Mademoiselle the director – Wikipedia


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Mademoiselle the director

Original title Miss director
Despinis Diefthyntis
Achievement Dimopoulos
Script Asimakis giamas
Costs pretented
Main actors
Production Companies FINE FILM
Country of production Drapeau de la Grèce Greece
Genre Romantic comedy
Duration 96 minutes
Exit 1964

For more details, see Technical sheet And Distribution

Mademoiselle the director ( Miss director ( Despinis Diefthyntis ) ) is a Greek film directed by Dínos Dimópoulos and released in 1964.


Lila Vasileiou (Jenny Karézi) has just completed her studies and obtaining her engineering diploma. She finds work at a management position in an architectural firm to replace the previous director. His assistant, Alekos Samiotakis (Alékos Alexandrákis), is a great seducer. The secretaries of the cabinet love him, and he receives many phone calls at the office from different female knowledge, including a called Vicky with whom his relationship seems to be more serious than the others. Lila, authoritarian and not very feminine, asks her firmly to display more professionalism in her work.

In a cafe, Lila finds her cousin Athina who advises her to be more feminine and friendly with her male colleagues. Lila admits to her indeed that she regrets the image she has sent back to Alekos, who no longer wants to commit the slightest odd in her presence, if only smoking a cigarette. At the office, the president of the company group, Admiral Gelevourdezos, made advances in Lila without result, while she now seems attracted to Alekos.

With Athina, Lila learns all the attitudes to become feminine and provocative, like the other young girls who like to Alekos. She sees in particular in Vicky her great rival, and believes by overinterpretation that Alekos seeks to see Vicky by all means, which is not the case: Alekos admits to a friend that he is looking for a woman with a stable character, as Lila. Alekos and Lila do not know the reciprocity of their feelings.

Admiral Gelevourdezos comes to ask her father’s hand to ask, but he refuses her after a discussion with his daughter. Lila calls Alekos to offer her to come and spend the evening with her on the advice of Athina. She speaks on the phone with the provocative voice that ATHINA taught her, which arouses the comic misunderstanding of Alekos who hangs up the first time thinking that it is Vicky. Alekos goes to Lila but the evening turns into drama: the two young people argue because of an incomprehension. Athina saves the situation by telling her cousin to recall Alekos after explaining his disagreement to him.

Lila and Alekos find themselves at another musical evening soon after, but Vicky is also present. Lila thinks again that Alekos is only there for her rival and begins to drink more than reason. Drunk, she dances without controlling her words. To save the situation again, Athina clearly explains to Alekos that Lila loves her and wanted to seduce him. Alekos takes Lila outside the crowd to admit her feelings to her, but Lila’s drunkenness is only getting bigger. The evening ends badly: Lila is broken out drunk with her father, and Alekos is taken by police after having fought with a rival in the conquest of the heart of Lila.

The next day in the office, Lila and Alekos no longer want to see each other. But after a discussion to explain the events of the day before, the two lovers kiss with tenderness. Athina, meanwhile, wishes to marry Admiral Gelevourdezos.

  • Title : Mademoiselle the director
  • Original title : Miss director ( Despinis Diefthyntis )
  • Realization: Dínos Dimópoulos
  • Assistant Director: Pantelís Voúlgaris
  • SCENARY: ASSIMAKIS GIALAMAS (he) and kostas pretercis
  • Artistic direction: Markos Zervas
  • Sets:
  • Costumes :
  • Photographie: Nikos Kavoukidis
  • Son: Thanassis Georgiadis
  • Montage: Petros Natural
  • Musique: Mimis Plessas
  • Native country : Drapeau de la Grèce Greece
  • Language: Greek
  • Format: black and white
  • Genre: Romantic comedy
  • Duration: 96 minutes
  • Exit dates: 1964

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