Louis Béors – Wikipedia


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Louis Béors , born the in Paris ( 18 It is arrondissement), died on In Saint-Ouen (Seine-Saint-Denis), is a metal turner who became a member of the central committee of the French Communist Party (PCF) in 1926, to be excluded in 1927-1928, as an oppositional. Under the Occupation, when the Liberation-North movement was established in 1942 in the northeast suburbs of Paris, it became one of its main recruiters.

Louis Raymond Béors was born on in Paris ( 18 It is arrondissement).

In 1918, it was incorporated into the 48 It is infantry regiment.

In 1921-1922, first returned to his homes, he was recalled for a new military period.

In 1923, he became secretary of the PCF Saint-Ouen section [ first ] .


In 1924, he attended the Federal Congress of the Seine, then the National Congress of the PCF, in Lyon, which elected him to his National Commission for Conflicts. In November, he followed the courses of the first central school of the PCF, in Bobigny.

Tourneur on metals of his condition, he married Maria Halhan, seamstress in Pont-l’Abbé (Finistère), in 1925 [ 2 ] . That same year, he was responsible, as a permanent, of the secretariat of the Breton region of the PCF, then French section of the Communist International (SFIC). He notably followed the Sardinières strike in Douarnenez (Finistère) and wrote a severe report with regard to Daniel Le Flanchec, who became mayor [ 3 ] . Also in 1925, he was prosecuted because of his fight against the war of Morocco.

In 1926, at IN It is PCF Congress, in Lille, he intervenes and is elected to the central party committee. We quote it as an example for his Bulletin Regions .

In 1927, the Bolshevism notebooks Criticize a letter he sent to the Party Secretariat, in which he made reservations in particular as to the possibility of the construction of socialism in a single country. In addition, with a few other members of the Central Committee, he voted against the resolution of the VII It is Executive of the Communist International (IC), on the Russian issue. In June, at the PCF conference in Saint-Denis, he was the spokesperson for the far left opposition and vote against the adopted political resolution. The central committee blames him for this attitude. In November, it was signatory to a call to XV It is Congress of the Russian PC in favor, in particular, of the reintegration of oppositions [ 4 ] . Result: it is not summoned to the following central committee and is suspended from participation in this body. Soon, at the request of its cell, the central committee ratifies its exclusion from the party.

In 1931, despite his exclusion, he continued to campaign in the Saint-Ouen section.

In 1941, he was interned, then released.

When the North Liberation movement was set up in 1942 in the northeast suburbs of Paris, it became one of its main recruiters with teachers, PTT employees, municipal services, supplies and Alsthom and T.E.M. [ 5 ] .

In 1943, the PCF confirmed the validity of its exclusion.

In 1946, he was a member of the Saint-Ouen section of the SFIO.

He died the in Saint-Ouen.

  1. At that time, he lived at that time, passage from the future, which became rue Eugène Lumeau, named after a boilermaker at Alsthom, head of the Metal Syndicate and Communist Resistant Audonian shot in Mont Valérien on February 16, 1942.
  2. The citizen From Thursday September 3, 1925, no 36, 18 year.
  3. Jean Vigreux, The Sardinières de Douarnenez (Finistère) strike in 1924: a communist strike? , on Paprik@2f (Archives of Communism), May 21, 2014.
  4. Section “Against the split”, under the title “The Communist International” , extract of Communist bulletin , 1927, on the site Radar . He is a signatory, with other members of the Central Committee – Henri Barré, Marguerite Fauxcave, Suzanne Girault and Albert Treint – of an appeal entitled “Against the split, for the Leninist unity of the International Party”, which denounces Stalin as the initiator of the split and the special effects of the last central committee in France by the exclusion of the opponents.
  5. Simone – When my father died I was 14 years old , on The Liberation of Paris 19-25 August 1944 .
