Louis Raphaël Ier Sako – Wikipedia


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Louis Raphaël I is Says (Arab: Luis Rafael I Saco ; In Syriac: ܠܘܝܣ ܪܘܦܐܝܠ ܩܕܡܝܐ ܣܟܘ), of its birth name Louis says, Born in 1948 in Zakho in Iraq, is the 24 It is Patriarch of the Chaldean Catholic Church since the . It is created Cardinal during a consistory the .

Louis Sako was born on In Zakho, in the far north of Iraq, in a large family driven out of Anatolia by the violent anti-Christian campaigns of the Ottomans. Ordered priest of the Chaldean Catholic Church in Mosul the , he is elected Archbishop of Kirkuk by the Synod of Bishops Chaldeans the , with more than two thirds of the votes of the fifteen voting bishops [ first ] , election confirmed by John Paul II the [ 2 ] .

Following the resignation of Cardinal Emmanuel III Karim Delly from the charge of Patriarch of Babylon, the Synod of the Chaldeans bishops chose him as the primacy of the Chaldean church the ; this election being confirmed by the Pope, the first is following February.


In 2008, he received the prize Defender of faith “Defender of faith” and the price Peace of Christ In 2010, to honor his commitment to the service of inter-religious dialogue.

He is appointed member of the Congregation for Eastern Churches [ 3 ] .

The , he is appointed, by Pope Francis, father Synodal, as the primacy of the Chaldean church, for the third extraordinary general assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the family, which will take place from 5 to [ 4 ] .

The , Pope Francis announces that he will be created Cardinal with thirteen others during a consistory which will be held . His appointment as cardinal is a sign of the proximity of the pope with churches undergoing persecution [ 5 ] .

Louis Sako has always been known for his commitment to inter-religious dialogue.

In 2009, during Ramadan, he appealed to political leaders:

“We are all brothers, son of the same God that we must respect: we must cooperate for the good of the people and the country. »»

After the attack on Who made 23 injured, he said:

“We are trying to make a bridge with our Muslim brothers and sisters. Many, many people let me know that they condemned my approach. I will ask the imams, Shiites and Sunnis, to speak of this inhuman attack and to condemn it, by telling the faithful that this is against God and against religion. »»

The , he appeals to the international community [ 6 ] . He assures :

“[The situation in the Middle East] is worrying, as are certain speeches on the Arab Spring that can be heard from certain leaders. »»

He adds further:

“The international community – notes the archbishop, obviously referring to the Syrian conflict – believes that it is possible to improve the situation by supporting an uncertain program in order to achieve democracy by arms! The result is the confrontation between an armed opposition and a regime that destroys everything ”

According to him, Christians must put into practice “The forms of love experienced and preached in the New Testament” . As for Muslims, they “Must modernize the application of the Koran teaching” . He advocates a “Positive secularism” , Who “Respect religion and can express a more suitable look at the person” [ 7 ] .

  • Louis Raphaël Sako, “Do not forget us !” , Interviews with Laurence Desjoyaux, Bayard, 2015.
  1. Bishop Louis Sako: New Patriarch of the Chaldean Church » , on Aid to the Church in distress , (consulted the )
  2. Article On the site is-religieux.com
  3. Renunciations and appointments » , on Press.vatican.va (consulted the )
  4. List of participants in the family synod », The cross , (ISSN  0242-6056 , read online , consulted the )
  5. New cardinals: the pope confirms his balances », The cross , (ISSN  0242-6056 , read online , consulted the )
  6. Iraq: call from the Chaldean archbishop of Kirkuk » , on Aid to the Church in distress , (consulted the )
  7. Patriarch Louis Raphaël I Sako: new textbooks need more tolerant – Iraq Christians are rejected | Memri » (consulted the )

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