Louis Alibaud — Wikipédia


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Louis Alnaud is a French republican activist, born in Nîmes the and guillotined in Paris the for having tried to assassinate the king of the French Louis-Philippe.

Engaged in July 1829 in the 15 It is Light infantry regiment, in 1830 he refused to shoot the July insurgents. He succeeds in being reformed in . Briefly employed in the post office in the south of France, he joined the Spanish Republicans in To support their revolt. He returned immediately after in Paris, in November, in order to commit an attack on Louis-Philippe. Handling for a commercial representative, he gets a cane-fusil [ first ] .

The To 18 h 15 , he shoots the king when he left the tuileries. He chose a recent invention, the cane-fusil, which he managed to introduce it into the coach. While she is well to balance on the door, he shoots at close range, but misses his blow: at the same time the king leaned to greet his guard.

His arrest is immediate [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] , a guard managed to prevent him from committing suicide with the dagger he wore.

Il est incarceré in La Luxembourg, et Placé in La Cellé Celled by Trapateur Travus, Consults Comment Cum and Lui [ 4 ] .


He was judged by the peers of France the next day. On the minutes of his confessions, he preceded his signature of the mention “I have only one regret, that of not having succeeded. »» During his trial, when he has been asked for him for how long he meditated his crime, Alibaud replied: ” Since the king put Paris in a state of siege; that he wanted to govern instead of reign; Since he made citizens massacred in the streets of Lyon and at the Saint-Merri cloister. His reign is a reign of blood, an infamous reign. I wanted to kill the king ».

Sentenced to the pain of the parricide the [ 5 ] , he is guillotined the , Place Saint-Jacques, at 5 a.m. so that the event does not cause a republican gathering [ 6 ] . Access to the square is blocked by the positioning of 6,000 soldiers. When the crowd arrives, everything is already over.

Before dying, Alibaud declared: “I die for freedom, for the people, and for the extinction of the monarchy. »» [ 7 ]

The body of the tortured was immediately buried in the trench of the toilet of the Montparnasse cemetery in Paris.

The government was incapable of a substantial behavior coherent in the face of the attacks against Louis-Philippe.

  • Alibaud’s family obtained soon after, the right to have him buried in a clean tomb, therefore identifiable.
  • Republican activist Laure Grouvelle, did not fail to have this tomb flourish at her expense, of the same subversive gesture that she had had for that of one of the previous conspirators, Pierre Morey [ 8 ] , accomplice in the attack perpetrated using the famous “infernal machine”.
  • The manuscript written by Alibaud during his incarceration, in which he justified his gesture, managed to be copied, which allowed his circulation until 1848 [ 9 ] .
  • The daily The National , founded by Adolphe Thiers, published two articles which, on the other hand, earned his manager a conviction to three months in prison for ” Apology of assassination crime ».
  • The attack caused a profound modification of the inauguration ceremony of the triumph of the star. Supposed to enhance the commemoration of the sixth anniversary of the three glorious, a military parade had been planned. He was replaced by a large banquet, while the monument’s veil was withdrawn at seven in the morning, in the sole presence of Adolphe Thiers and his Minister of Finance.
  • The bombing cane-fusil was sold [ ten ]

The following conspirator, Marius Darmès declared that he had been inspired by the gesture of Alibaud.

  • Allibaut trial before the peer court Posted by Pagnerre, publisher, 1836.
  • Louis Jean Joseph Grivel Vaton, Luxembourg prison during the reign of Louis Philippe. Impressions and souvenirs, 1862, 366 pages, p88 and s
  • Dezobry and Bachelet, Biography dictionary , t.1, Ch.Delagrave, 1876, p. 55 .
  • Emmanuel Fureix, France of tears , 2009.
  • Etienne Frénay , «Alibaud (Louis)» , In New Roussillon biographies dictionary , Olivier publications, .
  1. In Report by Dominique François Marie de Bastard d’Estang, Court of Peers, on the attack on June 25, 1836, p. 40 and s.
  2. See attacks against Louis-Philippe Ier.
  3. The lawsuits of the peer court: the Louis Alibaud attack, The Louis Alibaud attack » (consulted the ) .
  4. See Senate site: https://www.senat.fr/histoire/les_proces_da_la_cour_des_pairs/laffaire_alibaud_1835.html
  5. See Journal du Palais: the oldest and most complete collection of French jurisprudence. Volume 27, p. 1506 https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark :/12148/bpt6k9668794w/
  6. Capital executions list: 1832-1870
  7. Louis-Pierre Anquetil, History of France , vol.4, p. 481-483 (Reign of Louis-Philippe), brotherly editions, 1848
  8. To learn more about Louis Jean Joseph Grivel Vaton, Luxembourg prison during the reign of Louis Philippe. Impressions and memories, 1862, 366 pages, the first section of which is devoted to the attack in which it was involved
  9. Louis Jean Joseph Grivel Vaton, Luxembourg prison during the reign of Louis Philippe. Impressions and memories, 1862, p. 142 and s.
  10. It is in the collection of the Dutch National Military Museum (Inv.006372).
