Manifeste de la N’sele — Wikipedia


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The manifests from n’sele (or of the nsélé ) is the charter, promulgated the by Mobutu Sese Seko creating the popular movement of the Revolution, the single party of the Democratic Republic of Congo [ first ] .

This nationalist and populist coloring program is developed in the field of Nsele about forty kilometers from Kinshasa; This text will therefore take the name of manifesto of the n’sele [ 2 ] . The manifesto of the n’sele served as the ideological basis for the single party in its beginnings; expressing nationalist ideas, he was able to seduce the elite in his early days [ 3 ] .

Besides Mobutu, participated in the writing of the manifesto:

He says in particular:

  • “The restoration of state authority and its international prestige,”
  • “Respect for democratic freedoms,”
  • “Direct or indirect active or indirect participation in public discussion of the problems of common life,”
  • “The permanent confrontation of interests, needs, economic or political necessities,”
  • “Release the Zairians and the Zairians from all easements and ensure their progress by editing a truly social and really democratic republic,”
  • “The revolution will not be done by the crushing of the individual,”
  • “Human freedom is at the center of MPR concerns,”
  • “Removal of political oppressions,”
  • “Reaffirmation of great traditional freedoms: freedom of opinion, freedom of press, freedom of conscience,”
  • “The citizen must be respected in his freedom which gives him the strength of his dedication,”
  • “The MPR will respect fundamental freedoms and facilitate their exercise” [ 5 ] .

It also defines the equitable distribution of national income, the principles of collective agreement and the wage guarantee [ 6 ] .


In the mid -1960s coexisted three currents in the future MPR:

However, one of the great reproaches of the opposition to this apparently democratic program is the automatic limitation of political plurality: “The first act posed by the MPR was to ignore the people one of the most basic natural rights: free choice. The MPR is a party that recruits its members by force. One of his basic slogans reflects this coercive character: “Whether you want it or not, you are from the MPR” (“Olinga Olinga Te, Ozali MPR”) ” [ 5 ] .

The detractors of this charter argue that she “Was only a rosary of good intentions [, while] the single thought had taken a whole republic hostage, [that being Zaïre mere to belong to this movement, [that] his membership card served as a card official identity … ” [ 7 ] .

Many observers believe that the logical outcome of the manifesto is the start of the dictatorship: “Mobutu, founding president of the MPR, was of law president of the Republic and thus enjoyed all the powers. The 1967 Constitution, voted in the rest of this proclamation by a kind of popular referendum stipulated, moreover, that the president, concentrating in his hands all the powers, is not required to make some of his decisions in council of ministers and can sign all its actions alone ” [ 8 ] .

On the contrary , Mobutu admirers hold the text in very high esteem: “Our religion is based on belief in a creative god and the cult of ancestors … Our Church is the M.P.R. Its chief is Mobutu, we respect him as we respect the pope. Our law is authenticity … Our Gospel is Mobustism, the Manifesto of N’Ssele … ” [ 9 ] .

  1. History from 1960 to 1973 » , Jean Dusausoy ,? (consulted the )
  2. a et b (in) Jean-Pierre Pabanel, Memorandum from the Department of Foreign Affairs » , African policy , , p. 97-101 ( read online )
  3. (fr) Page 1, (in) Period from 1965 to 1971 » , K. Kabamba Mbwebwe, Kasusula Djuma Locali, Congo Forum ,? (consulted the )
  4. TSHISEKEDI » , Skyrock , (consulted the )
  5. a et b Open letter from first erNovember 1980 » , Union for democracy and social progress , (consulted the )
  6. The monster called corruption » ( Wikiwix Google • What to do ?) , Civic Education Program , Institute of Sustainable Development Strategies, (consulted the ) , p. thirty first
  7. 43 years ago MPR was born » , The Storm of the Tropics , (consulted the )
  8. Once upon a month of May … » , Roger diku, congo one , (consulted the )
  9. Mobutu, king of Zaire. Essay on political socio-anthropology from a dictatorial figure » , Serge M’Boukou, the portico , (consulted the )
  • Manifests from n’sele (brochure), popular movement of the Revolution, ( read online ) .
