Loi de Wishart Inverse – Wikipedia


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In probabilities and statistics theory, the Loi de Wishart Inverse , also called loi the wishapart inrseas , is a law of probability defined on all of the matrices defined positive with real coefficients.

A variable following a reverse Wishart law will be noted

X IN 1( Ψ, n ) {displaystyle mathbf {x} sim w^{-1} ({mathbf {psi}}, well)}

and is defined by the law of its inverse matrix:

X1{displaystyle mathbf {X} ^{-1}}

follows a law of Wishart

IN ( Ψ1, n ) {Displastyle W ({mathbf {psi}^^{-1}, Nu)}



The probability density of the reverse Wishart law is:


X {displaystyle mathbf {X} }


Ψ{displaystyle {mathbf {Psi } }}

are positive defined matrices

p × p {displaystyle ptimes p}


C p{displaystyle Gamma _{p}}

is the multidimensional gamma function.

Law of the lawyer of a Wishart law [ modifier | Modifier and code ]


AIN ( Σ, n ) {displaystyle {mathbf {A} }sim W({mathbf {Sigma } },nu )}


Σ{displaystyle {mathbf {Sigma } }}

is a matrix

p × p {displaystyle ptimes p}

, SO

X = A1{displaystyle mathbf {X} ={mathbf {A} }^{-1}}

is the law of reverse Wishart:

X IN 1( Σ1, n ) {displaystyle mathbf {X} sim W^{-1}({mathbf {Sigma } }^{-1},nu )}

[ 2 ] .

Marginal and conditional laws [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

suppose that

AIN 1( Ψ, n ) {displaystyle {mathbf {a}} sim w^{-1} ({mathbf {psi}}, well)}

is the law of reverse Wishart. Let’s separately partially in two matrices

A{displaystyle {mathbf {A} }}


Ψ{displaystyle {mathbf {Psi } }}



Aij{displaystyle {mathbf {A} _{ij}}}


Ψij{displaystyle {mathbf {Psi } _{ij}}}

are matrices

p i× p j{displaystyle p_{i}times p_{j}}

, so we get

Moments [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

This section is based on the article [Press, 1982] [ 3 ] , after having repaumated the degree of freedom to be consisted with the definition of the density given above.

The average is [ 2 ] :

The variance of each element of

X {displaystyle mathbf {X} }

East :

a variance of the useful diagonal the same formula as above with

i = j {displaystyle i=j}

, which is simplified in:

A one-dimensional version of the reverse Wishart law is the reverse-gamma law. With

p = first {displaystyle p=1}

, that is to say one-dimensional,

a = n / 2 {displaystyle alpha =nu /2}


b = Φ / 2 {displaystyle beta =mathbf {Psi } /2}


x = X {displaystyle x=mathbf {X} }

, the probability density of the reverse Wishart law becomes

that is, the inverse-Gamma law where

C 1( ) {displaystyle Gamma _{1}(cdot )}

is the classic gamma function.

The law of reverse Wishart is a particular case of the multidimensional gamma law.

  1. A. O’Hagan, and J. J. Forster, Kendall’s Advanced Theory of Statistics : Bayesian Inference , vol.  2B, Arnold, , 2 It is ed. (ISBN  0-340-80752-0 )
  2. a et b Kanti V. Mardia, J. T. Kent and J. M. Bibby, Multivariate Analysis , Academic Press, (ISBN  0-12-471250-9 )
  3. (in) S.J. Press, Applied Multivariate Analysis , New York, Dover Publications,
