LONEL-MAX Chassin — Wikipedia



Lionel-Max chassis, de son vrai nom Guillaume Jean Max Chassin , born the in Bordeaux (Gironde) and died on [ first ] In Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), is a general of the French army, known for his political commitment to French Algeria.

Lionel-Max Chassin joined the Naval School, in France, in 1919, where he obtained the engineering diploma in 1921. He first came out of the aeronautical school in Rochefort (Charente-Maritime) and entered the aeronavale In 1926, giving a higher course of air navigation in Brest as a young lieutenant.

In 1935, he joined the Air Force at the time of its creation and was one of the first parachutist patented at the Avignon-Puault jump school in 1936, where he obtained the rank of captain. Promoted commanding in 1938, he left the school of air war in 1939. In 1940, he obtained the diploma of the Free School of Political Science, and represented France to the London Strategic Committee and then was assigned in May to the Cabinet of the Cabinet Chief of the air force of the air force. Two days after the armistice, he is in Algiers and was sent to Morocco. In September, he commanded the 1/32 group which received the order to bomb Gibraltar, but made his bombs drop off the rock. He was assigned to the military cabinet of the State Secretariat for Aviation in Vichy while belonging to the Ronsard-Troine resistance network. It is he who pilots the plane of Admiral Darlan when he goes to Algiers the . He actively participated in negotiations during the American landing and was sent to Morocco, then to Dakar, to rally the French forces to the Franco-American effort. Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel in 1943, he was appointed director of military staff of the Air Force.

He was appointed colonel in 1944, and brigadier general in 1946. In 1949, he was appointed general of division, then underemnation of national defense staff (1946-1948), commanding the 3 It is Aerial region (1948-1951), aviation commander in Indochina from 1951 to 1953, a position where he succeeded General André Hartemann.

General Chassin decides in favor of the development of nuclear weapons and he is part of the influences which lead Pierre Mendès France to launch the French military nuclear program in 1954 [ 2 ] .


From 1953 to 1956, he became commander -in -chief of the Air Defense of the territory (DAT) in Versailles. In 1956, he was commander and coordinator of air defense of the Allied forces in Central Europe with NATO, until March or April 1958 (Shape). He was promoted general of the air army in 1957, before being authorized to benefit from the final leave of navigating staff in April 1958.

Political commitment to French Algeria [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Chassin is a Catholic close to the Catholic city of Jean Ousset, hostile to progressive Catholics and communism. A general, then colonel at the staff of the 5 It is Aerial region in 1952, which had previously attacked an article from Chassin, testifies that he was denigrated as ” Communicating, man on the left By Chassin. A general argued by arguing that he went to mass every Sunday. To which Chassin retorted: ” These are the most dangerous [ 3 ] ». He advocates the “ideological role” of the army and its mission of “moral recovery” and “guardian of values”, in October 1954, in an article in Military information review [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] .

He was mixed with Doctor Henri Martin’s intrigues, his “conspiracy of the Grand O” of which he would have been one of the leaders (“Le Grand B”) with General Paul Cherrière (“Le Grand A”) [ 6 ] , [ 7 ] . In January 1957, he succeeded General Salan at the head of the patronage committee of the Association of Combatants of the French Union (ACUF). At the time of May 13, 1958, his name having been mixed with the resurrection operation, the government of Pierre Pflimlin having ordered his arrest, he “takes the maquis” [ 8 ] and tries to organize the mobilization of supporters of French Algeria in mainland France [ 9 ] . In June 1958, he founded the popular movement of 13-May [ ten ] , who supports General de Gaulle [ 11 ] , but he resigned in September [ twelfth ] .

He appeared in the legislative elections of November 1958 in the 2 It is district of the Gironde, in Bordeaux, in order to make Jacques Chaban-Delmas beat but the latter comes out of it winner in the second round, with more than 63% of the votes [ 13 ] , [ 14 ] . He is then interested in the Center for Higher Studies of Social Psychology (CESPS) of Georges Sage, an anti -Communist pharmacy which advocates the need for the defense of “the Christian West” against communism, and attends one of his conferences in 1959, given on the occasion of a dinner-debate from the Center for Political and Civic Studies, and speaks the same year to the National Study Session of this Association, at the Porte de Versailles exhibition center 28 and [ 15 ] , [ 16 ] . In January 1960, having attempted to win Algeria at the time of the barricades week, he was arrested by the police but quickly released [ 17 ] . From 1961, seriously ill, he no longer actively took part in the events, although always the presidency of ACUF, until the beginning of 1966 [ 18 ] .

In 1966 he co -signed an anti -communist declaration denouncing “Aggression (led by) Vietcong guerrillas in South Vietnam” [ 19 ] .

Passionate about the phenomenon of flying saucers, he wrote, in 1958, the preface to Aimé Michel’s work Mysterious celestial objects – about flying saucers , in which he wrote: “We can therefore say that he really appears, in the sky around us, mysterious objects. »» [ 20 ] . From 1964 to 1970, he presided over the Air Phenomena Study Group (GEPA), a private Ufological Association.

Essays and biographies [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

He is the author of several works:

  • Infinite conquerors , Lajeunesse, 1945
  • Military history of the Second World War , Payot, 1947
  • Atomic strategy and bomb , Lavauzelle, 1948
  • Anthology of French military classics , Lavauzelle, 1950
  • The conquest of China by Mao Tse-Tung , Payot, 1952
  • l’ascension de Mao Tse-tung , Payot 1953
  • Aviation Indochine , Amiot-Dumont, 1954
  • Bélisaire, generalissime Byzantine , Payot, 1957
  • Raymond Cauchetier, Heaven of war in Indochina (photographs), Lausanne, 1953
  • Georges Hilaire Gallet, ATAGN , La Marche du Monde collection, Paris, 1956
  • Aimé Michel, Mysterious celestial objects , Arthaud, 1958

Articles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Founder of the review French Air Force , he has signed many articles.

  1. https://www.leonore.archives-nationales.culture.gouv.fr/ui/notice/77229 image 4
  2. Serge Berstein, The Gaullian Republic (1958-1969) , 1989.
  3. General Robert Aubinière: words of one of the fathers of space conquest , L’Harmattan, 2008, p. 60-61
  4. Olivier Forcade, Eric Duhamel and Philippe Vial, Military in the Republic, 1870-1962: officers, power and public life in France , on. Cit., p. 558
  5. Alain de la Morandais, Honor is except: priest, officer in Algeria , Seuil, 1990, p. 359-363
  6. Rémi Kauffer, OAS, History of the Franco-French War , Seuil, 2002
  7. The conspiracy of the Grand O on the Médiapart site (limited objectivity)
  8. The cross , May 17, 1958
  9. The mail of anger , May 22, 1958
  10. Republican Burgundy , June 13, 1958 , The cross , June 13, 1958 , Le Monde, June 14, 1958
  11. The French nation , June 11, 1958 , Carrefour , June 18, 1958 , The cross , July 17, 1958
  12. The cross , September 26, 1958
  13. Chaban, worried, had brought General de Gaulle, who moved to the Palais Rohan. The voices of supporters of French Algeria did not weigh heavily. See Patrick Chastenet and Philippe Chastenet, Chaban , Seuil, 1991, p. 262 and 266
  14. The cross , December 2, 1958 , Ibid., November 18, 1958
  15. Henry Coston (dir.), Parties, newspapers and politicians of yesterday and today , French readings , December 1960, p. 209
  16. The cross , first is December 1959
  17. The world , February 3, 1960, “General Chassin and all the other people who were kept on police are released, except one
  18. The world , May 5, 1966
  19. The world , May 14, 1966, “against the” communist assault “in the south”
  20. Aimé Michel, About flying saucers , Planet editions, 1966 p. ten

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