Marie-Thérèse de Modène (1849-1919)-Wikipedia


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Marie-Thérèse de Modena (born in Brünn the and died in Wildenwart the ) is a princess of the house of Habsburg-Este. Having married Louis de Bavaria in 1868, she became a queen consort of Bavaria in 1913.

Youth and marriage [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Daughter of Ferdinand-Charles-Victor of Austria-Este (1821-1849) and Élisabeth de Habsbourg-Hongrie (1831-1903), Marie-Thérèse de Modena, orphan of father from birth, took refuge with her family in Austria during the annexation of the Duchy of Modena by the Kingdom of Sardinia in 1860.

In 1868 she married Louis de Bavaria, a great-grandson of King Maximilian I is to whom she gave numerous posterity.

In 1886, King Louis II of Bavaria having been declared unfit to fulfill his functions was dismissed from power and interned in one of his castles. His brother Othon, also being unable to exercise power, the regency was entrusted to his closest parent, their uncle Luitpold of Bavaria, stepfather of Marie-Thérèse.


Prince Luitpold died in 1912 and the Regency was assumed by Prince Louis, husband of Marie-Thérèse. He obtained the abdication of his cousin King Othon I is and became king in 1913. Marie-Thérèse became the fourth Queen of Bavaria.

The following year, Bavaria, in accordance with the treaties which linked it to Prussia, entered war against France and Russia. The crown prince Rupprecht of Bavaria, eldest son of the king and Queen Marie-Thérèse, distinguished himself in Lorraine and was nicknamed “The Savior of Metz”.

Faced with the defeat of the German Empire and the Revolution, King Louis III renounced power 4 days after the Kaiser, the . The Republic was proclaimed in Bavaria.

The royal couple withdrew in the Chiemgau where Queen Marie-Thérèse died three months later at the age of 69.

Descendants [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Thirteen children come from his union with Louis de Bavaria [ first ] :

Photo -future Louis III, his wife and their children around 1887

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Nicolas Énache, The descendants of Marie-Thérèse de Habsburg , Paris, editions of the intermediary of researchers and curious, , 795 p. (ISBN  978-2-908003-04-8 ) . Ouvrage utilisé pour la rédaction de l'article
  • Michel Hunbey it’s Girauds Giraud, Dynastic Germany: Wittelsbach , t. IV, Le Perreux-sur-Marne, Alain Giraud, , 545 p. (ISBN  978-2-901138-04-4 ) .

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
