Maison Pavlov — Wikipedia


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The Pavlov house (Russian: Pavlov’s House Dom Pavlova ) is the name of a fortified building run by the Soviets during the Battle of Stalingrad of At . It takes its name from Sergeant Yakov Pavlov who ordered the peloton of the 13 It is Division of the guard who took and defended the building.

The resistance of the Pavlov house was widely used by Soviet propaganda, which has largely “embellished” history [ first ] .

Strategic position during the Battle of Stalingrad [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The building overlooks the , named after the red Sunday of 1905. He lost part of his structure and his roof during bombing.

The , on the order of Captain Naumov, a group of 42 It is regiment of the 13 It is Division of the Guard, led by Sergeant Yakov Pavlov accompanied by 3 men, Corporal Glouchtchenko and the Thernogolov and Aleksandrov soldiers, is sent in recognition in the building. Finding it little kept, they manage to take control of it.

The building becomes an important observation post for the Soviets because, located at the corner of the square , it offers a clear view of three sides and he covers the “locomotive deposit”, a building that dominates the Volga, the only supply route for Soviet troops. The group of the young Sergeant Pavlov is quickly reinforced by the machine gun section of Lieutenant Afanasiev who takes command, but the building keeps the name of the first person to have penetrated there. The building is connected to the Russian positions by a trench and becomes a real bastion with mortars, anti -tank devices and machine guns, protected from mines and barbed wire, hosting in the floors of artillery observers and snipers. The successive waves of German soldiers fail to take up this fort.


While the German assaults have ceased because since the success of the Uranus operation It is the Germans who are surrounded, Pavlov was injured in the night of the 24 During an attack on the White House, on the other side of the place. This is where the “58 days of resistance” from the Pavlov house come from; But the house will actually be held by the Soviets until , date on which the 13 It is Division of the guard is sent to the red October factory. When the division returns to the sector at the very end of the battle, the , the Soviets find the house occupied by Germans and chase them.

After the war, the ‘house of Pavlov’ was rebuilt and is still used as a building of apartments. A memorial composed of bricks from the ruins of the battle was installed against one of the facades of the building (facade “is”, facing the Volga). The building and the memorial are located opposite the ‘Moulin’ (last vestige of the Battle of Stalingrad in the center of Volgograd) and the Stalingrad Battle Museum.

  • This house served in particular as a model in Vassili Grossman in his novel Life and destiny Under the name of the house “6 bis”.
  • The house of Pavlov served as a framework for mission n ° 4 of the Soviet FPS campaign (video games) Call of Duty . During this mission, the player embodies a young soldier, sergeant Alexis Ivanovich, responsible for attending Sergeant Pavlov in the capture and then the defense of the famous house (an apartments complex) against the various German counterattacks. The mission ends when the Soviet reinforcements arrived.
  1. Lopez 2008, p. 244-245 cites in particular the testifies of the artillery observer based in the house Pavlov, Grigori Potovski, collected by Mickael K.Jones in the early 2000s
  • Jean Lopez , Stalingrad: Battle on the edge of the abyss , Economica editions, coll. “Campaigns & Strategies”, , first re ed. , 460 p. , pin (ISBN  978-2717856385 ) .
