Marcus Annius (Préteur) – Wikipedia


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Marcus Annius is a Roman senator from II It is a century of a praetorian rank. He is the son of Marcus Annius Verus, the brother-in-law of Emperor Antonin the pious and the father of Marc Aurèle, born from his marriage to Domitia Lucilla Minor.

Family [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

His family is from Ucubi ( Colonia Claritas Julia UCubi ), next to Corduba , in stupid [ first ] , [ 2 ] . The family becomes rich and important thanks to the production of olive oil in Hispania unless the family’s fortune of the family comes from mining resources [ 3 ] .

Il est le fils about Marcus Annius True, triple consulaire ( suffect in 97, eponymous in 121 and 126) and close to Hadrien, and the grandson of a Marcus Annius , Praetorian senator under Nero [ 4 ] . His mother is Rupilia faustina , probably a little-niece of Trajan. Indeed, she would be the daughter of a third and last marriage of Salonina Matidia, the niece of Trajan and mother-in-law of Hadrien.

He has a sister, Faustine the Old, Future Empress who married the future Emperor Antonin the Pious, and a Brother Marcus Annius Libo, Eponymous Consul in 128.

He marries Domitia Lucilla Menor and has two children: the future emperor Marc Aurèle, born in 121, and Annia Cornificia Faustina , born in 123 [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] . In his Thoughts for myself , Marc Aurèle speaks of his father in these terms: “The reputation and memory that my father left: the reserve and the virile force.”.


He reached the pre -terture before dying early, in the year 124 [ 7 ] .

After his death, his father adopted his children Marc Aurèle [ 5 ] And Annia Cornificia Faustina [ 6 ] , [ 8 ] . He raises them with Lucius Catilius Severus, their maternal bisaïeul by alliance. Her niece, Faustine the young, will marry Marc Aurèle. The two cousins ​​have, among other things, for a convenient son.

Sa fille épouse C. Ummidius Square Annianus Real Consul suffect In 146, and has two children, Marcus UmMidius Quadratus Annianus, eponymous consul in 167 and Ummidia cornificia Faustina , and died before her, between 152 and 158. Her son, Marc Aurèle, was an emperor from 161 to 180. Besides convenient, he has twelve other children, of whom only four girls reach adulthood [ 9 ] .

  • Pir² a 696 / Pir¹ a 536
  • Françoise des Boscs-Plateaux, A Hispanic party in Rome? : Ascent of the Hispanic elites and political power of Augustus to Hadrian , Madrid, Casa de Velazquez, 2006, pp. 521-522: “67 – Marcus Annius.”
  • Werner Eck, Senators from Vespasian to Hadrian. Prosopographic studies with the inclusion of the annual and provincial fasting of the governors , Beck, Munich, 1970 (ISBN  3-406-03096-3 ) , pp. 32 and following
  • Anthony R. Birley, Mark Aurel. 2nd ed. , C. H. Beck, Munich, 1977, particularly pp. 41 and following.
  • Klaus Rosen, “Marc Aurel und Lucius» giving The Roman emperors (Ed. Clauss von Manfred), C.H. Beck, Munich, 2001, pp. 145 and following.
  • Marc-Aurèle, Thoughts for myself , ed. Flammarion, coll. GF, 1984, translated and prefaced by Mario Meunier (ISBN  2-08-070016-2 ) .
  1. Françoise des Boscs-Plateaux, A Hispanic party in Rome? , Casa de Velazquez, 2006, p. 160.
  2. John D. Grainger, Roman Succession Crisis of AD 96-99 and the Reign of Nerva , Routledge, 2003, p. 42.
  3. Françoise des Boscs-Plateaux, A Hispanic party in Rome? , Casa de Velazquez, 2006, p. 133.
  4. Françoise des Boscs-Plateaux, A Hispanic party in Rome? , Casa de Velazquez, 2006, p. 163.
  5. a et b History Auguste, Marc-Aurèle life, 1 .
  6. a et b Françoise des Boscs-Plateaux, A Hispanic party in Rome? , Casa de Velazquez, 2006, p. 521.
  7. Anthony Richard Birley, Marcus Aurelius: A Biography , Routledge, 2000, p. thirty first.
  8. Anthony R. Birley, Marcus Aurelius: A Biography , New York, Routledge, 1966, Revue et 1987, p. 33.
  9. Jona Lendering, «  Marcus Aurelius »,
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