Massimo of Carlo – Wikipedia


From Wikipedia, Liberade Libera.


Massimo De Carlo (Ancona, March 8, 1955) is an Italian composer.

Graduated in music teaching, he studied classical guitar, harmony and composition at the musical institute Giovan Battista Pergolesi of Ancona and the music conservatory Gioacchino Rossini [first] of Pesaro; He attended the classic guitar and musical analysis of the Bisighella musical analysis. He attended ancient music courses at the Italian Foundation for Ancient Music of Rome and the three -year course of Flauto Dolce at the Association for the Study of Ancient Music Music practice center From Rome.

He composed vocal music, musicing texts by Marche poets, for orchestra, chamber and the stage music of theatrical performances by collaborating with the directors Roberto Cimetta and Luigi Moretti, with theater companies The Canguro Theater , Guasco , The Rinaldini Theater Center of Ancona and the classical high school Federico and Muzio Campana of Osimo.

In its compositions it uses elements belonging to different historical periods and cultures of other countries without constraints with certain musical styles.

  • History of a short love (1972) – Text by Marco Maccioni
  • The crystal girl (1972)
  • Barbara (1972)
  • Ave Maria On study nº 1 of Heitor Villa-Lobos (1995)
  • Haiku song (1998) – Text by Roberto Boldrini
  • A house in the drawer (1998) – Text by Maria Grazia Maiorino
  • Amo (1998) – Text by Patrizia Papili Marchionni
  • John 10.16 (1975) – Musical composition competition Great Prix Montecarlo
  • Clusterorchestra (1989)
  • Valzer della Sora Elvira (2016)
  • Fantasy of the brand (2016)
Massimo De Carlo in 2016
  • Exotic scent (1976)
  • The altarpiece (1976) – broadcast by Radio Rai
  • Prelude and escape to MINI for organ (1984)
  • Prelude For guitar (1987)
  • The appearance (1991)
  • Song For guitar (1998)
  • Third For guitar (2002)
  • The appearance For guitar (2005)
  • All – ballet (2013)
  • Canvas (1975) – The company presents Directed by Lino Terra
  • Scene music for the theatrical show set up by the director Roberto Cimetta for the centenary of the birth of the poet Duilio Scandali (1976)
  • I am the director (1979) – The magic key Directed by Lino Terra – represented at the Festival Inte theater of Polverigi [2]
  • To the castle (1979) – The magic key Directed by Lino Terra
  • Once upon a time… (1979) – The magic key Directed by Lino Terra
  • Ballad of the Knight (1979) – The magic key Directed by Lino Terra
  • Knock Knock! Who is it?: The circus (1981) – Toc toc! Chi è? Directed by Lino Terra
  • The arrival of the comedians (1996) – Don Quixote Directed by Luigi Moretti
  • Dulcinea (1996) – Don Quixote Directed by Luigi Moretti
  • The knight with a sad figure (1996) – Don Quixote Directed by Luigi Moretti
  • Don Quixote against the windmills (1996) – Don Quijote directed by Luigi Moretti
  • The armies of Alifanfarone and Pentapolino (1996) – Don Quixote Directed by Luigi Moretti
  • The ancient land of the tip (1996) – Don Quixote Directed by Luigi Moretti
  • The island of Sancho (1996) – Don Quixote Directed by Luigi Moretti
  • The procession of hooded (1996) – Don Quixote Directed by Luigi Moretti
  • Danaiadi On Aeschylus text (2013) – Suppose a Lampedusa directed by Laura De Carlo – represented to International Festival of the classic young theater of Palazzolo Acreide
  • Story of me On Aeschylus text (2013) – Suppose a Lampedusa Directed by Laura De Carlo
  • Cassandra to the ship For Flute Solo (2013) – The Trojan Directed by Laura De Carlo
  • Cry of Andromaca For Flute Solo (2013) – The Trojan Directed by Laura De Carlo
  • Goodbye to Troy For Flute Solo (2013) – The Trojan Directed by Laura De Carlo
  • Medea and Jason For Flute Solo (2014) – Medee Directed by Laura De Carlo
  • Think Medea For Flute Solo (2014) – Medee Directed by Laura De Carlo
  • Another story For Flute Solo (2014) – Medee Directed by Laura De Carlo
  • Guardians (2015) – Orestieste directed by Laura De Carlo – represented to International Festival of the classic young theater of Palazzolo Acreide [3]
  • Death of Agamemnon (2015) – Orestieste Directed by Laura De Carlo
  • Passing time (2015) – Orestieste Directed by Laura De Carlo
  • Death of Oreste (2015) – Orestieste Directed by Laura De Carlo
  • Erinni (2015) – Orestieste Directed by Laura De Carlo
