Marais-Léon-Provancher Natural Reserve-Wikipedia


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The Marais-Léon-Provancher nature reserve is a 125 hectare protected area located in Neuville, on the north shore of the St. Lawrence River, a few kilometers west of Quebec City. Property of the Provancher company, the land was first acquired by the Quebec Wildlife Foundation in 1988 before being bequeathed to the company in 1996.

Before the creation of the marsh, the territory of the nature reserve was exploited for agricultural purposes. In 1988, the territory was bought by the Quebec Wildlife Foundation when there were fallow fields there. Six years later, the Marais Léon-Provancher was created by Unlimited Ducks Canada by building a dike [ 3 ] .

The Société Provancher d’Histoire Natle de Canada was bequeathed to the territory in 1996 in order to ensure its management. The place was recognized as a nature reserve in 2005. The marsh located inside the reserve is appointed in honor of the Canadian naturalist Léon Provancher [ 4 ] .

A reception pavilion opened in August 2021. worth $ 600,000, this building notably contains a multifunctional room and sanitary facilities [ 5 ] .

Located between Route 138 and the St. Lawrence River [ 6 ] , the relief of the terrain is characterized by a drop of the road to the shore of the river. A stream rushes the ground and feeds a 19 -hectare swamp in 1996 by unlimited ducks using a dike. The zone closer to the river is covered with a cutter, a young forest and bushes.


The reserve is renowned for the diversity of avian fauna found there, especially for aquatic species. The marsh houses several species of barbotor ducks and the battures along the river are frequented during migratory periods by diving ducks, Canada Bernache and Limitoles. There are also aquatic plants like the common reed and the distaff as well as fish and amphibians like the Crapet-Sun and the Ouaouaron [ 3 ] .

The purpose of the reserve is to preserve the habitats there and the promotion of recreational activities. The territory is dotted with several trails accessible all year round. We practice hiking, observation of nature and cross -country skiing [ first ] .

  1. a et b Marais-Léon-Provancher nature reserve » , Provancher company, (consulted the )
  2. Marais-Léon-Provancher nature reserve » , on Ministry of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks (consulted the )
  3. a et b Julie Robitaille , Émilie Saulnier-Talbot and Isabelle The way « Biosuivi du Marais Léon-Provancher since its implication (1996-2016): implications for the conservation of a wetland fitted out », The Canadian naturalist , vol. 144, n O 2, , p. 77–93 (ISSN  1929-3208, DOI  10.7202/1073991ar, read online , consulted the )
  4. The Marais-Léon-Provancher Natural Reserve » , on Provancher company (consulted the )
  5. Marais-Léon-Provancher: the new reception pavilion inaugurated » , on InfoPortneuf-Portneuf-Jacques-Cartier news , (consulted the )
  6. The Marais-Léon-Provancher Natural Reserve » , on Provancher company (consulted the )

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