Lucius Neratius – Wikipedia


Pas pas confondre avec Neratius (consul en 87).

Lucius Neratius is a senator and eminent Roman lawyer of I is And II It is centuries, consul suffect In 97 and imperial governor of lower Germania then probably of Pannonia between 98 and 106 during the reign of Trajan. He is also an adviser to the latter and his Hadrian successor.


Family and relations [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

His family is from SEPTER Dans le Samnium [ first ] , [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] (near the modern Sepino) and descends from the family of the wife of Labéon.

His father is either the consul suffect of 87 [ 3 ] , Lucius Neratius , either Mark Harry Fronto Neratius Pansa , consul suffect in 74 and governor of Cappadoce-Galatie in 78-79. According to the latter hypothesis, Lucius Neratius is then his uncle and adopted him and not his brother [ 4 ] . Marcus Neratius Pansa has a wife a Water , maybe the daughter of Marcus Vettius Marcellus , an imperial prosecutor [ 5 ] .

Son frere is Lucius Neratius Marcellus [ 6 ] , [ 3 ] , consul suffect in 95 and eponymous in 129, governor of Brittany around 101-103 [ 7 ] . He also has a sister, or a cousin, Neratia Pansina [ 8 ] , perhaps the grandmother of Lucius Corellius Pansa, eponymous consul in 122 [ 9 ] . But it is also possible that the latter is his nephew, son of Lucius Neratius Marcellus and Corellia Hispulla [ 3 ] .

Publius Neratius Marcellus, consul en 104, and Marcellus, consul suffect in , perhaps also his brothers.

Marcus Epidius Titusi Marcellus and leaved Marcellus and Death Mars Benide and the Female, and Etu being Et on hisils, Ashes to the Fememme Near: Name, Lucius Natival Priscus, Sardinian tribun of La Plèb in Pannonie versus 119 et cust suffect Around 121/122 [ 9 ] , and a autre fils, Neratius Proculus, Pere of Neratia Procilla, Mariée avec Gaius Betitius Pietas, and from Lucius Neratius Proculus.

The family of NERATII Under the Flavians and the beginning of the Antonins. Non -exhaustive tree.

It may be one of the appointed correspondents Old of Pliny the Younger, but without certainty [ 7 ] , [ 2 ] . A letter from Pliny, dated 97/98, or even 100, is aimed at a Old who is at the head of an important army [ ten ] : It may be Lucius Iavolenus Priscus, then governor of Syria or even in office in Germania, but it can be his predecessor Aulus Larcius Priscus in Syria and or of Priscus in lower Germany [ 2 ] .

Pliny finds a tutor to the son of Corellia Hispulla , probably Lucius Corellius Pansa, and declares in his letter that “his uncle and his father stood out by brilliant merits [ 11 ] , [ twelfth ] ».

Career [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The family of NERATII Enter the Senate during the reign of Vespasian [ 13 ] , [ 6 ] . These are Mark Harry Fronto Neratius Pansa and Marcellus Neratius [ 4 ] , but a priori not NERATII PRISCI . It seems that they are not patricians [ 9 ] .

Lucius Neratius Prisons is probablement préfet du Trésor de Satreve entre 93 and 95 [ 14 ] .

Two years after his brother, under Nerva, he consul suffect en among an 97 d hUST CENT ARCHAT OF MARCUS ANUSS [ 15 ] . He becomes a friend of the emperor Trajan [ 16 ] , and one of his close advisers [ 17 ] . He is also a member of the College of Septemviri Epulonum [ first ] , [ 7 ] .

Sous trajan, he is governor (legate of Augustus proper) of lower Germania in 98 and 99, perhaps until 100/101 [ 18 ] , [ 3 ] Then maybe pannonia between 102/103 and 106 [ 18 ] , [ 7 ] . In Germania, he succeeds perhaps the close advisor of Trajan, Lucius Licinius sura and precedes another friend of the emperor, Quintus Sosius Senecio. In pannonia, he succeeds a priori to Quintus Glitius Atilius Agricola, and the province is then subdivided at the end of his mandate in the year 106 [ 19 ] .

He is a recognized lawyer, and he wrote books of Rules (rules), “answers” and is the first to comment on the work of Plautius (in his Books on the Plautio ), jurisconsult of I is century, moreover unknown. It places the rationality of Roman law and the definition of legal rules above everything, for rigorous and traditional respect for the law, and a more uniform and hierarchical conception of the Empire [ 20 ] , [ 21 ] . He is one of the lawyers influenced by philosophy [ 22 ] .

According to’ History Augustus , Trajan would have been thinking of neratius priscus for a time to succeed him, to the point of telling him: “I entrust the provinces to you, in case I arrive at me something [ 23 ] , [ 7 ] “, But this anecdote seems improbable [ 7 ] .

L’empereur Hadrien fait appel à des jurisconsultes comme conseillers, DONT Julian Marcus Marcus Salvius Julian and notamment Lucius Neratius Prisons [ 24 ] , [ 7 ] .

  • Pir¹ N 46
  • CIL IX, 2454 -2455 ( SEPTER )
  • Mireille Corbier, L’Treasury Saturday and L’Treasury military , Senatorial administration and prosopography, Rome, French school in Rome, 1974, read online » ( Wikiwix Google • What to do ?) , pp. 101-109.
  • Christian SetPimates , Kindness and family continuity in Roman senatorial families in the imperial era , Linacre College, Oxford University, coll. «Prosopographic & genealogica», , 597 p. (ISBN  1-900934-02-7 )
  1. a et b Mireille Corbier, L’Treasury Saturday and L’Treasury military , Senatorial administration and prosopography, Rome, French school in Rome, 1974, p. 103.
  2. A B and C Annette Flobert, Pliny letters , Flammarion, 2002, pp. 481 and 486.
  3. A B C D and E John D. Grainger, Roman Succession Crisis of AD 96-99 and the Reign of Nerva , Routledge, 2003, p. 42.
  4. a et b Mireille Corbier, L’Treasury Saturday and L’Treasury military , Senatorial administration and prosopography, Rome, French school in Rome, 1974, p. 107.
  5. A. R. Birley, Vindolanda: Notes on some new writing tablets in magazine for papyrology and epigraphic 88 , 1991, p. 100.
  6. a et b Mireille Corbier, L’Treasury Saturday and L’Treasury military , Senatorial administration and prosopography, Rome, French school in Rome, 1974, p. 105.
  7. a b c d e f and g Mireille Corbier, L’Treasury Saturday and L’Treasury military , Senatorial administration and prosopography, Rome, French school in Rome, 1974, p. 106.
  8. Mireille Corbier, L’Treasury Saturday and L’Treasury military , Senatorial administration and prosopography, Rome, French school in Rome, 1974, p. 109.
  9. A B and C Mireille Corbier, L’Treasury Saturday and L’Treasury military , Senatorial administration and prosopography, Rome, French school in Rome, 1974, p. 108.
  10. Annette Flobert, Pliny letters , Flammarion, 2002, pp. 89-90, “LETre i, 13 – to pray.”
  11. Annette Flobert, Pliny letters , Flammarion, 2002, pp. 112-113, «Letter III, 3 – At God Sleeve,”
  12. Pliny the young, Letters , III , 3.
  13. Françoise des Boscs Plateaux, A Hispanic party in Rome? , House of Velázquez, 2005, p. 299.
  14. Mireille Corbier, L’Treasury Saturday and L’Treasury military , Senatorial administration and prosopography, Rome, French school in Rome, 1974, p. 104.
  15. John D. Grainger, Roman Succession Crisis of AD 96-99 and the Reign of Nerva , Routledge, 2003, p.  xiii.
  16. Julian Bennett, Trajan. The best princess , Routledge, 1997, p. 48.
  17. Digest , XXXVII, 12, 5.
  18. a et b Rémy Bernard, Mixtures of the French School of Rome. antiquity , 1983, Carriere Carrière De P. Calvissius Lounius FRONTINUS, GUERVIUR DE CAPATOY DE CAPATOI , p. 179.
  19. Patrick Le Roux, The Roman High Empire in the West, from Augustus to the Severous , Seuil, 1998, p. 240.
  20. Jean Andreau, Annals. Economies, societies, civilizations , 1978, Francesco Grelle, the city autonomy between Trajan and Hadrian , p. 352.
  21. F. Sartori, Ancient history dialogues , 1995, L’geméure empereur méconnu empereurum: m.A. Levi, Adriano, a Ventenio of Show , p. 294.
  22. Michèle Ducos, Latin life , 1993, The originality of the Roman legal system , p. 68.
  23. History Augustus , Hadrian life, 4 .
  24. History Augustus , Hadrian life, 17 .
