Lomé-Tokoin International Airport — Wikipedia


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L’ Lomé-Tokoin International Airport , renamed Gnassingbé-Eyadema International Airport In 2016 [ first ] , (code here: LFW • CODE ICAO: DXXX ), is a domestic and international airport located in Lomé, capital of Togo. Only airport in the south of the country, it serves Lomé as well as the maritime region; To date, it is also almost the only the international airport in Togo. That of Niamtougou, to the north, in the process of modernizing, which certainly officially has this status, still having an embryonic commercial traffic.

The Lomé Tokoin (SALT) airport company has been responsible for the management, operation and development of Lomé airport since 1986. It is a mixed industrial and commercial economy company, with civil personality and financial autonomy. It is created and organized by the decree N O 86-85/PR of May 20, 1986; Its activities actually started in January 1987. Its capital, of five hundred million CFA francs, was distributed between the Togolese State (65%) and the Togo Chamber of Commerce and Industry (35%).

Lomé-Tokoin is located along the avenue de la Paix, five kilometers north-east of the city center (Town Hall of Lomé). The population of the capital having been strongly increased since the construction of the airport, its hold, occupying an area of ​​413 ha, is today included within the urban fabric which has spread during time. This airport was modernized during the 2010s, as part of the airport, port and road infrastructure renovation project. The parking area is enlarged to receive fifteen large carriers and the new terminal, with a main hall of twenty-four registration counters, is inaugurated the , by the president of Togo Faure Gnassingbé [ 2 ] . Gnassingbé-Eyadema International Airport is in full expansion thanks to the establishment of the International African Airline ASKY (whose headquarters are in Lomé) which made it its main correspondence platform [ 3 ] . In 2019, Asky opened a Johannesburg / Lomé link [ 4 ] .

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The name of Lomé-Tokoin comes from the name of the Lomé district where the airport is: Tokoin. The new name, Gnassingbé-Eyadema, Honore Gnassingbé Eyadema, (1935-2005), a Togolese politician who occupied for 38 years, from 1967 to his death, the post of President of the Togolese Republic.

Companies Destinations
Drapeau du Burkina Faso Air Burkina Cotonou, ouagadougou
Drapeau de la Côte d'IvoireAir Côte d’Ivoire Abidjan-F.-H.-Boigny
Drapeau de la France Air France Paris-Charles de Gaulle
Drapeau du Togo ASKY Airlines
  • Abidjan-F.-H.-Boigny,
  • Abua-n. Azikiwei,
  • Accra-Kitoka,
  • Bamako-m. Keïta,
  • Bangui,
  • Banjul,
  • Brazzaville,
  • Conakry,
  • Coton,
  • Dakar-B. Diagne,
  • Douala,
  • Freetown-Lungi,
  • The Johananedor Om car,
  • Kinshasa-n’djili,
  • Lagos-murtala Muhammed,
  • Libreville-Léon MBA,
  • Monrovia-Roberts,
  • N’Djamena,
  • Niamey-D. Hamaman, Lamaman,
  • Ouagadougou,
  • Pointe-Noire A. Neto,
  • Beach,
  • Yaoundé-sinen
Drapeau de la Belgique Brussels Airlines Bruxelles-National
Drapeau de la Guinée équatorialeIntercontinental Ceiba Damn
Drapeau de l'Éthiopie Ethiopian Airlines Addis-Abeba Bole, Newark-Liberty, New York-John F. Kennedy
Drapeau du MarocRoyal Air Morocco Casablanca-Mohammed-V.
Drapeau des Émirats arabes unis Emirates Dubai, Conakry
Drapeau de la France French Bee In season: Paris-Orly
Drapeau de la GuinéeGuinea Aviation Conakry, Kisshi, Kankan

Edited on 05/16/2020 Updated 12/11/2022

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