Mangroves u Plateau of the Sode — Wikipedia


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Description de cette image, également commentée ci-après
Geography and climate
Surface [ 3 ] :
min. max.
Altitude [ 3 ] : 0 m 1 286 m
Temperature [ 3 ] : 26 °C 29 °C
Precipitation [ 3 ] : 58 mm 756 mm


Description de l'image Missing map.svg.

THE Mangroves of the probe plateau form a terrestrial ecoregion defined by the Global Fund for Nature (WWF), which belongs to the biome of the mangroves of the Indomalaise ecozone. It consists of multiple areas along the borneo and northern Sumatra coasts.

The ecoregion is part of the “Global 200″ list of WWF under the name of ” Mangroves of the big islands of the probe ».

The mangroves of the large islands of the probe consist of trees and palestvan shrubs. They are organized from the sea to the sea as follows as follows:


The mangroves shelter in particular several birds such as the Knight Gambette, the Spotted Beak Pelican and the Martin-Chasseur Gurial, two Crocodiles, the Gavial of Schlegel and the Marine Crocodile, as well as a cetacean, the Dauphin de l’Irrawaddy [ 8 ] .
It is also one of the main habitats of the nasal long nose [ 9 ] .

Restoration of a mangrove in Ulmera in the East Timor, by the local population

Little affected by large -scale forest farm until 1975, these mangroves are now the most threatened forests in the archipelago. Sumatra has vast mangroves along its eastern coast, but the island continues to lose its natural vegetation more quickly than any other region in Indonesia. Kalimantan mangroves are a little more intact, but are also threatened by agriculture, development and human establishments. The degradation of the oceans, the rise in the sea level and the risks of marine pollution also contribute to the degradation of this habitat. Locally catering operations exist, unrelated to date with the Bonn challenge [ ten ] .

  1. (in) D. M. Olson , AND. Dinerstein , E. D. Wikramanayake , N. D. Burgess , G. V. N. Powell , E. C. Underwood , J. A. Friend , I. Itoua , H. E. Strand , J. C. Morrison , C. J. Loucks , T. F. Allnutt , T. H. Ricketts , AND. In which , J. F. Lamoreux , W. W. Wettengel , P. Hedao and K. R. Kassem , Terrestrial Ecoregions of the World: A New Map of Life on Earth » , BioScience , vol. 51, n O 11, , p. 935-938 .
  2. (in) D. M. Olson , AND. Dinerstein , R. Abell , T. Allnutt , C. Carpenter , L. McClenachan , J. D’Amico , P. Hurley , K. Kassem , H. Strand , M. Chip and Marcus Thieme , The Global 200 : A representation approach to conserving the earth’s distinctive ecoregions , Washington DC, Conservation Science Program, World Wildlife Fund-US, ( read online )
  3. A B C and D (in) World Wildlife Fund, The Terrestrial Ecoregions of the World Base Global Dataset » , on (consulted the ) . Alternately available on: Loyola RD, Oliveira-Santos LGR, Almeida-Neto M, Nogueira DM, Kubota U, et al., Integrating Economic Costs and Biological Traits into Global Conservation Priorities for Carnivores » , PLoS ONE, (consulted the ) , Table S1. Temperature and precipitation data are the minimum and maximum monthly averages.
  4. (in) G. Kier , J. Mutke , AND. Dinerstein , T. H. Ricketts , IN. KUPER , H. Cancer and W. Barthlott , Global patterns of plant diversity and floristic knowledge » , Journal of Biogeography , vol. 32, , p. 1107–1116 (DOI  10.1111/j.1365-2699.2005.01272.x , read online ) , data and card available in the Atlas of Global Conservation .
  5. A B C D and E (in) World Wildlife Fund, WildFinder: Online database of species distributions » , , data and card available in the Atlas of Global Conservation .
  6. A B and C (in) J. M. Hoekstra , J. L. Molnar , M. Jennings , C. Revey , M. D. Spalding , T. M. Boucher , J. C. Robertson , T. J. Pile and K. Ellison , The Atlas of Global Conservation : Changes, Challenges, and Opportunities to Make a Difference , Berkeley, University of California Press, ( read online ) , data and card available in the Atlas of Global Conservation .
  7. Pole-relay tropical wetlands, The restoration of mangrove » , Figure 11: Profile of a mangrove in Southeast Asia Page 15 (32-page catering guide), on ,
  8. (in) World Wildlife Fund For Nature, WWF – Greater Sundas Mangroves – A Global Ecoregion » , on ,
  9. (in) World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Suda Shelf mangroves (IM 1405) » , on ,
  10. actors Bonn’s challenge (list likely to be updated, consulted on April 14, 2019
