Luflotte 4 — Wikipedia


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The Air fleet 4 [ first ] ( 4 It is Aerial fleet) was one of the main divisions of the German Luftwaffe (Wehrmacht) during the Second World War.

In the summer of 1942 the Air fleet 4 is responsible for the air coverage of Operation Fall Blau. She intervenes massively during the Battle of Stalingrad where she was responsible for the arrival of German troops in the city of a bombing campaign aimed at terrorizing the civilian population, which cost around 40,000 people.

She was formed the from the Air Force Command Austria also called Air Force Command Ostmark in Vienna.

The Air fleet 4 was renamed the in Air Force Command 4 , and has become subordinate to the Luftflotte 6.

  • 1939: Pologne
  • 1940: Defense of airspace
  • 1941: Balkans, southern Russia
  • 1942: South of Russia
  • 1943: South of Russia
  • 1944: Romania, Hungary
  • 1945: Hungary, Austria

Luftflotte flag

The headquarters moved according to the advancement of the front.

  • Air Force Command Don:
  • Air Force Command Caucasus:
  • I. Aviation corps: And
  • II. Aviation corps:
  • IV. Aviation corps:
  • V. Aviation Corps:
  • VIII. Aviation corps: And
  • XI. Aviation corps:
  • Royal Romanian Aviation Corps: 1942 –
  • 2. Flieger division:
  • 17. Flieger division:
  • 102. Hungarian flying division: 1944 – 1945
  • Commanding General of the German Air Force in North Balkans:
  • Commanding General of the German Air Force in Romania: 1944 –
  • Commanding General of the German Air Force in Hungary: 1944 –
  • Air leader e.g. :
  • Aviation guide Nordbalkan:
  • Aviation guide South: – At the end of 1942
  • Seaflieg leader Schwarzes Sea: Fin 1942 –
  • Junction flying guide Romania: 1943 – /
  • Special staff Crimea:
  • Air Force Upload Croatia: 1944
  • Luftgau-command VIII:
  • Luftgau-command xvii: /
  • Luftgau command Charkov:
  • Luftgau command Kyiv:
  • Luftgau command Rostow:
  • Luftgau-command xxv:
  • Luftgaustab z.b.V. :
  • Luftgaustab z.b.V. :
  • Air Force mission Romania: 1941 –
  • Air Force mission Bulgaria: 1942 –
  • 15. Air Force field division: 1942
  • I. Flakkorps (of) :
  • II. Flak Corps:
  • V. Flakkorps (of) :
  • 5. Flak-Division :
  • 9. Flak-Division : /
  • 10. Flak-Division :
  • 15. Flak-Division :
  • Flak-brigged we:
  • Air news regiment 4
  • Air news regiment 14
  • Air news regiment 24
  • Fagr = Long -distance reconnaissance group = Air recognition.
    • group = equivalent in the RAF at Wing.
  • JG = Hunting squad = Hunter.
  • KG = Combat squadron = Bombardier.
  • KG zbV = Combat squadrons for special use = Air transport, later TG.
  • Nagr = Close -up group = Air link.
  • NASt = Close reconnaissance relay = Air recognition.
    • Series = equivalent in the RAF in Squadron.
  • Ngr = Night slaughter = Hunter-bombardier at night.
  • Sagr = Sea reconnaissance group = Maritime patrol
  • SG = Slaughterhouse = Ground attack.
  • TG = Transportgeschwader = Air transport.
  • Zg = Destroyer squadron = Heavy hunters.
