List of works by J. R. R. Tolkien – Wikipedia


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THE works of J. R. R. Tolkien Can be divided into two components: his academic career as a philologist in Leeds and Oxford on the one hand, and his career as a novelist and poet on the other.

  • 1937: The Hobbit ( The Hobbit or There and Back Again )
    Tale illustrated by the author.
    George Allen & Unwin, London, 1937; Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1938. Editions revised in 1951 and 1966.
    Translation of Francis Ledoux, Stock, Paris, 1969 ( Bilbo Le Hobbit ); Second translation of Daniel Lauzon, Christian Bourgois, Paris, 2012.
  • 1945: Feuille, de Niggle (Leaf by Niggle)

    Published in The Dublin Review , January 1945, p. 46-61.
    Translation of Francis Ledoux, Christian BOURGOIS, 1974 (collection Faerie ).

  • 1949: The farmer Gilles de Ham ( Farmer Giles of Ham )
    Conte illustrated by Pauline Baynes.
    George Allen & Unwin, Londres, 1949 ; Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1950.
    Translation of Francis Ledoux, Christian Bourgois, Paris, 1974 (collection Faerie ).
  • 1953: The return of Beorhtnoth, son of Beorhthelm ( The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm’s Son )

    Posted with Essays Beorhtnoth’s death And OFERMOD In Essays and Studies by Members of the English Association , volume 6.
    Translation, Christian Bourgois, Paris, 2003 (collection Faërie and other texts ).

  • 1954-1955: The Lord of the Rings ( The Lord of the Rings )

    Roman in three volumes.

    • 1954: The Fellowship of the Ring ( The Fellowship of the Ring )

      George Allen & Unwin, Londres, 1954 ; Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1954.
      Translation of Francis Ledoux, Christian Bourgois, Paris, 1972; Second translation of Daniel Lauzon, Christian Bourgois, Paris, 2014 ( The fraternity of the ring ).

    • 1954: The two towers ( The Two Towers )

      George Allen & Unwin, Londres, 1954 ; Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1955.
      Translation of Francis Ledoux, Christian Bourgois, Paris, 1972.

    • 1955: The king’s return ( The Return of the King )

      George Allen & Unwin, Londres, 1955 ; Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1956.
      Translation of Francis Ledoux, Christian Bourgois, Paris, 1973.

  • 1967: Smith de Grand Wootton ( Smith of Wootton Major )

    Conte illustrated by Pauline Baynes.
    George Allen & Unwin, Londres, 1967 ; Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1967.
    Translation of Francis Ledoux, Christian Bourgois, Paris, 1974 (collection Faerie ). Another translation appeared under the title Ferrand de Bourg-aux-Bois .

  • 1967: The Road Goes Ever On
    Poems set to music by Donald Swann.
    Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1967; George Allen & Unwin, London, 1968. Second edition in 1978, third edition in 2002.

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  • 1974: Bilbo Le Hobbit’s album: Farewell to Middle -earth ( Bilbo’s Last Song )

    First edition in the form of a poster illustrated by Pauline Baynes, then published in the form of a booklet, still illustrated by Baynes. French translation at Gallimard, 1991.

  • 1975: Guide to the Names in The Lord of the Rings
  • 1976: Santa’s letters ( The Father Christmas Letters )

    Edited by Baillie Tolkien. Translation of Gérard-Georges Lemaire, Christian Bourgois, 1995. New edition reviewed by Céline Leroy and Vincent Ferré, Christian Bourgois, 2004 (increased by many letters).

  • 1977: Le EyeRillion ( The Silmarillion )
    Edited by Christopher Tolkien.
    George Allen & Unwin, Londres, 1977 ; Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1977.
    Translation of Pierre Alien, Christian Bourgois, Paris, 1978.
  • 1980: Unfinished tales and legends ( Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth )

    Edited by Christopher Tolkien.
    George Allen & Unwin, Londres, 1980 ; Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1980.
    Translation of Tina Jolas, Christian Bourgois, Paris, 1982.

  • 1981: Letters ( The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien )
    Published by Christopher Tolkien and Humphrey Carpenter.
    George Allen & Unwin, Londres ; Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1981.
    Translation of Delphine Martin and Vincent Ferré, Christian Bourgois, 2005.
  • 1982: Monsieur Merveille ( Mr. Bliss )

    Tale illustrated by the author.
    George Allen & Unwin, Londres, 1982 ; Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1983.
    Translation of Pierre Grammont, La Mercurie, 2009.

  • 1983-1996: History of Middle -earth ( The History of Middle-earth )

    Series of twelve volumes published by Christopher Tolkien.

    • 1983: The book of lost tales ( The Book of Lost Tales 1 )
      George Allen & Unwin, Londres, 1983 ; Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1984.
      Translation of Adam Tolkien, Christian Bourgois, 1995.
    • 1984: The second book of lost tales ( The Book of Lost Tales 2 )

      George Allen & Unwin, Londres ; Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1984.
      Translation of Adam Tolkien, Christian Bourgois, 1998.

    • 1985: The Beleriand Lais ( The Lays of Beleriand )

      George Allen & Unwin, Londres ; Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1985.
      Translation of Elen Riot and Daniel Lauzon, Christian Bourgois, 2006.

    • 1986: Middle -earth formation ( The Shaping of Middle-Earth )

      George Allen & Unwin, Londres ; Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1986.
      Translation of Daniel Lauzon, Christian Bourgois, 2007.

    • 1987: The lost road and other texts ( The Lost Road and Other Writings )

      Unwin Hyman, Londres ; Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1987.
      Translation of Daniel Lauzon, Christian Bourgois, 2008.

    • 1988: The Return of the Shadow ( The History of The Lord of the Rings , vol. 1)

      Unwin Hyman, Londres ; Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1988.

    • 1989: The Treason of Isengard ( The History of The Lord of the Rings , vol. 2)

      Unwin Hyman, Londres ; Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1989.

    • 1990: The War of the Ring ( The History of The Lord of the Rings , vol. 3)

      Unwin Hyman, Londres ; Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1990.

    • 1992: Sauron Defeated ( The History of The Lord of the Rings , vol. 4)

      HarperCollins, Londres ; Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1992.

    • 1993: Morgoth’s Ring

      HarperCollins, Londres ; Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1993.

    • 1994: The War of the Jewels

      HarperCollins, Londres ; Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1994.

    • 1996: The Peoples of Middle-earth

      HarperCollins, Londres ; Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1996.

  • 1998: Roverandom

    Published by Wayne Hammond and Christina Scull.
    Translation of Jacques Georgel, Christian Bourgois, 1999.

  • 2003: Faërie and other texts
    Collection only in French, bringing together texts dispersed in several English collections. Understand Fairy tale , Leaf, niggle , The farmer Gilles de Ham , Smith de Grand Wootton (Trad. Francis Ledoux, corresponding to the old collection Faerie , 1974), The adventures of Tom Bombadil (Trad. Dashell Hedayat, Rév. Céline Leroy), Beorhtnoth’s return, son of Beorhthelm And Mythopoeia (Trad. Elen Riot).
  • 2007: The children of Húrin ( The Children of Húrin )

    Edited by Christopher Tolkien.
    Translation of Delphine Martin, Christian Bourgois, 2008.

  • 2007: The History of The Hobbit
    Study of the design of Bilbo Le Hobbit by John D. Rateliff. Contains many new fragments.
  • 2009: The legend of Sigurd and Gudrún ( The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún )

    Edited by Christopher Tolkien.
    Translation of Christine Laferrière, Christian Bourgois, 2010.

  • two thousand and thirteen : The fall of Arthur ( The Fall of Arthur )

    Edited by Christopher Tolkien.
    Translation of Christine Laferrière, Christian Bourgois, 2013

  • 2015: L’Histire de Kullervo ( The Story of Kullervo )
  • 2017: Been it lúths ( The Tale of Beren and Lúthien )
    Edited by Christopher Tolkien.
    Translation of Daniel Lauzon, Elen Riot and Adam Tolkien, Christian Bourgois, 2017.
  • 2018: The Gondolin Chute , roman

    Edited by Christopher Tolkien.

  • 2021: The Nature of Middle-earth

    Edited by Carl Hostetter.

  • 2022: The Fall of Number
  • 1911: The Battle of the Eastern Field
    Published in the King Edward’s School Chronicle (March 1911), p. 26-27. Reissued in Mallorn n O  12, 1978, p. 24-28.
  • 1913: From the Many-willow’d Margin of the Immemorial Thames

    Published in Stapledon Magazine , volume 4 (December 1913), p. 11.

  • 1915: “Gobelins’ feet” ( Goblin Feet )
    Published in Oxford Poetry 1915 , p. 64-65. Reissued by Douglas A. Anderson in The annotated hobbit , p. 139-141.
  • 1920: “happy sailors” ( The Happy Mariners )
    Published in Stapledon Magazine , volume 5, n O 26 (June 1920), p. 69-70. Republished in the collection A Northern Venture , Swan Press, Leeds, 1923, p. 15-16, under the title Tha eadigan saelidan: The Happy Mariners . Reissued by Christopher Tolkien in The second book of lost tales , p. 273-277.
  • 1922: The Clerke’s Compleinte

    Published in The Gryphon (December 1922), p. 95. Reissued in Arda 1984 (1988), p. 1-10.

  • 1923: “Why the man in the moon went down too early” ( Why the Man in the Moon Came Down Too Soon )

    Published in A Northern Venture , Swan press, leeds. Reworked to become the poem of the same name in The adventures of Tom Bombadil .

  • 1923: « Enigmed Saxon’s recently discovered two »
    Two puzzles in old English published in A Northern Venture , Swan press, leeds. Reissued in The annotated hobbit , p. 151-152.
  • 1923: « Iúmonna Gold Galdrea »

    Published in The Gryphon (January 1923), p. 130. reissued by Douglas A. Anderson in The annotated hobbit , p. 387-391. A reworked version has appeared in Oxford Magazine in 1937 (see below).

  • 1923: “The city of the gods” ( The City of the Gods )

    Published in The Microcosm , volume 8 (spring 1923), p. 8. Reissued by Christopher Tolkien under the title “In a lost and dead city” in The book of lost tales , p. 136.

  • 1923: The Cat and the Fiddle: A Nursery-Rhyme Undone and Its Scandalous Secret Unlocked

    Published in Yorkshire Poetry from October-November 1923, p. 1-3. Reworked to become “man in the moon has watched over too late” in The adventures of Tom Bombadil .

  • 1924: An Evening in Tavrobel

    Published in Leeds University Verse 1914-24 , Swan Press, Leeds.

  • 1924: The Lonely Isle

    Published in Leeds University Verse 1914-24 , Swan press, lading. Registration of John Garth, Tolkien and the Great War , p. 145.

  • 1924: The princess not

    Published in Leeds University Verse 1914-24 , Swan press, leeds. Reworked to become “Princess Moa” in The adventures of Tom Bombadil .

  • 1925: “Light as a linden leaf” ( Light as Leaf on Lindentree )

    Published in The Gryphon (June 1925), p. 217. Reissued by Christopher Tolkien in The Lais du Beleriand , p. 120-123.

  • 1927: Adventures in unnature history and medival Metres, being the freaks of fisilogus: (i) Fastittical, (I) Iumbo, or Ye Kindde of Ye Oliphaunt

    Published in Stapledon Magazine , volume 7 (June 1927), p. 123-127. Reworked to become “Fastitocalon” and “Oliphant” in The adventures of Tom Bombadil .

  • 1927: “The nameless country” ( The Nameless Land )

    Published in Realities: An Anthology of Verse , Swan press, leeds. Reworked to become “the song of ælfwine”. Reissued by Christopher Tolkien in The lost road and other texts , p. 99-100.

  • 1931: “Progress in the town of Bimble” ( Progress in Bimble Town )

    Published in Oxford Magazine from October 15, 1931, p. 22. Reissued by Douglas A. Anderson in The annotated hobbit , p. 293-295.

  • 1933: “Wandering” ( Errantry )
    Published in Oxford Magazine of November 9, 1933, p. 180. REMANIÉ, gave birth to two different poems: the “Lai d’Eärendil” sung by Bilbon in The Lord of the Rings , and “wandering” in The adventures of Tom Bombadil .
  • 1934: Firiel

    Published in Chronicle of the Convents of the Sacred Heart , volume 4 (1934), p. 30-32. Reworked to become “the last vessel” in The adventures of Tom Bombadil .

  • 1934: Looney

    Published in Oxford Magazine of January 18, 1934, p. 340. Reworked to become “the navy bell” in The adventures of Tom Bombadil .

  • 1934: “The adventures of Tom Bombadil” ( The Adventures of Tom Bombadil )

    Published in Oxford Magazine from February 15, 1934, p. 464-465. Revised to become the eponymous poem in the collection of the same name.

  • 1936: Songs for the Philologists , with E. V. Gordon et al.
    Collection of thirty songs and poems, including thirteen of Tolkien, in Gotique, in old English and in modern English.
    Private edition.
  • 1937: “The Dragon Visit” ( The Dragon’s Visit )

    Published in Oxford Magazine from February 4, 1937, p. 342. Republished in Winter’s Tales for Children 1 , MacMillian, London, 1965, p. 84-87. Reissued by Douglas A. Anderson in The annotated hobbit , p. 357-360.

  • 1937: Knocking at the Door: Lines Induced by Sensations when Waiting for an Answer at the Door of an Exalted Academic Person

    Published in Oxford Magazine from February 18, 1937, p. 403. Reworked to become “Gluing Chats” in The adventures of Tom Bombadil .

  • 1937: « Iumonna Gold Galdre Wounding »

    Published in Oxford Magazine of March 4, 1937, p. 473. Reworked to become “the treasure” in The adventures of Tom Bombadil .

  • 1945: The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun
    Lai published in The Welsh Review , Cardiff, Volume 4, December 1945, p. 254-266. Reissued by Verlyn Flieger in 2016.
  • 1955: IMRAM
    Published in Time and Tide of , p. 1561 , illustrated by Robert Gibbings. Reissued by Christopher Tolkien in Sauron Defeated , p. 296-299.
  • 1962: The adventures of Tom Bombadil ( The Adventures of Tom Bombadil )
    Collection of poems.
    George Allen & Unwin, Londres, 1962 ; Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1963.
    Traduction de Dashiell Hedayat, Christian Bourgois, Paris, 1975.
  • 1965: Once upon a Time
    Published in Winter’s Tales for Children 1 , MacMillian, London, 1965, p. 44-45. Reissued by Wayne G. Hammond and Christina Scull in the revised edition of Adventures of Tom Bombadil published in 2014.
  • 1988: « Mythopoeia »
  • 1922: A Middle English Vocabulary
  • 1925: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
    Published with E. V. Gordon, Oxford University Press, London, 211 p. Revised edition in 1967, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 232 p.
  • 1925: Some Contributions to Middle-English Lexicography
  • 1925: The Devil’s Coach Horses
    Published in The Review of English Studies , volume 1, n O  3, p. 331-336.
  • 1929: Anchor Wisse and Hali Meiðhad

    Published in Essays and Studies by Members of the English Association , Oxford, volume 14, p. 104-126.

  • 1932: The Name ‘Nodens’

    Published in Report on the Excavation of the Prehistoric, Roman, and Post-Roman Site in Lydney Park, Gloucestershire , University Press for The Society of Antiquaries, Oxford, p. 132-137.

  • 1932–34: Sigelwara Land , parties I et II
    Published in Middle age , Oxford, volume 1, n O 3 (December 1932), p. 183-196 and volume 3, n O 2 (June 1934), p. 95-111.
  • 1934: Chaucer as a Philologist: The Reeve’s Tale

    Published in Transactions of the Philological Society , London, p. 1-70.

  • 1937: Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics

    Conference given in 1936.
    Humphrey Milford, Londres, 56 p.
    Reissued by Christopher Tolkien in the collection Monsters and criticisms and other tests (see below).

  • 1939: The Reeve’s Tale: Version Prepared for Recitation at the ‘Summer Diversions’

    Private publication, Oxford, 14 p.

  • 1940: Prefatory Remarks on Prose Translation of ‘Beowulf’

    Published in Beowulf and the Finnesburg Fragment: A Translation into Modern English Prose , Allen & Unwin, London. Reissued by Christopher Tolkien under the title On Translating Beowulf (Translate Beowulf) in the collection Monsters and criticisms and other tests (see below).

  • 1944: Sir Orpheus

    Edition of a medieval poem. The Academic Copying Office , Oxford, 18 p. Reissued by Carl F. Hostetter in Tolkien Studies 1 (2004).

  • 1947: On Fairy-Stories

    Published in Essays Presented to Charles Williams , Oxford University Press, London. Reissued in various collections, especially Faërie and other texts (see above) and Monsters and criticisms and other tests (see below).

  • 1953: OFERMOD And Beorhtnoth’s death

    Essays published with the play Beorhtnoth’s return, son of Beorhthelm In Essays and Studies by Members of the English Association , volume 6.

  • 1953: Middle English “Losenger”: Sketch of an etymological and semantic enquiry

    Published in Modern philology tests: communications presented at the International Congress of Modern Philology (1951) , The beautiful letters.

  • 1962: Ancrene Wisse: The English Text of the Ancrene Riwle
  • 1963: English and Welsh

    Published in Angles and Britons: O’Donnell Lectures , University of Wales Press , Cardiff, p. 1-41. Reissued by Christopher Tolkien in the collection Monsters and criticisms and other tests (see below).

  • 1966: Jerusalem Bible
    Contributions as a translator (Jonas Free) and lexicographer.

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  • 1975: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl and Sir Orfeo

    Translations published by Christopher Tolkien.

  • 1981: The Old English ‘Exodus’

    Published by Joan Turville-Petre, Clarendon Press, Oxford.

  • 1982: Finn and Hengest: The Fragment and the Episode

    Edited by Christopher Tolkien.

  • 1983: Monsters and criticism and other tests ( The Monsters and the Critics and other essays )
  • 2002: Beowulf and the Critics
    Published by Michael D. C. DROUT. Resume the test Beowulf: monsters and criticisms With two drafts of the longer test from which it was condensed. Second revised edition in 2011.
  • 2008: Tolkien on Fairy-Stories
  • 2014: Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary
    Edited by Christopher Tolkien. In addition to translation and comment, also includes the tale Sellic Spell and two sketches of a “Beowulf lai”.
  • 2016: A Secret Vice: Tolkien on Invented Languages

    Published by Dimitra Fimi and Andrew Higgins. Resume the test A secret vice With unpublished notes and drafts.

  • 1979: Paintings and watercolors of J. R. R. Tolkien ( Pictures by J. R. R. Tolkien )

    Edited by Christopher Tolkien. Second edition revised in 1992.
    Translation of Adam Tolkien, Christian Bourgois, Paris, 1994.

  • 1995: J. R. R. Tolkien : artist and illustrator ( J. R. R. Tolkien : Artist and Illustrator )

    Published by Wayne Hammond and Christina Scull.
    Translation of Jacques Georgel, Christian Bourgois, Paris, 1996.

  • 2011: The Art of the Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien

Published by Wayne Hammond and Christina Scull.

Including seven poems read by Tolkien, recorded on June 12, 1967, among other things.

Resumes the content of the two previous discs, with four additional poems recorded in 1967.

  • Douglas A. Anderson ( trad.  Daniel Lauzon), The annotated hobbit [« The Annotated Hobbit »], Christian Bourgois, (ISBN  978-2-267-02389-3 )
  • (in) Wayne G. Hammond , J.R.R. Tolkien: A Descriptive Bibliography , Oak Knoll Books and St Paul’s Bibliographies, , 2 of ed. ( first re ed. 1993), 434 p. (ISBN  978-0938768425 )
  • (in) Wayne G. Hammond and Christina Scull , The J.R.R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: Chronology , Houghton Mifflin, , 996 p. (ISBN  978-0-618-39102-8 )
