Marcel-Maulini mine museum-Wikipedia


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The Marcel-Maulini mine museum (abridged M4 ), located in the center of the city of Ronchamp in France, allows through a whole collection of objects to recall the work of minors thanks to a large collection of photographs and documents allows you to understand the life of the time.

The museum was created in 1976 by the Doctor of Houillères de Ronchamp, Marcel Maulini. It was acquired in 1991 by the municipality and joined the Engrenage network (formerly MTCC) the following year.

An enlargement project of the museum and modernization of museography is underway.

The museum is located 33, town hall place in Ronchamp, on the edge of the RD 619, in the department of Haute-Saône and the French region of Burgundy-Franche-Comté [ first ] .

The museum is provided with a rich collection of objects, photographs and period documents [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] . The Mine Museum Building is organized on three levels [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] :

  • On the ground floor :
    • reception and shop;
    • tools ;
    • A collection of minor lamps;
    • everyday objects of minors;
    • photographs and eras plans.
  • First floor :
    • artistic works;
    • Various documents relating to silicosis whose research carried out by Doctor Maulini is recognized [ 6 ] ;
    • Various objects evoking Polish immigration.
  • The second floor, closed to the public, welcomes part of the archives.

Mining [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Commemorative plaque unveiled at the inauguration.

The Mining Basin of Ronchamp and Champagney is exploited by different mining companies between the middle of XVIII It is Century and 1946. During the nationalization of the coal mines in France, the deposit and the thermal power plant were entrusted to electricity in France. The exploitation ceases definitively in 1958. They deeply marked the landscape with its terrils, mining cities and mine wells, but also the economy and the local population (Polish immigration and mining traditions in particular).

Museum [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Private museum

In one the 1960s, Doctor Marcel Maulini (1913-1983), member of the Ronchamp municipal council since 1953 and a doctor of the Houillères from 1946 to 1958 [ 7 ] , [ 8 ] which saved many objects and documents of destruction [ 9 ] planned to set up a museum in the horsepower of the Sainte-Marie well in 1972 with the creation of a “Committee for the purchase and development of the Sainte-Marie well” . But the project does not see the light of day and it bought land to build the museum with its own means on the plans of the architect Paul Combert. Before this construction, the traveling exhibition was accessible in the holiday rooms of the municipal basin communes which each received it [ 2 ] , [ ten ] , [ 11 ] , [ twelfth ] .

Finally, the museum is inaugurated the by the doctor in person [ 9 ] , [ 13 ] name “Mine house” [ 11 ] , [ 14 ] . The according to the Association of the Houillères de Ronchamp is created [ 15 ] , [ 16 ] .

Municipal museum

In 1991, the museum was acquired by the municipality and the following year, it joined the Engrenage network, then appointed Museums of Comtoises techniques and cultures (MTCC), a new reception was built on the south side of the building. The Association of Friends of the Mine Museum (AMM) was created in 1994 to protect mining vestiges and carry out historical research on the mining past [ 17 ] , [ 16 ] . In , the clauses of the act of donation of the collection are lifted by a notarial act, which authorizes its modification [ 3 ] . In 2012, the museum crosses the 3,000 visitors bar per year [ 18 ] .

Expansion and modernization project

In 2013, the municipality acquired the land behind the museum to build an extension [ 14 ] . The , Ronchamp’s municipal council finally decides to buy the old house of Marcel Maulini, adjacent, with the land around it [ 19 ] . The enlargement will increase and modernize the museum surface, especially with a temporary exhibition space and an interpretation center. The works, which must take place in the early 2020s, aim to attract 10,000 visitors per year [ 20 ] .

In 2018, the house of Doctor Maulini and the Mine Museum are connected to the new heat network in the city center which is powered by a “wood energy” boiler room [ 21 ] .

  1. The mine museum » , on .
  2. a et b Jean-Jacques Parietti 2010, p. 78-79.
  3. a et b Mine museum collection » .
  4. Museum description » .
  5. [PDF] Mine museum: visit to the visit to the visit » .
  6. PNRBV, p. 6.
  7. [PDF] Once upon a time … a coal mine in Ronchamp and his memory » .
  8. Doctor Marcel Maulini » , on .
  9. a et b Vernus et Markarian 2004, p. sixty seven.
  10. Jacques Taiclet, The Sainte-Marie well and the mine museum » .
  11. a et b Allan Bannach, Inauguration of the Maine de la Mine de Ronchamp Le 26 Septembre 1976 » .
  12. SALSHS 1973, p. Ronchamp.
  13. Inauguration of the museum by Doctor Malini » .
  14. a et b The Marcel-Maulini mine museum in Ronchamp is growing » , on Museums of Comtoises techniques and cultures .
  15. Amicale de la Houillère » .
  16. a et b Jean-Jacques Parietti 2010, p. 72.
  17. Presentation of AMM » .
  18. The 3,000 visitors’ mark crossed at the Mine Museum » , on The East Republican , .
  19. Report of the Meeting of the Municipal Council » [PDF] , .
  20. Ronchamp: the reinvented mine museum » , on The East Republican , .
  21. Kick -off for the work of the wood boiler » , on The East Republican , .

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Jean-Jacques Parietti, Ronchamp vol. I: the mine , Vesoul, Comtois editions, , eighty seven p. (ISBN  2-914425-08-2 ) . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article
  • Jean-Jacques Parietti, Ronchamp vol. II: minors , Noidans-lès-Vesoul, FC Culture & Patrimoine, , 115 p. (ISBN  978-2-36230-001-1-1 ) . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article
  • Michel Vernus and Philippe Markarian, The mine lamp: story of an artificial sun , Salins-les-Bains, museums of Comtoises techniques and cultures, , seventy three p. (ISBN  2-911484-09-6 ) . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article
  • SALSHS, The Haute-Saône Nouveau Dictionary of the municipalities Tome V , Agricultural society, letters, sciences and arts of Haute-Saône, . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article
  • PNRBV, Le Charbon de Ronchamp , Decipher the heritage, regional natural park of the Ballons des Vosges (ISBN  978-2-910328-31-3 And 2-910328-31-7 ) . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article

Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article: document used as a source for writing this article.
