Martin Vial — Wikipedia



Martin Vial , born the In Lyon, is a senior French official.

1979 -1993: its beginnings [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Martin Vial was first promotions of PTT administrator to take advantage of the opening of an external competition. A graduate of ESSEC, he joined the National School of Posts and Telecommunications (ENSPTT) in 1979. At the end of this school, in 1982, he was appointed to the financial management of the Directorate General of Posts. He made his mobility in 1986 to the Treasury Department at the Ministry of Economy and Finance where he was responsible for the supervision of banking establishments and marketing operations [Ref. necessary] .

In 1988, he was called to the office of the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications and Space, Paul Quilès, where he held the functions of technical advisor and then Deputy Director. He works in particular on the institutional reform of PTTs which will be implemented in 1990 [ first ] . As such, it is considered one of the fathers of PTT reform [ 2 ] . From 1991 to 1992, Paul Quilès was Minister of Equipment, Housing, Transport and Space [ 3 ] Beautiful Martin ial en is directeur de Cabinet Adjoint, puis Signeur de Cabinet. Properties A REMANEMENT MINISÉLEK of Director of the Minist’s designation du Minist’s design, Spanish Saglucialli, of 1992 [ 4 ] .

In 1993, Martin Vial was appointed Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Aéropostale. He was elected, in 1996, president of the Air Transport Union Chamber (CSTA) and the National Federation of Merchant Aviation (FNAM).


1997-2002: Managing Director and President of La Poste [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

At the end of 1997, with the arrival of the left, he became general manager of the La Poste group. Throughout the period he exercises this function, he must “coexist” with the then president, Claude Bourmaud, deemed close to the right (as a former member of the Gérard Longuet cabinets). This cohabitation was considered rather harmonious: the offices have merged, the two leaders receive the union delegations together and never report divergences in public [ 5 ] . So it is Martin Vial who negotiates the transition to 35 hours at the post office [ 6 ] .

In , the new Board of Directors of La Poste proposes that Martin Vial be appointed president of the group to replace Claude Bourmaud [ 7 ] , [ 8 ] .

The appointment of Martin Vial to the presidency of the Post was to last five years, but she was shortened in 2002 [ 9 ] . The government reproached him for proximity to the left (in reference to his partner Florence Parly), the management of the transition to 35 hours, the cost of the RTT file [ ten ] . Favoring social dialogue and collective work [ 11 ] In change driving dynamics, the implementation of 35 hours [ twelfth ] took place within the framework of an unprecedented project concluded by 8000 agreements signed with the unions.

First as director general of La Poste, then as president, Martin Vial worked a lot to have the turn of the Internet and the electronic commerce at La Poste [ 13 ] , [ 14 ] , to the internationalization of its group and its development in the field of financial services [ 15 ] , [ 16 ] which prefigured what the postal bank has become today [ 17 ] .

From 1998, he was at the same time a member of the Supervisory Board (1998), then Vice-President (2002) of the National Provident Fund (CNP) and in particular Administrator of Assurposte, insurance company, co-filial The CNP and the La Poste group.

In 2000, he published a book The letter and the canvas, the web, is the end of the paper? … and other misconceptions on the internet devoted to the challenges of internet development in France.

2002 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In , Martin Vial joins the Court of Auditors as an advisor-master [ 18 ] .

Since 2003 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Martin Vial is appointed Managing Director of the Europ Assistance group. He also assumes several boards of directors of group companies.

At the head of Europ Assistance, Martin Vial has profoundly changed the perimeter of his business today present in 37 countries around the world, in particular through the launch in 2005 of a strategic plan to recover the company .
In a few years, the Europ Assistance group has doubled in size [ 19 ] thanks to its development in two new professions, health and personal services [ 20 ] , which today represent more than 25% of its global turnover alongside its two historic activities, the trip and the automobile. Author of the book “La Care Revolution, Man at the heart of the World Revolution of Services” [ 21 ] (Editions New Public Debates), Martin Vial is notably at the origin of the concept of Care Services [ 22 ] , the new generation of personalized assistance services throughout life, which its group today offers more than 300 million customers worldwide.

Martin Vial signs many free health stands [ 23 ] and personal services, in France and abroad. He becomes a member [ 24 ] , in , from the orientation committee of the inter -ministerial mission on the adaptation of French society to the aging of the population entrusted by Michèle Delaunay, Minister Delegate to the elderly and autonomy in Luc Broussy, General Councilor of Val d’Oise and specialist in these questions.

He participates in a prospective group “the collective” which brings together 10 “bosses” with the objective “to collectively rethink the conduct of companies to change mentalities and thus contribute to restoring meaning to the creation of value” (10 points of view to “collectively rethink business driving”) [ 25 ] . In this context, he wrote the chapter on “the social undertaking” in the work of collective devoted in 2011 to the concept of social imprint (by analogy to the carbon footprint), introduced by Christian Nibourel [ 26 ]

Under its leadership, the Europ Assistance group becomes a Ashoka partner [ 27 ] . As part of this global partnership with this NGO, Europ Assistance today supports 10 social entrepreneurs worldwide (Belgium, South Africa, Brazil, United States, Argentina, Spain, France, Poland, Germany, and Canada) in The areas of health and personal services.

He left his post at Europ Assistance in [ 28 ] .

The , Martin Vial is appointed State participation commissioner [ 29 ] et remplace régis turitos to compter du following [ 30 ] .

The , he is appointed to the presidency of the SAS FSI-EQUATION [ thirty first ] .

He leaves his duties as a state participation commissioner [ 32 ] .

From 1999 to 2004, he was also a member of the Economic and Social Council and member of the Information Technology Strategic Council placed under the authority of the Prime Minister.

  • The letter and the canvas, the web, is the end of the paper? … and other misconceptions on the internet , Albin Michel, 2000 (ISBN  9782226120786 )
  • Care Revolution, man at the heart of the world revolution , new public debates, 2008 (ISBN  9782916962030 )
  • Participation in the work of the “collective”, Social imprints, to end the short term [ 33 ] , Odile Jacob, 2011 (ISBN  9782738126573 )
On line
  1. On the methods of implementing this reform, see the article on the subject in Wikipedia, in particular the “Quiles” method ”
  2. One of the fathers of PPT reform , In The world , December 21, 2000
  3. See in Wikipedia the list of French equipment ministers and/or the list of French transport ministers
  4. Jorf n ° 85 of April 9, 1992 Page 5262, decree of April 7, 1992 appointing Martin Vial to the office of Minister NOR: PTTC9200204A
  5. Claude Bourmaud, the balancingist of cohabitation », The echoes , , p. 26 (ISSN  0153-4831 )
  6. Claude Soula « Claude Bourmaud: Cohabitation at La Poste », The new observer , , p. 89 (ISSN  0029-4713 )
  7. Proposal ratified by the Council of Ministers of Wednesday, December 20 (AFP dispatch 191418 DEC 00, Press Review of La Poste, December 20, 2000, cf. Committee for the history of La Poste, p. 9)
  8. Martin Vial at the head of La Poste » , on The Liberation Site ,
  9. Martin Vial profile, thanks to the left , In The world , September 4, 2002.
  10. Carole Guéchi, Martin Vial , The Parisian , September 9, 2002
  11. Martin Vial: “My priority, collective work” , Les Échos, September 28, 2007
  12. Martin Vial: La Poste did better than get out of the game ‘, Les Échos, September 18, 2002
  13. La Poste faced with competition on the web , In The interactive world , May 9, 2001.
  14. La Poste reveals its ambitions on the Internet , In The world , August 24, 2000.
  15. La Poste wants to continue its development in financial services , In The world , February 17, 2001.
  16. La Poste asks to become a bank like the others , In The world , article published in the edition of July 22, 2001.
  17. La Poste wishes to strengthen itself in financial services , In The world , July 22, 2001.
  18. Decree of September 21, 2002 appointing an adviser to the Court of Auditors
    NOR: ECOX0205920D, J.O of September 22, 2002
  19. Europ Assistance passes the billion euros CAP , In The Argus of Insurance , April 18, 2008.
  20. The new border of personal services , in Les Échos, January 22, 2007.
  21. National Agency for Personal Services
  22. Europ Assistance heads for “care” , in Les Échos, February 12, 2012.
  23. Dependence, a new contract , In The world , November 30, 2006.
  24. Design the company of 4 It is age , In The Argus of Insurance , October 5, 2012.
  25. To know more
  26. Social imprints, to end the short term ; According to Christian Nibourel, “you have to provide instrument companies to measure their social footprint and integrate it in the measurement of their overall performance. “,
  27. Social entrepreneurship and social imprint of companies, same fight! , In The world , June 27, 2011.
  28. Martin Vial leaves Europ Assistance , Arfus de l’Assurance, May 5, 2014
  29. Decree of July 31, 2015 appointing the State participations commissioner – Mr. Vial (Martin)
  30. “Martin Vial comes to assist the shareholder state” , The world , August 24, 2015
  31. Order of August 29, 2016 appointment to the presidency of the company FSI-Equation ( read online )
  32. Decree of May 18, 2022 cessation of functions and appointment of the Acting State Participations » , on (consulted the )
  33. See on .
