Fisch. & C.A. Mey) Kuntze Lamiaceae Sheet – HH 3239 Mioga.jpg wading Zingiber Mioga (Thunb.) Roscoe Zingiberaceae Young shoot, flower bud – HH 3240 Garden in Walnutstreet 14.jpg Monarde Monarda didyma L. Lamiaceae Sheet Monarda fistulosa flowers1.jpg Fistulous monarda L. Monarda Punctata; White Petals.jpg Punctated monart L. – HH 3244 Monte Pilastro a Esino Lario 06.jpg Nettle Urtica dioica L. Urticaceae Sheet – HH 3248 Centella asiatica 6121.jpg Gothic cola Centella asian (L.) Urb. Apiaceae Sheet – HH 3249 Green shiso perilla.jpg Peril Frutescens knob (L.) Britton Lamiaceae Sheet – HH 3251 Ngổ (Limnophila aromatica).JPG Aromatic limnophile Limnophila chinensis (Osbeck) gets. his. Aromatic limnophila (Lam.) Merr. Plantaginaceae Sheet – HH 3252 1024 Olivenkraut-1150.jpg Santoline Santolina Rosmarinifolia L. Asteraceae Sheet – HH 0746 Rumex acetosa 1zz.jpg Common sorrel Rumex acetosa L. Polygonaceae Sheet – HH 0754 Artemisia abrotanum0.jpg Aurone Artemisia abrotanum L. Asteraceae Sheet – HH 3253 Salon de l'agriculture 2011 - Stevia - 03.jpg Hemp Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) Bertoni Asteraceae Sheet – HH 0747 Myrrhis odorata - GBA Viote 02.jpg Musk Myrrhis odorata (L.) Purpose. Scandiceae Sheet – HH 3254 Toona sinensis.jpg China mahogany Toona Sinensis (A. Juss.) M. ROEM. Meliaceae Young leaf HH 3255 Veronica officinalis2.jpg Véronique Officinale Veronica officinalis L. Plantaginaceae Sheet – HH 3256 Fresh wasabi rhizomes.jpg Wasabi Eutrema japonicum (Miq.) Koidz. Brassicaceae Stem, leaf [ as ] – HH 3257 20150804Persicaria hydropiper1.jpg Recruited water pepper Pulse hydropiper (L.) Delabre Polygonaceae Sheet – HH 3258 Wild Pepper (Piper sarmentosum) 1.jpg Bétel Sauvage Piper sarmentosum Roxb. Piperaceae Sheet – HH 0751 20150423Barbarea vulgaris4.jpg Vulgar barbarée Barbarea vulgaris W.T. Aiton. Brassicaceae Sheet Barbarea verna 2017-05-05 9594.jpg Watercress Barbarea Verna (Mill.) Asleep. – HH 0752 Gaultheria procumbens.JPG Gaulthery lying down Gaultheria stoop L. Ericaceae Sheet – HH 3259 Die Schafgarbe, lat. Achillea millefolium, 'Cerise Queen' 09.jpg Achillae Millefeuille Achillea millefolium L. Asteraceae Sheet – HH 3261 Yerba santa, Eriodictyon californicum, California.jpg Sacred grass Eriodictyon californicum (Hook. & Arn.) Torr. Hydrophyllaceae Sheet – HH 3262 Korean wormwood(Artemisia princeps).jpg Yomogi Artemisia leader L. Asteraceae Sheet – HH 3263 Aniseed myrtle.JPG Aniseed myrrh Syzygium Anisatum (Vickery) Craven & steak Myrtaceae Sheet 27-B. Local plant sheets – HH 3264 Hojas de Boldo.jpg Bold Peusus Bold Molina Monimiaceae Sheet – HH 3265 Цветущая Дамиана Turnera diffusa flower.jpg Damian Tour diffuse Willd. Passifloraceae Sheet – HH 3268 CSIRO ScienceImage 3903 Dried Lemon Myrtle Leaves Backhousia citriodora.jpg Lemon myrtle Backhousia citriodora F. Muell. Myrtaceae Sheet – HH 3269 Basswood (30933220272).jpg Linden American Tilia L. Tiliaceae Sheet – HH 3270 Schildau Maulbeerbaum Fruechte 1.jpg Mulberry Maiden spp. Moraceae Sheet – HH 3271 Myrtaceae - Myrtus communis-2 (8304698278).jpg Common myrtle Myrtle common L. Myrtaceae Sheet – HH 3272 2959 rbgs11jan.jpg Australian mint Prostanthera rotundifolia R.BR. Lamiaceae Sheet – HH 0742 2800 rbgs11jan.jpg Street Ruta graveolens L. Rutaceae Sheet – HH 0742 Senna siamea (2743707931).jpg Cassia du Siam Sena siamea (LAM.) H. S. Irwin & Barneby Fabaceae Sheet – HH 0744 Sassafras albidum 0zz.jpg Sassafras Sassafras albidum (Nut.) Again Lauraceae Sheet – HH 3235 Calendula officinalis 1828.jpg Worry Calendula officinalis L. Asteraceae Flower, leaf [ at ] 27-C. Edible flowers – HH 3278 Zucchiniflower.jpg Courgette Cucurbita Pepo L. Cucurbitaceae Fleur – HH 3279 Hemerocallis sp. (day lily) (Newark, Ohio, USA) 4 (43232831332).jpg Read a day Hemerocallis sp. Liliaceae Fleur – HH 3280 Belis peremnis - panoramio.jpg Daisy Bellis perennial L. Asteraceae Fleur – HH 3281 Pelargonium crispum 2zz.jpg Geranium Pelargonium curl (P.J.BERGIUS) l’Her. Geraniaceae Flower, leaf [ At ] Flowers of Pelargonium graveolens 20190502.jpg Pelargonium graveolens L’Her. – HH 0737 Tagetes minuta - stinking Roger at Thimphu during LGFC - Bhutan 2019 (1).jpg Tag Tagetes minuta L. Asteraceae Flower, leaf [ of ] Tagetes tenuifolia (cultivar) 01.JPG Tagetes tenuifolia Engine. – HH 3282 Blüten der Kapuzinerkresse Augsburg Juni 2015 8623.jpg Nasturtium Tropaeolum majus L. Tropaeolaceae Flower, leaf [ W ] Tropaeolum minus3.jpg Tropseolum less L. – HH 3283 20150412Viola odorata3.jpg Violette Smell L. Violaceae Fleur Atlas roslin pl Fiołek trójbarwny 8084 8222.jpg Viola tricolor L. Other spices indicated by the Codex – HS 3280 Achiote Urucu.jpg Whisk Bixa Orellana L. Bixaceae Seed 28-A. Spices
(seeds) – HS 3282 Abelmoschi1.JPG Ambrette Abelmoschus moschatus Medical. Malvaceae Seed – HS 3284 Defaut.svg Fields Nigù arvensis L. Ranunculaceae Seed – HS 3286 Monodora myristica seeds.png False nutmeg Monodora myristica (Gaertn.) Dunal Annonaceae Seed – HS 3287 Candlenuts (Aleurites moluccana) shelled & unshelled.jpg Bancoulier [ ax ] Aleurites moluccanus (L.) Willd. Euphorbiaceae Seed – HS 3288 Defaut.svg Dartrier Winged seine (L.) Roxb. Caesalpiniaceae Seed – HS 3290 Torreya grandis Nusseibe.jpg Torreya Torreya grandis Fortune Taxaceae Seed – HS 3296 Guaraná 02.jpg Guarana Paullinia cupana Can Sapindaceae Seed – HS 3298 Prma 002 shp (Prunus mahaleb).jpg Mahalb Prunus mahabeb L. Rosaceae Seed – HS 3301 Silybi Mariani Fructus.JPG Thistle Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. Asteraceae Seed – HS 3302 CSIRO ScienceImage 4021 Seeds of the Elegant Wattle Acacia victoriae.jpgAcacia victory Bent. Mimosaceae Seed – HS 3304 Withania somnifera MHNT.BOT.2012.10.13.jpg Ashwagandha Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal Solanaceae Fruit 28-b. Spices
(Fruit old a lot) – HS 3305 Taanikaayalu. 2.JPG Badamier Terminal bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb. Combretaceae Fruit – HS 0775 Defaut.svgAMOMUM is hairy Lour. Zingiberaceae Fruit – HS 3308 Defaut.svg Chinese Troene Vitex and Guide L. Verbenaceae Fruit, racine [ Ay ] – HS 3309 Cornus officinalis.jpg Cornwall Officinal Cornus officinalis Sieve. & ZUCC. Cornaceae Fruit – HS 3310 Crataegus pinnatifida fruit (detail), Yongin.jpg Chinese hawthorn Crataegus pinnatifida Parliament Rosaceae Fruit – HS 3315 Tasmannia plant in fruit Werrikimbe.jpg Dorrigo pepper Tasmannia stipitatus (Vick.) A.C. Smith Winteraceae Fruit, leaf [ the ] – HS 3316 Starr-020203-0052-Eucalyptus sp-Unknown bell shaped operculums-Hobdy collection from Lanai-Maui (24178982609).jpg Eucalyptus Eucalyptus spp. Myrtaceae Fruit, bark [ not ] – HS 3318 Gardenia jasminoides fruit.jpg Gardenia Gardenia jasminoides J.Ellis Rubiaceae Fruit – HS 3320 Dried Siraitia grosvenorii (luohanguo) fruit (opened).jpg Luo han guo Siraitia Grosvenorii (Swingle) C. Jeffry EX. A.M. Lu & zhi y. zhang Cucurbitaceae Fruit – HS 3321 Starr 080616-9058 Synsepalum dulcificum.jpg Fruit miracle Synsepalum dulcificum (Scumbling. & Wannn.) Daniell Sapotaceae Fruit – HS 3322 Cubeb.JPG Cubèbe Piper cubeba L. f. Piperaceae Fruit – HS 3323 Zanthoxylum simulans in Jardin des 5 sens (2).jpg Sichuan pepper Zanthoxylum schinifolium Siebold & Zucc. Rutaceae Fruit Zanthoxylum schinifolium (22590635762).jpg Zanthoxylum simulating Hance – HS 3324 Tasmannia lanceolata dried fruits.jpg Tasmania pepper Tasmannia laneeolata (Poir.) A.C. SM Winteraceae Fruit, leaf [ the ] – HS 3326 PterocarpusSantalinusSeedpods.jpg Red sandal Pterocarpus santalinus L. f. Fabaceae Fruit – HS 3328 თუთუბო Rhus coriaria Gerbersumach, Gewürzsumach.JPG Sumac of Corroyers Rhus coriaria L. Anacardiaceae Fruit – HS 0370 Semillas de sarrapia- Sarrapia seeds 2013-08-13 10-34.jpg and the Ngoverbbe Odored Dipteryx (Aubl.) Willd. Fabaceae Fruit – HS 3330 Uzazi 220x206.jpg Reproduction Zanthoxylum gilletii (De Wild.) P.G.Waterman Rutaceae Fruit – HS 3332 Defaut.svg Angostura Diffoliti Angomity (Willd.) T. S. Elias Rutaceae Bark 28-C. Spices
(bark) – HS 3333 Canella winterana 8zz.jpgWeak canelle (L.) Gaertn. Canellaceae Bark – HS 3334 Rhamni purshianae cortex 054230.jpg Peel Courshook frangula (DC.) A. Gray Rhamnaceae Bark – HS 3335 Bark of Acacia catechu.jpg Cachoutier Senegal Catechu (L. f.) P. J. H. Hurter & Mabb. Fabaceae Wood extract – HS 3336 Defaut.svg Copaïba COPAIFERA officinalis (Jacq.) L. Caesalpiniaceae Oleoresin – HS 3338 Duchung.JPG Eucommina Eucommia ulmoides Olives. Eucommiaceae Bark – HS 3339 Olibanum resin.jpg Incense Boswellia Sacra Flueck. Burseraceae Resin-resin Boswellia Serrata Roxb. ex Colebr. – HS 3340 Galbanum1.JPG Galbanum Cane gummosa Boiss. Apiaceae Resin-resin – HS 3341 Guaiaci resina1.JPG Gaïac Guaiacum officinale L. Zygophyllaceae Resin – HS 3342 Commiphora-wightii-resin.jpg Guggul Commiphora WIGH (Arn.) Bhandari Burseraceae Resin – HS 3343 Gomma arabica.png Gum arabic Senegalia senegal (L.) Britton Fabaceae and – HS 3344 Defaut.svg Gomme ghatti Anogeissus Latifolia (Roxb. ex DC.) Wall. From Guill. & Perr. Combretaceae and – HS 3345 Karaya Gum.jpg Gomme karaya Storming Roxb. Sterculiaceae and – HS 3346 Tragacantha1.JPG Gomme adragante Astragalus rubber Labill. Fabaceae and – HS 3347 Viburnum prunifolium 8zz.jpg Black hawthorn Viburnum prunifolium L. Adoxaceae Bark – HS 3348 Defaut.svg Magnolia Magnolia officinalis Rehder & E. H. Wilson Magnoliaceae Bark – HS 3349 Mastic.jpg Mastic Pistacia lentiscus L. Anacardiaceae Resin – HS 3350 Myrrh-resin, cropped.jpg Myrrhe Commiphora myrrh (Re-) English. Burseraceae Resin-resin Commiphora africana (A. Rich.) Engl. Commission Kataf (Forssk.) Engl – HS 3352 Pinus pinaster JPG2.jpg Pin maritime Pinus Pinaster Grandfather Pinaceae Bark – HS 3353 Defaut.svg African plum Primus africana (Packed.f.) Kalkman Rosaceae Bark – HS 3354 Quassiae1.JPG Quassia Quassia amara L. Simaroubaceae Bark – HS 3355 Quebracho1.JPG Quebracho Aspidosperma Quebracho-Blanco Schltdl. Apocynaceae Bark – HS 3356 Quillaiae1.JPG Quillaja Quillaja Saponaria Molina Quillajaceae Bark – HS 3357 Cortex Cinchonae by Danny S. - 001.JPG Cinquin Cinchona pubescent Wax Rubiaceae Bark Cinchona officinalis L. – HS 3358 Defaut.svg SIMARUBA simusroba amara Aubl. Simaroubaceae Bark – HS 3359 Slippery Elm Ulmus rubra Bark Horizontal.JPG Red elm Ulmus red Muhl. Ulmaceae Bark – HS 3362 Defaut.svg Bai shu Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz. Asteraceae Rhizome 28-D. Spices
(root or rhizome) – HS 3363 Defaut.svg Chat claw UNCARIA TOMENTOSA (Willd.) DC. Rubiaceae Racine UNCARIA GUIANENSIS (Dogl.) J. F. GMEL. – HS 3365 Defaut.svg Coptide chinois Coptis chinensis Franch. Ranunculaceae Rhizome – HS 0781 Defaut.svg In the Cornus controversa Hemsl L. Asteraceae Racine – HS 3368 Boesenbergia rotunda 1.jpg Turmery round Boesenbergia rotunda (L.) Mansf. Zingiberaceae Rhizome – HS 0787 Liquiritiae radix3.JPG Licorice Glycyrrhiza glabra L. Fabaceae Racine – HS 3371 Defaut.svg Astragal Astragalus membranous Fish. ex bunge Fabaceae Racine – HS 3372 Defaut.svg Prince you ginseng Pseudostellaria heterophylla (MIQ.) PAX Caryophyllaceae Racine – HS 3373 Rhizoma Curcumae javanicae-286.JPG Interview Curcuma zathamorrihizza Roxb. Zingiberaceae Racine – HS 3374 Polygonummultiflorumrootdried.jpg Multiple flower returned Reynoutria multiflora (Thunb.) Moldenke Polygonaceae Tuber – HS 3375 Defaut.svg Peony of China Paeonia lactiflora Pall. Paeoniaceae Racine – HS 3376 Gentiana lutea DriedRoots.JPG Yellow Gentiana Lutea L. Gentianaceae Root, leaf [ bb ] – HS 3377 Defaut.svg Zedoaire Curcuma zedo (Cristm.) Roscoe Zingiberaceae Rhizome – HS 3378 Japanese Honeysuckle - Lonicera japonica (38254902426).jpg Japan honeysuckle Japanese Lonicera Thunb. CapriFoliousae Fleur 28-F. Spices
(flowers or stigma) – HS 3379 Pandanus odoratissimus in MIyako-jima IMG 4424.jpg Kewra Pandanus Fascicularis Blue. Pandanaceae Fleur – HS 2206 Combava Rind Madagascar.jpg Combava Citrus hystrix DC. Rutaceae Zest, juice, leaf [ bc ] 28-D. Spices
(citrus peel) – HS 3381 Lemon-flavedo.jpg Citron Citrus limon Burm. f. Rutaceae Zest – HS 3382 Zesting an orange.jpg Orange Citrus sinensis Osbeck Rutaceae Zest – HS 3383 Chenpi2432016.jpg Mandarin Satsuma (see also chenpi ) Citrus unshiu Marcow. Rutaceae Peel – HS 2211 Citrus junos fruits.jpg Yuzu Citrus junos Siebold ex Tanaka Rutaceae Peel