Louisy Mathieu – Wikipedia


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Louisy Mathieu , born the [ first ] In the city of Basse-Terre in Guadeloupe, who died the , in Pointe-à-Pitre, slave in the French colony of Guadeloupe before the decree of abolition of slavery of April 27, 1848, cooper then a typographer worker, accesses the deputation and seat in the National Constituent Assembly of the At .

Louisy Mathieu is the first slave liberated to have sat in the National Constituent Assembly. Antesclavagist, he had learned to read through a religious education, despite the prohibition of learning to read and write for slaves.

Louisy Mathieu sits on the Constituent Assembly, 1848.

Louisy Mathieu was a typographer worker in a printing house in Pointe-à-Pitre when the events of 1848 and the emancipation of the slaves made him choose as a deputy. Elected, on August 22, 1848, deputy representative of Guadeloupe in the National Assembly, by 11,632 votes (33,734 voters), he was admitted to sit to replace Victor Schœlcher [ 2 ] who had opted for Martinique.

Political context [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Louisy Mathieu, representative of the people in 1848.

The provisional government of 1848 voted abolitionist laws. Guadeloupe can elect, by universal male suffrage, its representatives in the Constituent Assembly. The Guadeloupe republicans, aware of the popularity of Louisy Mathieu, in Pointe-à-Pitre, offer him as a candidate.

Louisy Mathieu is presented on the electoral list led by Auguste-François Perrinon and Victor Schœlcher.

At the end of the votes, Victor Schœlcher, also elected in Martinique, left his seat to Louisy Mathieu, a post he occupied until May 26, 1849.

Exercise of a mandate: 1848-1849 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Louisy Mathieu took place at the far left of the hemicycle. He was part of the Committee of Algeria and the Colonies, and voted for the right to work, for the whole of the Constitution, against the Rateau proposal, against the prohibition of clubs, against the expedition of Rome, for the Declaration in honor of General Cavaignac and abstained during the vote on the request for indictment of the president and the ministers “by recognition for the members of the cabinet who had fought twenty years in favor of the abolition of slavery ».

Not re-elected to the legislative, he abandoned political life after the coup d’etat of Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte (1851) and returned to Guadeloupe. Installed at a place called “Bas de la Source”, in Pointe-à-Pitre, he saw miserably. His wife died from cholera around the 20th of May 1863 [ 3 ] .

  • To my compatriots, the voters of Guadeloupe , Paris, impr. by F. Malteste, (OCLC  466214033 ) .
  1. Louisy Mathieu.
  2. Nelly Schmidt , Abolitionists of slavery and reformers of the colonies, 1820-1851: analysis and documents : XIX It is century: 1820-1851 , Paris, Karthala Editions, . Notice Bnf n° FRBNF37214241
  3. The , Mr. Doctor Descorps treated, on the road to Darboussier, also called Chemin de la Source, M me Louisy (Mathieu), wife of the ex-representative of the people in 1848. M me Louisy (Mathieu), 45 years old, was suffering from algidity*, viscous sweats, white and rice incorporated diarrhea; Her figure was a hippocratic and she died after three days. Doctor Descorps declared, from that time to Mr. Louisy (Mathieu), that his wife had just succumbed to a cholerine “. Academic Society Brest , Bulletin of the Brest Academic Society: recognized as a public utility — (August 1880) : XIX It is century , Brest, published by Impr. A. KAIGRE, . Notice Bnf n° FRBNF32723474
    * Algidity : Symptom common to several conditions and characterized by a lively feeling of cold especially at the ends. ( Atilf )
    * hippocratic : Characteristic expression of the face of a dying. ( Atilf )
  • Jean Pierre Sainton « From the state of slave to “the state of citizen”: modalities of the transition from slavery to citizenship in the French Antilles under the Second Republic (1848-1850) », Overseas. History review , t. 90, n you 338-339 “the state and administrative practices in colonial situations”, first is semester 2003, p. 47-82 ( read online ) .
  • Disclosed encyclopedic dictionary: Encyclopedic dictionary of the Antilles and Guyana. 1992. Let’s say Disasseursaux.
  • The famous men of the Caribbean: Dictionary. 1980. Caribbean editions.
