Louis de Clercq – Wikipedia


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Louis Constantin Henri François Xavier de Clercq , born the In Paris and died on In Oignies, is a French industrialist, photographer and politician.

Son of Louis François-Xavier de Clercq and Henriette Crombez, he was very early passionate about archeology and photography. In 1859, he obtained to go on a mission in Syria, in collaboration with the archaeologist Emmanuel Guillaume Rey, with the aim of studying the strong castles of the Crusaders.

After a few months of common work, Clercq left the mission and continued his journey. He returned to France after photographed Jerusalem, Egypt and Spain.

In the 1860s, he entered the board of directors of the Compagnie des Mines de Dourges, founded by his mother in 1852 [ first ] . He will give the company its boom which intervenes in the context of the exceptional growth of the Pas-de-Calais mining basin which became in 1878, the first French coal producer [ first ] (Nord-Pas-de-Calais mining basin).

Louis de Clercq enjoys a large fortune and lives between his castle of Oignies and Paris. He has two passions outside of business: the policy and the collection of art objects [ first ] .


Mayor of Oignies from 1871 until his death in 1901, and general councilor of the canton of Carvin, he was elected deputy of Pas-de-Calais in the National Assembly , in the 2 It is Constituency of Bethune. Sitting to the right with the conservative and monarchist majority, a fervent Catholic, it is among the most ardent opponents of the Republican form and tried in the years 1870-1880 to stop the establishment of this regime in Pas-de-Calais .

Beaten in 1876, he obtained his re -election the , with the official support of the government of the sixteen-May, then the . He was beaten in 1889 by his republican rival André Desprez, and again beaten during the 1891 by -election against Émile Basly. This defeat carries a strong symbolism: the “deputy minor” beats the great conservative owner, heir to the founder of the mining in the department [ first ] .

In 1889, he began the catalog of his remarkable collection of art objects, made up particularly of oriental antiquities from Chaldée, Assyrie, from the island of Cyprus. At his death his nephew and heir Henri Louis Boisgelin will bequeathed, according to the wish of Louis de Clercq, his collection at the Louvre and the cabinet of medals of the National Library. [ 2 ]

He married Henriette Marie Ghislaine loved in the first wedding, the daughter of Louis Crombez. Widowed, he married in second marriage Jeanne Esther Marie Joséphine de Rémond de Montmort, daughter of the Marquis Raymond de Rémond de Montmort.

  • Six albums of his trips, in five volumes made up of 222 calotypes on trips to the East and Spain from 1859 to 1860, prints on albumin paper from negatives on waxed paper [ 3 ] .

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • “Louis de Clercq” , in Adolphe Robert and Gaston Cougny, French parliamentary dictionary , Edgar Bourloton, 1889-1891 [Edition detail] [ Text on Sycomore ]
  • “Louis de Clercq”, in the Dictionary of French parliamentarians (1889-1940) , under the direction of Jean Jolly, PUF, 1960 [Edition detail] .
  • “Henriette de Clercq (1812-1878) Louis de Clercq (1837-1901)”, in 100 Figures du Pas-de-Calais, 1790-2000 , Les Échos du Pas-de-Calais, Lillers 2001, p. 47-48 .

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