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Martin Noth (born the In Dresden and Death on In Shivta in the Negev desert) is a German Protestant historian and exegete, a specialist in pre-monarchical Israel.

Martin Noth is the son of the Lica Lycée principal. Gerhard Noth and Célestine Hochmuth. One of his brothers, Gottfried Noth, later became bishop.

From 1909 to 1913, Notth frequented the Elementary school de Dresden, then from 1913 to 1921 the Lycée de la Sainte-Croix. From 1921 to 1925 he studied theology and scientific orientalism in Erlangen, Rostock and Leipzig. His most influential teachers are Rudolf Kittel and especially Albrecht Alt.

In 1925, he obtained his first diploma in theology, and in 1927 supported his doctoral thesis, which was the basis of a work rewarded in the competition instituted by Kittel in 1922, on the meaning of the surnames of Israel. Johannes Hempel (of) Ensures the rereading of his article, as well as that of his authorization thesis, barely supported five months later. The chosen theme takes up one of its first monographs [ first ] published in 1927.

Some time private-bunch At the University of Greifswald, Noth passed a new authorization in 1928 in Leipzig. In , he finally obtains the succession of P r Max Löhr at the University of Königsberg, and in 1938 he was admitted as a full member of the Religious Sciences Class of the Kœnigsberg Academy.


He was called under the flags from 1939 to 1941 then from 1943 to 1945. His library and his writings disappeared during the war. After the capitulation of 1945, he found refuge with his family in Halle, until he was called to take over from Anton Jirku (appointed professor emeritus) at Bonn University. He then received proposals from the University of Göttingen, Tübingen, Hamburg and Basel, which he refuses.

The , we entrust to Martin Noth the direction of the German Protestant Institute of Antiquity in the Holy Land, which had just reoped in Jerusalem. Exactly three years later, he was promoted to professor emeritus. THE , while he performs an excursion in the Negev desert, he succumbs to a thrombosis of the coronaries; We bury him in Bethlehem.

Notth is the author of several hypotheses, at least three of which have turned up with the received ideas about holy history.

Amphictyy in Israel [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

His best known theory is that of Israel’s original chiefdom, which he appeared to the Hellenes amphictyy model. He is based on the existence of a tribes league that would have federated around the veneration of the same sanctuary.

The tradition of the Pentateuch [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Leaning over the history of the Pentateuch, NOth hypothesizes that this book resulted from the progressive aggregation of several independent texts, thematically classified, and not of the rewriting of different strata of an original Pentateuch (hypothesis of the narrative framework , in German Narrative threads ).

The Deuteronomic Tradition [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Finally Notth is the author of the thesis, always very debated, of the “Deuteronomic Tradition” ( Deuteronomist historical work ), which affirms that an isolated author, Deuteronomist (often abbreviated by the DTR), would have composed a “story of Israel” from documents that he had and fragments of the Joshua’s free , of Book of judges , of the Kings’ books et de juda.

  • The Israelite personal names in the context of the common -demitical name , Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, coll. “Contributions to science from the Old and New Testament”, ( rompr. 2010) .
  • The system of 12 tribes of Israel (Bwant IV, 1) , Stuttgart, Kohlhammer,
  • Joshua’s book [«The Book Josua»], Tübingen, J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), coll. «Handbook for the Old Testament. first re Series, vol. 7 “, ( rompr. 2 It is ed. aug., 1953; 3 It is ed., 1971) .
  • The world of the Old Testament: Introduction to the border areas of Old Testament science , vol. 3, Berlin, Töpelmann, coll. “Töpelmann theological aid books / 2E”, ( rompr. 1962, and ed. Critique increase. by Hans Walter Wolff (of) ed. Herder-Spektrum in Friborg-en-Brisgau, 1992) .
  • Studies in history history . first re part : The collecting and editing historical works in the Old Testament (Writings of the Königsberger scholar, humanities class 18: 2), Halle: Niemeyer 1943.
  • History of the Pentateuch , Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, .
  • The second book Moses: Exodus. Translated and explained by Martin Noth , (The Old Testament German 5); Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 5 It is ed. 1973; (ISBN  3-525-51115-9 ) .
  • The fourth book Moses: Numeri. Translated and explained by Martin Noth , (The Old Testament Deutsch 7); Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2 It is ed. 1973; (ISBN  3-525-51127-2 ) .
  • History of Israel , Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht), ( rompr. 6 It is ed. 1966) .
  • (of) Otto mugger, «« In the commense and Martin noth », Dns Journal of the German Palestine Association , vol. 84, 1968, (ISSN  0012-1169 ) , p. 101-103
  • (in) C. H. de Geus, « The Tribes of Israel: An Investigation into Some of the Presuppositions of Martin Noth’s Amphictyony Hypothesis », dans Study Semitic Neerlandic , 1976
  • (in) Steven L. McKenzie, « The History of Israel’s Traditions. The Heritage of Martin Noth », dans Joker (Supplement), 1996
  1. Martin Noth, «  Common emotions in the Israelite naming », German morning society , n O 81, , p. 1-45 ( read online ) .
