Lyonnais regiment – Wikipedia


The Lyonnais regiment , also called Lyonnois regiment , is an infantry regiment of the Kingdom of France created in 1616, which became the Revolution 27 It is line infantry regiment.


  • : Nicolas de Neufville, Marquis de Villeroy, marshal of camp , again Camp Mestre of the regiment at the death of his brother in 1639
  • : Charles de Neufville, knight of Alincourt, brother of the previous one, †
  • : Nicolas de Neufville de Villeroy, Marquis de Villeroy, Mestre de Camp, lieutenant general , Colonel , marshal of France , †
  • : François de Neufville, Duke of Villeroy, son of the previous one, brigadier the , camp marshal , lieutenant general on , marshal of France , †
  • : Louis Nicolas de Neufville, Marquis d’Alincourt, son of the previous one
  • : François Louis de Neufville, Marquis de Villeroy
  • : Jacques Bertrand de Scepeaux, Marquis de Beaupréau
  • : Hyacinthe Gaëtan, count of Lannion
  • : Gabriel Louis François de Neufville, Marquis de Villeroy
  • : Anne-Joachim de Montaigut, Marquis de Bouzols
  • : Alexis Paul Michel Le Veneur, Viscount of Tillières
  • : Philippe André François, count of Montesquiou-Fezenzac
  • : Jean-Baptiste Chauvet d’hilons
  •  : Gaspard Vincent Félix Gioacomoni
  • : Hyacinthe Étienne Antoine Claude Alexandre de Rossi
  • : Constantin Joseph Dumortier, †

Villeroy regiment [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Alincourt regiment [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1632, the regiment had its districts in Lyon. When the revolt of the Duke of Montmorency bursts, he goes to Vivarais and helps to stifle the insurrection organized by the Baron de Lestrain, taking hold of the Tournon castle.

The The regiment obtains the white flag [ 3 ] and takes the name of Lyonnais regiment

Lyonnais regiment [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1639 it was reinforced by the incorporation of the Alincourt regiment (1639-1639)

The , Louis XIV declares war on Holland. The Lyonnais regiment leaves for Holland with the Prince of Condé. He is in the capture of Wesel and Emmerik, in the passage of the Rhine and the taking of the Fort de Nimègue. During the winter, he follows Luxembourg in Holland and participated in the taking and destruction of Bodegrave, Swallerdam and Niewerbrüg. In 1673, he fighted under Turenne in Germany and stood out for the taking of Unna. In December, he joined Anne-Jules de Noailles, count of Ayen, on the border of Franche-Comté and participated in the taking of Pesmes ; the , he opened the trench in front of Gray, who heads right now, despite a garrison of 1,600 infantry men, 400 masters and 600 dragons. Lyonnais contributes to taking Vesoul and Lons-le-Saulnier, removed with the same speed. The regiment is used to the investment of Besançon and pushes the exit . The , he opens the trench with the guards at the foot of the Chaudane mountain. In July, Lyonnais siege Salins where his Major, M. de Valonges, was killed by Fort Sainte-Anne.

The year 1688 was the beginning of the war of the Augsburg League.
Lyonnais arrives on the Rhine at the Dauphin army and made the seats of Philippsburg, Manheim and Frankenthal. He spent the winter in Landau whose fortifications he repaired, campaigned 1689 first under the Marshal of Duras, then took part in the defense of Mainz under the Marquis of Huxelles. The regiment still makes the following two campaigns in Germany. In 1692, his 2 battalions were called in Flanders for the siege of Namur. Later, his arrival on the battlefield of Steenkerque, at the Pointe du Bois de Triou, decided the enemy to retirement and contributes to victory. Lyonnais is still campaigning 1693 in Flanders and fighting in Neerwinden. He is at the siege of Charleroi in September and is covered with glory to attack the book in horns and the half-moon on the right .


At the siege of Dixmude, in 1695, he opened the trench And advance enough to make the chamade beat the next day to General Hellemberg, who had more than 4,000 garrison men; The Prince of Orange will make him cut his head. Lyonnais is still this year at the capture of Deynse and the bombing of Brussels. He completed war on this border and was part of the Compiègne camp in 1698.

At the start of the Spanish War of Succession, the regiment was divided between the armies of Flanders and the Rhine. The Rhine army battalion goes to Italy in And participate in the battle of Chiari.

The other battalion arrives in Italy in , and both are in the fight of Santa Vittoria, at the Battle of Luzzara, at the capture of this place and Borgoforte. In December, the regiment was taking Bondanella, an important position on the Pô.

In 1703, under the Duke of Vendôme the regiment was at the fighting of Stradella, Castelnuovo de Bormia and the capture of Nago, Arco and Asti. In 1704, he made the seats of Verceil and Yvrée and began that of Verru.

Lyonnais participates in the great attack of this place the , and took part that same year in the headquarters of Chivasso and the Battle of Cassano.

1706 of the civbat to Calcinato and at the corner of Turin.

In 1707, the regiment was used to defend Antibes and Toulon.

Sent in Flanders, Lyonnais is in the combat of Audenarde (1708), to the battle of Malplaquet (1709), to the combat of Arleux (1711) and to the Battle of Denain (1712).

In 1713, the regiment siege Landau, contributed to the capture of Friborg after the defeat of the troops of General Vaubonne in front of this place.

The , it is reinforced by the incorporation of the Mornac regiment [ 4 ] and the It is reinforced by the incorporation of the Charolais regiment [ 5 ] .

The regiment is at the Aimeries-sur-Sambre camp in 1732 [ 6 ]

At the start of the Austrian Succession War, the Lyonnais went to Sedan to join the first re Division of the Marshal Marshal of Maillebois and leaves for Westphalia the . Withdrawn to Dingolfing, on the Isar, the city is attacked the by the Austrian avant-garde of General Daun. It is repelled by Lieutenant-General Nicolas Léon Phelippes de la Houssaye with his 14 battalions. The Austrian army renews its attack on While the place is only defended by a detachment from the different bodies. The Lyonnais regiment is seriously engaged with the loss of 17 officers including the Captain of Monchevreuil. After this case, French troops returned to France and the regiment is confined to Rheinau and Neufbrisach.
At the end of August, he went to Franche-Comté, then went to the border of the Piedmont where the Prince of Conti gathered his army. Campaign operations begin in And the regiment is at the attack on the entrenchment of Mont Alban, at the capture of Villefranche and Mont Alban, at the passage of Vive Force de la Vallée de la Stura, at the capture of Château-Dauphin and at the Demonstrate.

Lyonnais sige of the sias and some of the guardy in Olois Le Madonna de la Batilaine de di coni. . In the fall, the regiment takes up residence in Barcelonnette and remains there most of
The year 1745. He crossed the mountains in November to go to Asti headquarters. A battalion, put into garrison in this place, is taken there prisoner of war . Exchanged shortly after, he joined the other battalion in Antibes and contributed to the defense of Provence.

In 1755, the regiment was at the Aimeries-sur-Sambre camp, then went to Valenciennes that he left
For Rouen in the spring of 1756. He spent the winter in Strasbourg.

In 1757, he was part of the German army and was in the battle of Haasterembeck, taking Hameln, Minden and Hanover. After the violation of the Closterseven convention, he left the Halberstadt camp, walks on Zell and fights the when going on the outward. Garnison in Minden, he is attacked and forced, , to make himself a prisoner of war with Lieutenant-Colonel de Bruslard. Indignant by this capitulation, 1,500 soldiers are called a general, the grenadiers corporal the youth of the Lyonnais regiment, and suddenly leave the place, by tall two enemy positions, and succeed in winning the campaign. The soldiers who remained prisoners were soon exchanged and the regiment gradually recovered the following years, being attached to the Coast Guard.

During the reorganization of the French infantry bodies of 1762, the Lyonnais regiment was put to four battalions by the incorporation of the Nice regiment.
The prescription also stops the clothing and equipment of the regiment as follows [ 7 ] :
Habit, white jacket and panties, facings, reverse and red collar, double long pockets each garnished with three buttons, as much on the sleeve, five on the reverse and four below: yellow buttons with the n O 15. Hat bordered with gold.

On April 26, 1775, the regiment was split, its 2 It is And 4 It is battalions form the Maine regiment.

The , the Lyonnais regiment embarks in Toulon with the infantry regiments of Brittany, Bouillon, and Royal-Suédois and a detachment from the Artillery Regiment of Strasbourg to the island of Minorca. These troops, commanded by Lieutenant-General Baron de Falkenheim, came to strengthen the Franco-Spanish troops of the Duke of Crillon who have invested the Fort Saint-Philippe de Mahon since 1780. The place, commanded by the English general Murray capitula .
After taking Minorca, the troops of the Duke of Crillon, including the Lyonnais regiment, took over the headquarters of Gibraltar invested for eighteen months. Despite the insukes of operations, the blockade from the land continued to peace and the Lyonnais regiment remained this time at the Saint-Roch camp.

The first is January 1791 During the Revolution, all regiments took a name composed of the name of their weapon with a given number according to their seniority. The Lyonnais regiment becomes the 27 It is line infantry regiment (above Lyon) .

  1. Patent by which the King of France provides for military charges and offices.
  2. 9 Flags, including a white colonel, and 8 of “Bleux & Blacks by opposition, & White Cross”: Fifth abbreviated general of the military of France, on land and at sea , Pierre Lemau de la Jaisse, Paris, 1739
  3. The possession of a white flag became the privilege and the mark of the permanent bodies, but the possibility of obtaining the white flag were left if they were worthy.
  4. History of infantry in France, volume 2, p. 479
  5. History of infantry in France, volume 2, p. 479
  6. Plan of the Aymeries camp on the Sambre in 1732. Battle order of the troops that make up the Sambre camp
  7. King’s ordinance, concerning the Infantry Françoise: December 10, 1762

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Lieutenant-Colonel Belhomme, History of infantry in France , volumes 2 and 3, Paris, Henri Charles-Lavauzelle Military editor
  • Mr. Pinard, Historical chronology-military , volumes 2 and 3, Paris, Claude Herant, 1760 and 1761
  • Louis Susha, History of the old French infantry , t. 4, 1851, p. 221 to 251 [first]

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