Lola Braccini – Wikipedia


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Lola braccini

Lola braccini , pseudonym of Camilla Cariddi (Pisa, March 28, 1889 [first] – Rome, March 19, 1969), was an Italian actress and voice actress.

After his studies at the Royal Acting School of Florence, directed by Luigi Rasi, in 1912 he began his theatrical career in the Roman Stabile Company conducted by Cesare Dondini Jr., And then moved on to Falconi-Zoncada (1913-14), in Gramatica -Carini-Gandusio-Piperno (1914-15), in Borelli-Piperno (1915-17). In 1917 Antonio Gandusio writing in his company, in which he became the first actress since 1924. In 1930-31 he was with the Galli-Gandusio company. [first] [2]

Subsequently, in 1931-32, he was written by Gandusio-Almirante, with Anna Magnani [3] ; In the company of the yellow shows with Giulio Donadio, Marcello Giorda and Rina Morelli (1933-34) [4] ; In Ricci-Carini with Rina Morelli and Paolo Stoppa (1934-35) [5] ; in the company of Giulio Donadio (1936-37) [6] . In the summer productions of 1937, director Guido Salvini entrusts her with the role of Donna Montecchi in Romeo and Juliet [7] and one of the croripheas about it The seven against Thebes [8] ; In the 1937-38 season he is again in the company of Dina Galli; In 1939 in the company of the Eliseo Theater with Gino Cervi and Andreina Pagnani [9] [ten] ; In the Ferrari-Carini Company (1940-41) [11] .

In 1941 at the Teatro delle Arti he took part in the Italian first of The mourning suits Elettra in the role of Cristina [twelfth] . In the following season 1941-42 Anton Giulio Bragaglia confirmation in the Compagnia del Teatro delle Arti [13] . In the 1942-43 season he is in the Renzo Ricci company [14] ( All right by Luigi Pirandello, Love yourself like this by Vincenzo Tieri, Hamlet by William Shakespeare, Lorenzaccio , of alfred de musset).

After the liberation of Rome, he enters the company of the Eliseo Theater, next to Andreina Pagnani, Antonio Pierfederici, Gino Cervi and Rina Morelli, for the guidium of Guido Salvini ( The Trojan war will not be done of Jean Giraudoux e The brave people by Irwin Shaw) and Luchino Visconti ( The terrible relatives di jean courtes buckle [15] .

In the seasons 1950-51 and 1951-52 it is written by the Compagnia del Teatro University of Rome [16] . In 1955 he took part in the comedy Tooth with the company of young people (“particularly magnificent here” [17] ). In 1956 he was written by Garinei and Giovannini for the musical comedy Goodnight Bettina Next to Walter Chiari and Delia Scala [18] .

In the 1957-58 season he was written by the Teatro Stabile of Palermo. One of his latest interpretations was in the musical My Fair Lady (“… Excellent is the participation of Lola Braccini who, by Higgins, impersonates, with almost maternal affection, the elderly housekeeper”)) [19] With Delia Scala and Gianrico Tedeschi (1963).


She participated as an actress in 37 films, including Carmela (1942) by Flavio Calzavara, in which it is dubbed by Tina Lattanzi, e Arrange yourself , in the role of Sora Gina, the estate of a tolerance house.

On television he began working since the beginning of the Rai broadcasts, in January 1954, taking part in various scripts and comedies including including Mother joy (1954) by Anton Giulio Majano, Romeo and Juliet (1954) Di Franco Enriquez, The third husband (1955) by Silverio Blasi e The Pisan (1960) by Giacomo Vaccari.

Lola Braccini in 1927
  • Francillon by Alexandre Dumas (son), Turin, Carignano Theater, February 20, 1915
  • La Gaia Scienza by Arnaldo Fraccaroli, Antonio Gandusio, Turin, Carignano Theater, February 18, 1926
  • An orgy of sun , by André Birabeau, Antonio Gandusio, Milan, Manzoni Theater, 5 May 1926
  • Loute , by Pierre Veber, Gandusio-Galli, Viareggio, Teatro Eden, 5 September 1930
  • The comedian boat , by Luigi Bonelli, Music by Alfredo Cuscinà, Rome, Teatro Quirino, February 4, 1931
  • A man who inspires trust , by Paul Armanont, Antonio Gandusio, Turin, Carignano Theater, 20 October 1931
  • The shadow behind the door by Alessandro De Stefani, Rome, Teatro Quirino, November 27, 1933
  • Hard times , of Idouin Bourdet, Rome, Theater Argentina, 16 October 1934
  • The shelter , by Dario Niccodemi, Milan, Olimpia, November 15, 1934
  • The spider , by Sem Benelli, Milan, Odeon, March 19, 1935
  • The flight of the vultures , by Rino Alessi, directed by Lamberto Picasso, Milan, Manzoni Theater, 6 November 1935.
  • Alleluia , by Marco Prague, directed by Lamberto Picasso, Genoa, Paganini Theater, 31 December 1935.
  • Fragme , by Luigi Bonelli and Giuseppe Romualdi, Giulio Donadio, Rome, Eliseo Theater, 15 July 1936
  • Romeo and Juliet , by William Shakespeare, directed by Guido Salvini, Venice, Ca ‘Foscari, 20 July 1937
  • The seven against Thebes , of Aeschylus, directed by Guido Salvini, Vicenza, Olympic Theater, 28 August 1937
  • The Ninetta del Verziere , by Giuseppe Adami, directed by Luciano Ramo, Milan, Manzoni Theater, November 17, 1937.
  • IFigenia in the tauride , of Aeschylus, directed by Guido Salvini, Lecco, Teatro Licinium, 4 July 1938.
  • Iorio’s daughter , Gabriele D’Annunzio, directed by Guido Salvini, Lecco, Teatro Licinium, 9 July 1938.
  • The coffee of the sailors , by Corrado Alvaro, Rome, Eliseo Theater, 23 February 1939
  • The liar , by Vincenzo Tieri, Rome, Eliseo Theater, 6 September 1940
  • Or one or none , by Luigi Pirandello, Rome, Eliseo Theater, 8 September 1940
  • Romance , by Gerolamo Rovetta, Rome, Eliseo Theater, 14 September 1940
  • Artemisis , by Gaspare Cataldo, Rome, Eliseo Theater, 20 September 1940
  • Adventures with Don Quixote , by Cesare Meano, directed by Pietro Sharoff, Milan, Odeon Theater, 7 October 1940.
  • In the best families , Di Anita Hart a Maurice Braddell, Milano, Teatro Odeon, 23 Otbobre 1940
  • The mourning suits Elettra , by Eugene O’Neill, directed by Giulio Pacuvio, Rome, Teatro delle Arti, 28 March 1941.
  • A wife too honest , by Nicola Manzari, Milan, Teatro Nuovo, 9 June 1941
  • I defended a woman , by Giovanni Bokay, Milan, Teatro Nuovo, 17 June 1941
  • The spirit of death , of Rosso di San Secondo, directed by Anton Giulio Bragaglia, Turin, Carignano Theater, 3 December 1941.
  • The small foxes , by Lillian Hellman, directed by Anton Giulio Bragaglia, Turin, Carignano Theater, December 5, 1941.
  • The Fiorita Via Fiorita , by Valentino Kataew, directed by Anton Giulio Bragaglia, Rome, Teatro delle Arti, 17 January 1942.
  • Rosso Malpelo , by Jules Renard, directed by Enzo Ferrieri, Rome, Teatro delle Arti, 8 February 1942.
  • All right , by Luigi Pirandello, directed by Renzo Ricci, Milan, Odeon Theater, 3 October 1942
  • Love yourself like this , by Vincenzo Tieri, directed by Renzo Ricci, Milan, Odeon Theater, 5 October 1942
  • Hamlet , by William Shakespeare, directed by Renzo Ricci, Milan, Odeon Theater, 13 October 1942
  • Lorenzaccio , by Alfred de Musset, directed by Renzo Ricci, Rome, Argentina Theater, 15 December 1942.
  • The Trojan war will not be done , by Jean Giraudoux, directed by Guido Salvini, Rome, Teatro, Eliseo, 22 November 1944.
  • The brave people , by Irwin Shaw, directed by Guido Salvini, Rome, Teatro, Eliseo, 7 December 1944.
  • The terrible relatives , by Jean Cocteau, direction and scenes by Luchino Visconti, Rome, Eliseo Theater, January 30, 1945.
  • The pleasure of honesty , by Luigi Pirandello, Ruggero Ruggeri, Rome, Eliseo Theater, 6 June 1945
  • Youth accents , by Samson Raphaelson, directed by Gherardo Gherardi, Rome, Teatro delle Arti, April 20, 1946.
  • The god of the twenty years (Jupiter) , by Robert Boissy, directed by Gherardo Gherardi, Rome, Teatro delle Arti, April 1946.
  • Love letters , by Gherardo Gherardi, directed by Guido Salvini, Rome, Eliseo Theater, April 2, 1949.
  • Iorio’s daughter , by Gabriele D’Annunzio, directed by Corrado Pavolini, Pineta di Pescara, 28 August 1949.
  • Romance by Gerolamo Rovetta, directed by Lucio Chiavarelli, Rome, the Teatro University, 4 November 1950.
  • The tame bisbetics , by William Shakespeare, directed by Lucio Chiavarelli, Rome, the Teatro University, 2 December 1950.
  • Between bed and mourning , by Georges Feydeau, directed by Manolo Borromeo, Rome, Fiammetta Theater, 10 December 1950.
  • Sacchi women , by Molière, directed by Lucio Chiavarelli, Rome, the Teatro University, February 16, 1951.
  • Human creature , by Vittorio Calvino, directed by Giorgio Prosperi, Rome, the Teatro University, 8 March 1951.
  • Jack Taylor’s holidays , by Carlo Trabucco, directed by Anna Maria Refaldi, Rome, the Teatro University, 7 April 1951.
  • Triptych ( Antonio , Process , Lion hunt ), three unique acts by Roberto Zerboni, directed by Lucio Chiavarelli, Rome, the Teatro University, 8 May 1951.
  • La Calandria , by Il Bibbiena, directed by Anna Maria Refaldi, Rome, the Teatro University, 24 November 1951.
  • Knight without armor , Text and Directed by Vittorio Calvino, Rome, the Teatro University, 15 January 1952.
  • Dangerous turning point , by John Boynton Priestley, directed by Alessandro Brissoni, Rome, Eliseo Theater, March 18, 1952.
  • The hotel of the poor , by Maksim Gor’kij, directed by Pietro Sharoff, Rome, the Teatro University, January 1, 1953.
  • Old chicken , by Augusto Novelli, directed by Carlo Lari, Milan, Sant’Erasmo Theater, 29 July 1954.
  • Tooth , by Colette and Anita Loos, directed by Giorgio De Lullo, Turin, Carignano Theater, April 14, 1955.
  • Assassination in the cathedral , by T. S. Eliot, directed by Mario Ferrero, Verona, cloister of San Bernardino, 19 August 1955.
  • Slander , by Lillian Hellman, directed by Giorgio De Lullo, Milan, Manzoni Theater, 6 December 1955.
  • The stratagem of the Bellimbusti , by George Farquhar, directed by Giorgio Bandini, Milan, Manzoni Theater, 29 December 1955.
  • The success , by Alfredo Testoni, directed by Giorgio De Lullo, Bologna, Teatro Comunale, March 14, 1956.
  • Keta water , by Augusto Novelli, directed by Carlo Lari, Milan, Sant’Erasmo Theater, 29 June 1956.
  • Goodnight Bettina , by Garinei and Giovannini, Turin, Teatro Alfieri, November 14, 1956.
  • Santa Caterina da Siena , by Gherardo Gherardi, directed by Giulio Pacuvio, Rome, Piazza San Gregorio al Celio, 23 September 1957.
  • This evening it is recited to the subject , by Luigi Pirandello, directed by Guido Salvini, Palermo, October 1957
  • Mariana Pineda , by Federico García Lorca, directed by Lucio Chiavarelli, Palermo, 23 January 1958.
  • The lover with golden feathers , by Dario Niccodemi, directed by Luigi Cimara, Rome, theater of the arts, 7 May 1958.
  • Lastric of hell , by Paolo Levi, directed by Daniele D’Anza, Rome, Teatro delle Arti, 9 January 1959.
  • Green burnt girls , by Gian Paolo Callegari, directed by Daniele D’Anza, Rome, Teatro delle Arti, January 28, 1959.
  • The apricot season , by Aldo Nicolaj, directed by Lucio Chiavarelli, Milan, Manzoni Theater, April 14, 1959.
  • Delinquent face , by Jack Popplewell, directed by Guglielmo Morandi, Milan, Manzoni Theater, 28 July 1959.
  • Picnic , by William Inge, directed by Mario Ferrero, Naples, Mercadante Theater, 11 February 1960.
  • Romeo and Juliet , by William Shakespeare, directed by Franco Enriquez, Verona, Corte di Castelvecchio, 5 July 1960.
  • Eight women , by Robert Thomas, directed by Mario Ferrero, Reggio Emilia, Municipal Theater, 9 October 1962.
  • My Fair Lady , by Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe, directed by Sven Aage Larsen, Milan, Teatro Nuovo, 9 November 1963.
Lola Braccini in the film Beautiful
  • My baby , directed by Eugenio de Liguoro (1933)
  • Live! , directed by Guido Brignone (1937)
  • Nobody’s land , directed by Mario Baffico (1939)
  • Small hotel , directed by Piero Ballerini (1939)
  • Black crossing , directed by Domenico M. Gambino (1939)
  • Accused, get up! , directed by Mario Mattoli (1939)
  • LeWews of Saint-CYR , directed by Gennaro Righelli (1939)
  • A thousand kilometers per minute! , directed by Mario Mattoli (1939)
  • Down the curtain , directed by Raffaello Matarazzo (1940)
  • The captain of the USSARI , directed by Sandor Szlatinay (1940)
  • Manon Lescaut , directed by Carmine Gallone (1940)
  • Husbands (storm of souls) , directed by Camillo Mastrocinque (1941)
  • Odess on flames , directed by Carmine Gallone (1942)
  • Carmela , directed by Flavio Calzavara (1942)
  • What a distinct family! , directed by Mario Bonnard (1943)
  • Hello, who is speaking? , directed by Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia (1945)
  • I met you in Naples , directed by Pietro Francisci (1946)
  • Antonio di Padova , directed by Pietro Francisci (1949)
  • Have a good trip, poor man , directed by Giorgio Pàstina (1951)
  • Beautiful , directed by Luchino Visconti (1951)
  • Chronicle of a crime , directed by Mario Sequi (1953)
  • The men, who mascalzoni! , directed by Glauco Pellegrini (1953)
  • The age of love , directed by Lionello De Felice (1953)
  • Forbidden women , directed by Giuseppe Amato (1953)
  • Giuseppe Verdi , directed by Raffaello Matarazzo (1953)
  • It’s never too late , directed by Filippo Walter Ratti (1953)
  • Valeria Little Girl , directed by Guido Malatesta (1958)
  • Sabrina’s beautiful legs , directed by Camillo Mastrocinque (1958)
  • Gastone , directed by Mario Bonnard (1959)
  • Arrange yourself! , directed by Mauro Bolognini (1959)
  • Winter holidays , directed by Camillo Mastrocinque (1959)
  • The husbands Olympics , directed by Giorgio Bianchi (1960)
  • The gotopardo , directed by Luchino Visconti (1963)
  • Seduced and abandoned , directed by Pietro Germi (1963)
  • Dangerous loves , directed by Carlo Lizzani (1964)
  • Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, directed by Franco Enriquez, broadcast on January 29, 1954.
  • The song of the cradle , by Gregorio Martínez Sierra, directed by Alessandro Brissoni, April 17, 1954.
  • Tonight in Samarkand , by Jacques Deval, directed by Alessandro Brissoni, 7 May 1954.
  • The success , by Alfredo Testoni, directed by Franco Enriquez, 21 May 1954.
  • The house of the three girls , booklet by Alfred Maria Willner and Heinz Reichet, music by Franz Schubert, directed by Mario Landi, 9 November 1954.
  • The country of the bells , by Carlo Lombardo and Virgilio Ranzato, directed by Silverio Blasi, 11 December 1954.
  • Mother joy , by Luigi F. De Sevilla and R. Sepulveda, directed by Anton Giulio Majano, 24 December 1954.
  • We were young , original television by Ugo Buzzolan, directed by Claudio up, 11 January 1955.
  • The third husband , by Sabatino Lopez, directed by Silverio Blasi, January 28, 1955.
  • Zio Vanja di Anton Čechov, Regia di Silverio Blasi, 11 Marzo 1955.
  • Lost kisses by André Birabeau, directed by Giancarlo Galassi Beria, 15 July 1955.
  • Assassination in the cathedral , by T. S. Eliot, directed by Mario Ferrero, 19 August 1955.
  • The lady from the camellias , from the novel by Alexandre Dumas (son), directed by Daniele d’Anza, June 21, 1957.
  • The heart and the world , by Lorenzo Ruggi, directed by Mario Landi, 4 July 1958.
  • All right , by Luigi Pirandello, directed by Claudio Fino, 25 July 1958.
  • The tame bisbetics , by William Shakespeare, directed by Daniele D’Anza, 3 October 1958.
  • The cat in the cellar , by Nando Vitali, directed by Eros Macchi, 2 June 1959.
  • Via della Chiesa , by Lennox Robinson, directed by Daniele D’Anza, 3 July 1959.
  • See , by Guglielmo Giannini, directed by Claudio up to 11 December 1959.
  • The Pisan , directed by Giacomo Vaccari, from 23 October of 27 November 1960.
  • Ascension , by Augusto Novelli, directed by Alessandro Brissoni, 20 December 1960.
  • Abdication , by Jacinto Benavente, directed by Alberto Gagliardelli, April 28, 1961.
  • Abele, that is, many are called Cain , by Robert Neumann, directed by Giuseppe Di Martino, March 19, 1962.
  • The decorated O’Flaherty , by George Bernard Shaw, directed by Flaminio Bollini, January 31, 1963.
  • At the table we don’t talk about love , by Diego Fabbri, directed by Gilberto Tofano, 7 May 1964.
  • The invitation , comedy of Gaspare Cataldo, directed by Anton Giulio Majano, broadcast on January 1, 1947
  • The terrible relatives , by Jean Cocteau, directed by Guglielmo Morandi, broadcast on November 24, 1947.
  • Romance , by Gerolamo Rovetta, directed by Carlo Ninchi, 31 December 1951.
  • Jack Taylor’s holidays , by Carlo Trabucco, directed by Anna Maria Refaldi, 30 July 1951.
  • Human creature , by Vittorio Calvino, directed by Giorgio Prosperi, 3 September 1951.
  • The canvas of Penelope , by Raffaele Calzini, directed by Alberto Casella, 23 February 1954.
  • Delinquent face by Jack Popplewell, directed by Guglielmo Morandi, 19 November 1959.

Cinema [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Florence Bates in One day in New York , Prohibited dreams , Duel in S. Antonio , In your arms , The dear secretary , The forbidden man , La ninna nanna di broadway , The sins of San Francisco
  • Margaret Rutherford in Assassination to the gallopy , Assassination on the train , Assassination on board , Assassination on the stage , Poirot and the Amanda case
  • Anne Revere in Soul and body , Invisible barrier , Sold out , Behind the closed door
  • Ethel Barrymore in The great sinner , The secret of the lake , History of three loves
  • Hattie McDaniel in Abandoned on a honeymoon , The man this dominator , Da Quando Te Ne Andasti
  • Paxinou chain in The Prince of Volpi , For those who play the bell
  • Lucile Watson in The razor’s thread , Little Women
  • May Whitty in The Carnival of life , My name is Giulia Ross
  • One O’Connor in Robin Hood’s legend
  • Leopoldine Konstantin in Notorious – The lost lover
  • Ruth Gordon in The flag waves again
  • Hermione Gingold in Tooth
  • Laura Hope Crews in Gone With the Wind
  • Pastora Peey in The sin of Rogelia Sanchez
  • Lois Wilson in The destruction of the world
  • Ave Ninchi in Difficult years
  • Clara Blandick in The bloody circus
  • Ruth Nelson in Persistently
  • Edith Barrett in The forbidden door
  • Louise Beavers in Wild wind
  • Alice Brady in The unparalleled Godfrey
  • Winifred Harris in Lovers of the dream
  • Marjorie Main in Harvey’s girls
  • Selena Royle in Night and say
  • Lillian Randolph in Spring wind
  • Maria Ouspenskaya in The great rain
  • Margaret Wycherly in Carmen’s loves
  • Evelina Paoli in The Certosa di Parma
  • Ruth Gillette in The right to kill
  • Evelyn Varden in Bill you are great!
  • Sara Allgood in Crime without sin
  • Ann Shoemaker in My two wives
  1. ^ a b Enrico Lancia, Roberto Poppi, Dictionary of Italian cinema. The actresses , Gremese Editore, Roma, 2003, p. 49
  2. ^ Raul Radice, Lola Braccini died in Rome , Corriere della Sera, March 20, 1969, p. 7
  3. ^ Matilde Hochkofler, Anna Magnani , Gremese, 2001, pp. 26-28
  4. ^ Corriere della Sera, 13 October 1933, p. 5
  5. ^ “The drama”, n. 195, 1 October 1934, p. 47
  6. ^ Corriere della Sera, June 14, 1936, p. 5
  7. ^ Corriere della Sera, 29 June 1937, p. 5
  8. ^ “The drama”, n. 266, 15 September 1937, p. 33
  9. ^ Renato Simoni, Love letters , Corriere della Sera, 4 April 1939, p. 4
  10. ^ Renato Simoni, The coffee of the sailors , Corriere della Sera, April 15, 1939, p. 4
  11. ^ Corriere della Sera, 19 September 1940, p. 4
  12. ^ Alberto Savinio, “The drama”, n. 360, 15 August 1941, p. 45
  13. ^ Corriere della Sera, 18 September 1941, p. 2
  14. ^ Corriere della Sera, 29 September 1942, p. 2
  15. ^ “The drama”, n. 1, 15 November 1945, pp. 46-49
  16. ^ “The drama”, n. 119, 15 October 1950, p. 57
  17. ^ Vito Pandolfi, The evening spent pleasantly , “The drama”, n. 224, May 1955, p. 31
  18. ^ U.BZ., «Good night, Bettina» with Walter Chiari and Delia Scala . are The print , November 15, 1956, p. 4.
  19. ^ r.rad., The spirit of George Bernard Shaw present in «My Fair Lady» . are Corriere della Sera , 10 November 1963, p. 11.
  • Raul Radice, Lola Braccini died in Rome , Corriere della Sera, March 20, 1969, p. 7
  • Enrico Lancia, Roberto Poppi, Dictionary of Italian cinema. The actresses , Gremese Editore, Roma, 2003, p. 49
  • The Rai Teche.
