Living environment housing consumption – Wikipedia


Housing consumption Living environment

Logo de l’association
Legal status 1901 law
But Defense consumption, housing, environment
Zone d’influence Drapeau de la France France

Housing consumption Living environment or CLCV is a French association of consumers and users. It is one of the fifteen consumer associations recognized as representative by the public authorities in France.

The association was created on June 7, 1952 under the name of “National Confederation of Popular Family Associations (CNAPF)”.

After a long debate on the role and missions of family associations in the defense of users and consumers, it turns into “union confederation of the living environment (CSCV)” in 1976 [ first ] .

In 1998, she changed her name to become “Confederation of Consumer, Housing and Living Environment (CLCV)”.


Main mobilizations [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1987, she initiated mobilization against paid checks, government project led by Jacques Chirac.

In 2007, in partnership with the UFC-Que Choisir, she asked for the creation in French law of group action.

In 2014, she launched one of the first group actions in France (allowed by the law of March 17, 2014 on consumer protection) before the Nanterre court against the AXA and Agipi companies, concerning a contract of Life insurance, the two companies that have not respected their contractual commitments.

The CLCV is a civil party, in March 2015, before the Paris tribunal de grande instance, of the procedure initiated by more than a hundred consumers for deceptive commercial practice committed against the BNP Paribas group in the case of Toxic loans Helvet Immo [ 2 ] .

In July 2020, she filed, with the UFC-Que Choisir, an appeal to the Council of State to contest the ordinance of the Jean Castex government authorizing the tour operators to offer a credit and not reimburse the trips canceled because of the pandemic from COVID-19 [ 3 ] .

In November 2020, she announced a group action in France against Volkswagen in the case of Dieselgate [ 4 ] .

In December of the same year, it translated SFR and Orange into justice for having marketed 5G offers without sufficient pre -contractual information [ 5 ] .

The CLCV is a member of the European Bureau of Consumer Unions (BEUC) and Consumers International.

It is approved by public power as a consumer association, a popular education association, a complementary educational association of public education and association representing users in hospital or public health bodies.

Actions and representations [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The CLCV acts, among other things, against any form of social, economic and cultural exclusion. It aims to promote popular education and solidarity. It is intended to develop the responsibility of individuals and groups, in particular popular circles, by giving them the possibility of actively participating, individually or collectively, in decisions which concern them in all areas of daily life and living environment.

To do this, it is based on its 392 local, departmental and regional associations, which notably ensure permanence of consumer receptions and initiate actions in the fields of access to law, consumption, rental in HLM or in the private sector, condominium and construction, sustainable development and transport.

She regularly participates in the public debate around the draft laws which fall under her field of action. As such, it, for example, asserted its arguments concerning the bill relating to the energy transition for green growth (adopted in 2015), for example encouraging parliamentarians to ensure households in difficulty. It is also opposed to certain measures of the “Equality and Citizenship” bill (adopted in 2017), in particular with regard to the reinforcement of the additional rent for the occupants of social housing.

Internal function [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The CLCV is headed by a National Confederate Council made up of 20 members elected for four years.

In November 2016, Jean-Yves Mano succeeded Reine-Claude Mader as president of CLCV [ 6 ] .

The CLCV publishes a quarterly newspaper, Living environment , and many guides on consumer rights.

  • Tenants: Guide to your rights 2016, procedures and remedies (Electronic Guide or PDF)
  • CONSO HEALTH Guide, Editions Vuibert,
  • Students and young people: stay without struggling !, Editions Vuibert,
  • RADIES – OGM – Nanotechnologies: Danger or Progress ?, Editions Vuibert.
  1. In 1977, a minority constituted the CN-APFs, the National Committee of Popular Family Union Associations
  2. CLCV, BNP trial: CLCV alongside the victims of the loan “Helvet Immo” » , on , (consulted the )
  3. The UFC-Que Choisir and the CLCV seize the Council of State to require the reimbursement of canceled trips », LCI , ( read online )
  4. Armelle Levy, ” Dieselgate: The CLCV association is launching a group action in France against Volkswagen », RTL , ( read online )
  5. Julien Lausson, ” 5G offers and SFR and Orange cards are dragged », Numerama , ( read online )
  6. CLCV Congress: Change at the head of the association » ,, (consulted the )

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external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
