Massimo Caputi – Wikipedia


Massimo Caputi

Massimo Caputi (Rome, December 5, 1961) is an Italian television and sports commentary, sports conductor.


At a young age, thanks to his passion for music, he did the DJ. [first]

He began his journalistic career in 1984 [2] Collaborating for radiocronache, TV services and interviews for the local Roman broadcasters Teleregione, Gbr and Teletevere.

Telemontecarlo [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Two years later, he entered the sports editorial staff of Telemontecarlo on the occasion of the World Cup in Mexico and is hired in 1987. Since 1989 he became a professional journalist, thus obtained the guidance of the TMC Sport sports news and comments on the volleyball World Cup, the tour of the Cycling future, the Goodwill Games and also the Seul1988 and Barcelona Olympics1992.

Mainly specialized on football, he is the commentator together with José Altafini of Italia90 and above all, together with Giacomo Bulgarelli, of USA94 and France98, of the European Championships of West88, Sweden92, England96 and Belgio-Holland2000. In addition, the Cup of Chile (in 1991), Uruguay (in 1995), Bolivia (in 1997) and Paraguay (in 1999) follows as a correspondent and commentator.

He commented, together with Bulgarelli, the qualifying match at the 1998 World Championship between England and Italy, played at the Wembley Stadium in London on February 12, 1997, won by Blues 1-0 and transmitted exclusively by TMC and TMC 2.

From 1990 to 2001 it is part in various roles of the lucky Sunday transmission GALAGOAL/ROUND .

Inside the editorial staff, he held the offices of envoy, head of directors and chief editor.


RAI [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In August 2001 he left the newborn La7 to move to Rai in the transmission those who … football, inheriting the role of commentator by Carlo Sassi and, always in the same year he comments on the cup matches of stream champions.

In the 2002-2003 season he led the historic sporting Sunday that has Giacomo Bulgarelli and Rino Tommasi as guests in the studio. Among other things, in the episode of September 29, at the suggestion of his colleague Fabrizio Ferrari hosts the coach of Sansovino Maurizio Sarri, providing for him a future in Serie A how he had already done with semi -cosmi when he led Goleada to Telemontecarlo.

In 2003-2004 he returned to “Those who football”, where he will also be reconfirmed for 2004-2005.

Together with Simona Ventura, he participates as envoy by the Dominican Republic in the second and third edition of L’Isola dei Famosi.

During the connections, Caputi wore three occasions of the shirts bearing the brand “Ktow you Cueves” . The story had consequences that led to the Rai condemnation for hidden advertising [3] [4] .

In 2006 he conducted the music and solidarity show on Rai Uno on Rai Uno, together with Valeria Marini With all my heart .

It remains to “those who football” until 2014.

Other [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

He also lent the voice to the FIFA video game series, together with Giacomo Bulgarelli, from 1998 to 2002. While the telekind Cronaca was the technical commentary on the TV showcases in Caputi and in Bulgarelli, in the FIFA series the roles were overturned, Bulgarelli was the commentator and Caputi the technical commentary.

Since August 2008 he commented together with Gianni Di Marzio the main matches of the Intertoto Cup and UEFA Cup 2007-2008 broadcast on account, while from the 2009-2010 season they both commented on the main Serie A matches transmitted by the digital terrestrial platform for Dahlia TV. In the same period he took on the editorial direction of Dahlia TV football channels.

From 13 October 2012 he conducted with Laura exposed B Live The transmission dedicated to Serie B on Serie B TV, a new platform launched by the Serie B League on Europa7 HD of which she was also editorial director.

From 2011 to 2013 he was the director of communication for the international BNL of Italy of Tennis.

Has conducted the broadcast until 2013 Two ganks two Ficcanaso With Carletto on RTL 102.5.

Since August 2013 until 30 October 2020 he was the editor in chief of the Sports editorial staff of the historic Roman newspaper The messenger .

From 9 January 2021 he has been the testimonial of the Arpa Foundation.

From 1 April 2021 he has been a consultant for the communication of the Undersecretary for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers with delegation to Sport, Valentina Vezzali.
