Maâtas – Wikipedia


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Moss (in Kabyle: Mɛetqa or Imaεtuqen, in tifinagh: ⵎⵄⴻⵜⵇⴰ, in Arabic: معاتقة) is an Algerian commune of the wilaya of Tizi Ouzou, in the region of Kabylia, located 20 km southwest of Tizi Ouzou.

Situation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The town of Maâtkas is located southwest of the wilaya of Tizi Ouzou.

Commune localities [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

During the administrative division of 1984, the town of Maâtkas was made up of the following localities [ 4 ] :

  • Adjaba
  • Affiring
  • Aït Ali
  • Aïchaouiene
  • Aït Ahmed
  • Aït Ahmed ifrek
  • Ait El Hadj Ali
  • Aït Halima
  • Aït Ifrek
  • Aït Mahiou
  • Aït Mouh Dhakli
  • Aït Mouh OUSSAIDH
  • Ait Said or Ali
  • Aït Zaïm
  • Aneguah
  • Berkouka
  • Bouhamdoun
  • Bouarfa
  • Bour Hamou
  • Cheurfa Tala Oughanim
  • Cherkia
  • The Vir
  • Ghendoussa
  • Haddada
  • Ighil Aouane
  • Isoubaken
  • Iguariden
  • Ighil Issiouen
  • Ighil Zougaren
  • Ighil Bouadhou
  • Ighil-Takdhibine
  • The irkviths
  • Melbane
  • Ait Aissa Ouziane
  • Souk el khemis (chief location of the town)

Mahmoud’s present
Aghauni boufal

  • Takhribt
  • Tadjdiout
  • Tala stretch
  • Thala Hamou
  • Thadaght ouzemour
  • Tizy n’ttzing
  • Tizi menous
  • Iligarden
  • Dry
  • Izithène

The name of the municipality means “Hospital” in tamazight [Precision required] .

Maâtkas is renowned for her millennial pottery [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] .
And like most of the municipalities of Kabylia, Maatkas is an important player in the region’s oleicole production.

Maatkas also known as “Capital of Pottery” or “City of Pottery”, in fact since 2010, each year, during the month of July, the local pottery festival is organized. During this event, which spread over a week, local craft exhibitions are organized. In recent years, the festival has been enriched by concerts animated by singers of the local or regional scene.
We can notably quote Ali Amrane, from Iguariden, Lani Rabah, Ahcene Nath Zaïm and many others.

Added to the pottery party, “the Olivier festival”, this ceremony is generally held in one of the villages in the region known as Ait Zaim.

The Olivier Festival provides several workshops on olive growing, guided tours of oil centers in the region, guests attend demonstrations on planting operations on the fields, the manufacture of olive soaps, the Oil extraction according to traditional methods. [ 7 ]

  1. Executive decree n ° 91-306 of August 24, 1991 fixing the list of municipalities led by each chief of daïra. 15 – Wilaya of Tizi Ouzoou » , Official Journal of the Algerian Republic, (consulted the ) , p. 1302
  2. [PDF] 2008 Census of the Algerian population, wilaya of Tizi Ouzou, on the ONS website.
  3. Maâtkas pottery festival: it will take place from July 25 to 29 » , on The time of Algeria (consulted the )
  4. Official Journal of the Algerian Republic , December 19, 1984. Decree n O 84-365, fixing the composition, consistency and territorial limits of the municipalities. Wilaya of Tizi Ouzou, page 1506 .
  5. (in) LA-ABALIE.COM » , on LA-ABALIE.COM (consulted the ) .
  6. Kabyle pottery: a millennial art in the process of extinction » , on (consulted the ) .
  7. Writing of the HuffPost Algeria, ” The Olivier En Fête in Tizi Ouzou from March 21 », March 17, 2017 , ( read online )

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