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Martine Lavaud is academic (lecturer in Paris IV Sorbonne [ first ] ) and specialist in the history of romanticism (and in particular by Théophile Gautier). His most recent research also focuses on the interactions between literature and photography (photographic industry and iconography of the commune, portrait of writer), literature and media, literature and science (literature and medicine, archeology, natural and physical sciences, mathematics , female literature / male sciences).

Associate of modern letters and doctor of letters from the University of Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 (Théophile Gautier, activist of romanticism, dir. Philippe Berthier, mention “Congratulations of the jury unanimous”), Martine Lavaud first Interested in French romanticism via the work of Théophile Gautier. In her thesis, published in 2001 at Champion, she thus extended and nuanced the words of René Jasinski who tends to limit the romantic activism of Gautier to the years prior to 1838, to show how he deploys, later, so in a way broadcasts, and in particular thanks to a form of journalistic pedagogy and culture of patronage. The defense by Gautier of the autonomy of art thus covers an underlying conviction: the social utility of the beautiful envisaged in its participation in collective happiness.

Martine Lavaud’s reflection on the way Gautier plans the artist’s status in a world dedicated to the cult of the useful served him as a springboard to examine more generally the way the writer negotiates his economic and symbolic place in a increasingly industrial and media society. She thus guided her latest research on the relationships between literature and journalism, on the photographic representation of the writer, and on the relationships between literature and sciences, especially during the Third Republic (sexualization of the intellectual territories of sciences and letters, rivalries or exchanges…).

After being a member of the Research Center “R.I.R.R.A. 21 »From Montpellier III until 2009, she is now a member of the CellF (Center for Studies of French Language and Literature) in Paris IV-Sorbonne University, and co-responsible for The “Literature and Image” axis. Of To , Martine Lavaud was responsible for the publication of the magazine Théophile Gautier.
Since 2009, she has managed the Master 1 “publishing and audiovisual professions”. Since 2014, she has also been an elected member of the Council of the UFR of French and comparative literature of Paris IV, and, as manager of the QSF list (quality of French science / ), elected member of the National Council of Universities since .

Martine Lavaud is the author of a book on Gautier, and prepares an essay on the relationships between science and literature. She directed or codirigated 8 collective volumes, published 3 novels by Gautier for Gallimard (“Folio”). She is also the author of around sixty articles, 32 of whom are devoted to romantic literature and Théophile Gautier, 12 to relationships between science and literature, 17 to relationships between literature and photography, the journalistic approach that can cross these Various fields.

  • “Consider literary history: for an epistemology of the photographic portrait of writer”, Contexts, n ° 14, 2014 ( ).
  • “The photographic portrait of writer, seen in profile and face”, in “The photographic portrait of writer”, Jean-Pierre Bertrand, Pascal Durand, Martine Lavaud (dir.), Contexts, n ° 14, 2014 ( )
  • “Night clall day on top of the Story”, Plaisance, Maid French Arts and Arts: French Language and Contem French Language and Italy 33-46
  • “Théophile Gautier in 2011: two hundred years of received ideas”, “Canopé”, 2011 ( )
  • “Towards the decor and counter-mythes: Parisian life during the commune”, Société des Études romantiques, 2008 (2008 )
  • “Female literature and virile science: on the constitution of intellectual territories in the 19th century”, in The gender of territories, dir. Christine Bard, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2004, p. 175-197.
  • Théophile Gautier, Fortunio, square part, Spirite, ed. de Martine Lavaud, Gallimard, coll. “Folio classics”, 2013, 832 p. ( )
  • Théophile Gautier and the Second Empire, Anne Geisler and Martine Lavaud (Dir), YB Éditions, “Essais”, 2012.
  • Théophile Gautier, a paradoxical writing of history, Martine Lavaud and Corinne Saminadayar (Dir), Revue Théophile Gautier, n ° 34, 2012.
  • The duck workshop. Anti-health for the use of apprentice journalists (and others), Lucie Editions, 2010.
  • Pen and stone: the writer and the archaeological model at XIX It is century, M.LAVAUD (dir.), Yb ed., Coll. “Essays / literature”, 2008.
  • The interview with writer, Mr. Lavaud and M.E. Thérenty (dir.), Literary places / La Revue, 9-10, 2004.
  • Théophile Gautier, Activist of Romanticism, Champion, “Romanticism and modernities”, 2001, 638 p.
