Major archbishop – Wikipedia


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In oriental Catholic churches, major arch is the title given to a member of the hierarchy [ first ] , [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] of the archiepiscopal seat, to which the same autonomous jurisdiction is granted ( Independent ) than a particular church, in the same way as the oriental patriarchs. It corresponds approximately to the autocephalic arch of the Orthodox churches.

The title is used by the archbishops of the episcopal seats which were founded after the patriarchal seats and which are, in fact, less prestigious. Therefore, there are differences between the two functions. The major archbishops rank immediately below the patriarchs, in the order of precedence of the Catholic Church [ 4 ] .

If they are made members of the Cardinals College, the major archbishops join the order of the cardinals-priests, while the East Patriarchs join the highest order of the Cardinals-Evêques. Like the patriarchs, the major archbishops are elected by the synod of the church independent But their election requires confirmation of the Pope, not a simple notification, as well as the granting of the communion required by the patriarchs.

The title was first granted to the manager of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church in 1963. The Syro-Malabare Catholic Church became the most important archiepiscopate in 1992, followed by the Syro-Malankare Catholic Church, then the ‘Romanian Greek-Catholic Church in 2005 leading to four major archbishops who direct the archiepiscopal seats, considered as autonomous churches [ 5 ] .

In addition to their role to govern their particular church, by applying canonical laws, all major archbishops are members of the Congregation for Eastern Churches within the Roman Curia [ 6 ] . They have an obligation to attend the ordinary general meeting of this congregation but also to attend the other sessions if they go to Rome [ 7 ] .


The title of major archbishop within the Catholic church corresponds approximately to the patriarchal title of Catholicos in certain Orthodox churches. Catholicos is used internally by the Syro-Malankare Catholic Church to name their major archbishop [ 8 ] .

It has been suggested several times to raise major archbishops to the rank of patriarchs and more particularly for the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church and the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church. Popes, from John Paul II to Benedict XVI rejected these suggestions at least in part for ecumenical reasons: among Christians, a reunification of these Catholic jurisdictions with their Orthodox counterparts is hoped for within a reunification of the Church ; From there, establishing a patriarchy in Ukraine, would be interpreted as an insult to the Orthodox Church of Russia and the patriarchy of Moscow and all of Russia (which could refuse the legitimate port of this title).

During the second Vatican Council, some wished to raise Josyf Slipyj, then Metropolitan of Lviv for the Ukrainians, to the rank of Patriarch. Many of his admirers used this title for Slipyj when they referred to him historically. Many Ukrainians continue to call the adult archbishop in the title. In any case, Pope Paul VI declined the granting of this title raising Slipyj to the rank of first major archbishop of Lviv, then creating the title (the headquarters has since been moved to Kiev).

  1. In English a ‘hierarche’ Code of cannons of oriental churches, 1992
  2. from the Greek word hierarch ( hierarch ) meaning “president of sacred rites, upper priest”
  3. Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, (in) A Greek-English Lexicon , editing Perseus Digital Library
  4. 1990 Code of cannons of oriental churches, (in) Canon 154
  5. Major archbishops (in) , Giga-Catholic Information , verified on April 19, 2006
  6. John Paul II (1998), Apostolic Constitution Pastor Bonus , (in) Apostolic constitution Pastor Bonus Article 54
  7. John Paul II (1998), Apostolic Constitution Pastor Bonus , (in) Apostolic Constitution Pastor Bonus Article 11
  8. (in) Title Catholicos Norracan Moran Pleemis

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