Marguerite Syamour – Wikipedia



Marguerite Syamour , pseudonym of Marguerite Gagneur , born in Bréry (Jura) and died the In Paris is a French sculptor.

Engaged in the defense of the Republic, of secularism, of feminism, it is the author of many sculptures, most of which are in the communes of the Jura (Saint-Claude, Poligny, Saint-Lothain, Chatelneuf), or in the Museums of Cambrai, Grenoble and Besançon, or at the Cemetery of Père-Lachaise in Paris (tomb of Frédéric Cournet).

His father Wladimir Gagneur, born in Poligny in the Jura in 1807, is a lawyer, journalist and disciple politician of Charles Fourier. Defender of the Republic at the time of the coup d’etat of December 2, 1851, he was banished by the Empire. Returning to France, he married Marie-Louise Mignerot (1832-1902), feminist and secular woman of letters. Their daughter Marguerite is born on In Bréry, near Poligny, and Jules Grévy, condisciple of his father in Dole, is his godfather. Militant of the Republican left, Wladimir Gagneur was elected deputy for the Jura in 1869 and will remain so until her death in 1889. Marguerite Syamour will also be deeply attached to the republican values ​​of social progress and emancipation [ first ] .

She married the With Ernest Gegout [ 2 ] , which she divorced in 1887 [ 3 ] .

She chooses to become an artist and forms in the workshop of Antonin Mercié (1845-1916) also ramp [ 4 ] . The artistic career of Marguerite Gagneur began in 1884 under the pseudonym “Syamour”, contraction of “Syam”, village of Jura, and the word “love” [ 5 ] .


From 1890, she lived in Paris with her mother at 6, rue du Val-de-Grâce in the district of the same name, fairly close to Montparnasse, and set up her workshop not far from there rue d’Assas. She becomes the friend of her neighbor, the painter and Czech poster Alfons Mucha (1860-1939), for which she poses: he will make her a lithography: Primrose (1899) and we recognize Marguerite in other works by Mucha, without however certainty [ 6 ] . Its fair welcomes artists, politicians and occultists like Colonel de Rochas [ 7 ] . It also rubs shoulders with other personalities in sight like the famous explorer Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza [ 8 ] .

After the death of his mother in , Syamour remarried the With Jean-Gérard Fréchout, doctor in Salins-les-Bains (Jura). She then linked herself up with Victor Poupin, anticlerical journalist, general councilor of Champagnole and deputy of the radical left, she shared her life in her house in Chatelneuf until the death of this one in 1906.

She then worked in Paris and participated in various exhibitions, especially in 1912. Her career ended with the First World War but she lives for a long time, dying in Paris the . It is cremated and its ashes are deposited in the Columbarium of the Père-Lachaise cemetery (box n O 6345) in Paris, with the registration M me Syamour / Marguerite Fréchou-Gagneur / Sculptor-Statuaire / 1857-1945 » [ 9 ] .

Syamour exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Français between 1885 and 1912, as well as at the Champs-Élysées Salon, the Georges Petit gallery and the Universal Exhibition of 1900. Several of his works are acquired by the State and she participates in The development of various public monuments, especially in the Jura.

His invoice offers both realism as evidenced by the busts of his contemporaries and symbolism in the classic realization of allegories where his female sensitivity perceives as in Aurora or the naked lying of Sleeping sapho . His works also show his republican and rampleist commitment: various Mariannes – bust of Frédéric Cournet, Communard – by Charles Fourier, the Utopian socialist – by Victor Considerant, socialist and republican thinker – by Victor Schœlcher, initiator of the abolition of slavery , or in the monument to Voltaire and Christin de Saint-Claude (destroyed in 1942). Attached to her Natal Jura who keeps most of her works, she paid tribute to the Personalities Franc-Comtoises on the left like her father Wladimir Gagneur or Charles Sauria, the inventor of the matches [ ten ] .

She carved nearly 200 busts [ 11 ] including those of:

  • Frédéric Cournet , 1886, republican and member of the commune of Paris, bust of bronze, cemetery of Père-Lachaise in Paris;
  • Madame Clemenceau , plasterboard, French artists’ lounge from 1885;
  • Jules Grévy , plaster bust, French artist show from 1885 (bronze test in Mont-Sous-Vaudrey, Jura, destroyed in 1942);
  • Auguste Vacquerie , marble bust, French artist show from 1886;
  • Charles-Gabriel-Frédéric Christin , Bust in Bronze, 1887, Saint-Claude, Jura;
  • Coignet Clarsase , white marble bust, 1888, Besançon museum;
  • Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza , plaster medallion, 1888, Besançon museum;
  • Marie-Louise Gagneur , his mother writer, plaster bust, French artist show from 1890;
  • Vladimir Gagneur , his father, deputy for the Jura, 1890, Poligny, Jura, destroyed in 1942;
  • Charles Fourier , plaster bust, French artist show from 1893;
  • Malaea , plasterboard, Union Comtoise Exhibition of Decorative Arts in 1897;
  • Colonel de Rochas, a soldier , plaster bust, 1898, Grenoble museum;
  • Charles Surria, Buste en Brronze, 1898, Saint-shront, Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura; Jura;
  • Victor considering , Bronze bust, 1901, place des Cordeliers, Salins-les-Bains, Jura;
  • Victor Schœlcher , bronze bust, 1904 in Houilles (Yvelines), test of 1913 in Basse-Terre in Guadeloupe, plaster bust, 1904, Bartholdi Museum Colmar (bronze test intended for Fessenheim) [ twelfth ] ;
  • Voltaire , Bust in bronze, 1906, Châtenay-Malabry [ 13 ] ;
  • Victor Poupin , 1906, deputy for the Jura and companion of Marguerite, bronze bust adorning the burial of Victor Poupin in the cemetery of Chatelneuf, Jura;
  • René Viviani ;
  • André Theuriet , bust, 1908 French artists fair, kept in Auberive.
  • The Republic , 1884, plaster medallion on Socle (Marianne, woman, profile, Phrygian cap) signed on the right edge: Syamour, 1884, Musée d’Arbois, Jura [ 15 ] ;
  • Marianne , 1884-1885 (date to be confirmed), bronze, chatelneuf;
  • Marianne , 1885, plaster medallion, Airvault museum (Deux-Sèvres), made for the composition of the catafalque of Victor Hugo [ 16 ] ;
  • The Republic , 1885, medallion in plaster, town hall of Bréry, Jura;
  • New France , plaster, French artists’ salon from 1886, Hospice Saint-Roch in Issoudun;
  • Diane , plaster, 1891, Sault museum, Vaucluse;
  • Love music , 1894, plaster high-relief, Besançon Museum of Fine Arts;
  • Meditation , 1896, marble, Museum of Fine Arts of Besançon;
  • Sleeping sapho , 1897, Plaster, Lons-le-Saunier, marble copy at the Museum of Cambrai, Salon of 1898 (n ° 3405, plaster), acquisition of the State for marble realization [ 17 ] ;
  • Harmonies , high-relief in bronze, fair of French artists from 1898;
  • October night , plaster, French artists’ lounge from 1901;
  • Vision 1903 (?), Bust, white marble, Museum of Fine Arts in Lons-le-Saunier;
  • Meditation , plaster, French artists fair from 1904;
  • Bignoner , French artists’ fair from 1904;
  • Dawn , 1904, marble, gardens of the Ministry of Justice, Paris [ 18 ] ;
  • The Republic , 1907, Bust, Poligny, Jura, destroyed in 1942.
  • An association of friends of the Marianne de Chatelneuf was created in 2011 to promote the allegory of the Republic of Syamour through the dissemination of replicas of the Chatelneuf statue for Jurassic municipalities [ 19 ] .
  • A collection stamp fired in 200 copies was produced by post during the Salon des Mayors and local communities in Franche-Comté in 2011 [ 20 ] .
  1. Notice from Base Joconde .
  2. Hence the name “Marguerite Gagneur-Gegout” that we sometimes meet, see: Base Monales for Sleeping sapho 1897 [first] or La_Sculpture_dans_les_cimetières_de_Paris/Santa Charavay Frères, 1897 ( 3 It is Series, volume 13 page 153 [2]
  3. Genealogy [3]
  4. Marguerite Syamour will make a bust of Charles Fourier in 1893 [4]
  5. The Republic: medallion signed and dated on the “Syamour 1884” edge [5]
  6. “Other works by Mucha probably have Syamour as a model (small bump on the nose, bounced chin and look that can be compared to his bust by Charles Quiet Colas): stained glass (1900), the ivy (Estampe, 1901) , The lady at the Marguerite »Patrick Simon Biographical elements [6]
  7. Patrick Simon Small dialogues with a sculpture, Marguerite Gagneur , Éditions Ollé-Lacour, 2004, (ISBN  2-7504-0753-2 ) .
  8. Henry Noell, In the time of the bourgeois republic , Paris, Nouvelles Éditions Latines, 1957, p. 328 .
  9. .
  10. “Marguerite Gagneur is an artist imbued with the ideas of the Republic, secularism, feminism and pacifism with in particular the imprint of Fourier. His whole life will be marked by human rights issues. […] His works participate in realism and symbolism, but with a most feminine burden of emotion. »» Patrick Simon, Small dialogues with a sculpture, Marguerite Gagneur , Éditions Ollé-Lacour, 2004, (ISBN  2-7504-0753-2 ) .
  11. Patrick Simon And joconde base
  12. base Mistral [7]
  13. Base Mistral [8]
  14. A statue for Voltaire Voltaire, Christin and La Mainmorte in Haut-Jura By André Vuillermoz, Patrick Simon ed. Cabedita 1998 Morges, Switzerland, page 75 “The work of Syamour is admirable for design and execution: it bears the imprint of an original talent”
  15. base Mistral [9]
  16. [ten]
  17. Notice on the site
  18. [11]
  19. Object: Promote the ideas of freedom and secularism, represented by the republican image of Marianne and carried by the sculptor Syamour [twelfth]
  20. [13]

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