Materials at very long range – Wikipedia


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Very long -range equipment (TLP)
Image illustrative de l'article Matériel à Très Longue Portée
Service characteristics
Type Rail artillery
Service experimental
Users Drapeau de la France France
Conflicts First World War
Second World War
Designer Alvf and Schneider and Cie Commission
Design year 1918 to 1929
Manufacturer Schneider
Copies Products 3
Variants 3
Main Features
Caliber length 65 to 150 calibers
Support Sliding look and sharpener
Calibre 340 240 mm And 340 224 mm
Initial speed 1 520 m/s in its last variant
Maximum scope of 53.59 km at 127.8 km

The Very long -range equipment (TLP) is a French artillery system studied from 1918, faced with the panic caused during the Paris bombing by the Parisian cannons .

The study of very long -range equipment (TLP) was launched in 1918 by the French government to respond to the Kanonen parish of 120 km of reach. Manufacturing cannot be carried out before . Unlike the German parts, the TLPs are mobile, being installed on a railway or sliding sharpening. The design is independent of the German artillery documents, whose documentation was destroyed by the imperial army. The development takes place in several stages.

37 caliber test cannons mm very long extension (110 and 160 calibers) and 155 mm At 60 calibers are tested to identify ballistic specificities. Several cannons are studied, including the 240 155 mm , 340/210 and 224 mm at 65, 100 and 150 calibers and the 370 100 mm at 160 calibers [ first ] .

Credit restrictions following the armistice of 1918 limit the achievements.

340/240 LP equipment of 65 calibers [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

This program is led by the Alvf commission (heavy artillery on the railway). The pieces were built in 1920. A 340 naval tube mm in diameter retributed at 240 mm is installed on a Schneider slip railway appearance of 340. The tests conducted from 1924 to 1929 give fire at 53.59 km . The maximum theoretical scope is 60 km at 50 ° elevation, which appears to be disappointing compared to German parts.

TLP equipment 340/224 of 100 calibers [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

This prototype is a 340 Schneider slip railway. mm in diameter, retributed to 210 mm , long of 100 calibers and amounting to 50 °. The shots made from 1923 are failures, the shells change during their trajectory. The tube is realized at 224 mm of diameter and false war infections are developed. During the shots in 1927, the litters reached 92 km Then 97.5 km in .

Problems of overpressure caused the reform of this material in 1931. In addition, this artillery part was too high to circulate on the rail network, which made long work of assembly and disassembly not very compatible with the war service.

TLP equipment of 340/224 of 150 calibers [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Schneider firm offers in 1919 a 340 cannon mm , retub to 224 mm , extended to 150 calibers and amount to 50 °. The 224 barrel mm of diameter is 100 calibers long and extended by a smooth tube of 50 calibers. A support system formed of necklaces and shrouds prevents the part from bending. The whole approaches the techniques developed for the Parisian cannons . In addition, the equipment is designed to limit its height and the assembly and disassembly work necessary to move on the railway tracks. The tube of 34 m long is two parts for transport.

The shooting tests of this barrel called “Canon of 340,224 of 150 Smooth extended calibers, mounted on Schneider Truck N ° 47 969 – With Oscillating and Cradle” or simply 340/224TLP start the and follow one another until . The litters increase from 107 to 127.8 km , with different types of shells.

The shooting of a 224 shell mm 1929 model, 142 kg , at an initial speed of 1 520 m/s at a distance of 127,800 m the is the absolute scope of scope obtained by French artillery equipment [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] .

The tube is worn as a result of 35 shots, which does not allow us to envisage his use of war during the Second World War.

The various prototypes carried out several dozen test fires in Saint-Pierre-Quiberon, often accompanied by overpressure problems or rapid wear of the tubes. This lack of reliability of artillery parts limited its use as war material.

To the declaration of war in , the production of around twenty parts in very long range was considered as well as the restoration of the equipment of 150 calibers, with a new tube of 220 mm . The military defeat of made an abortion of these projects.

  • Alain Odirm « The big Bertha of Parisians: History of a legendary weapon », Historical Review of the Armed Forces , n O 253, , p. 111-125, § 36 The “descendants” of the Kanone Backup (ISSN  0035-3299 , read online )
  • Guy Francis « Heavy artillery materials on a very long-range railroad-1918-1940 », Historical Review of the Armed Forces , n O 4, , p. 76-81 (ISSN  0035-3299 )
  • Stéphane Ferrard « French “Parisener Kanone” », History and strategy , n O 8 “History of artillery”, , p. 54
  • Long parts (LP) and very long range (TLP)
  1. Bernédicate DISCEPTLE EMMOEL CRESIN, canon Deash 100 mm of 160 calibers 1918 – 1921 caliber 100 mm n O first, p. 11 and Sharp-Truck with normal cannon for 370 cannon mm 1875-1879 model of 28.5 calibers. Modifications to allow the pointing at + 50 ° of the barrel of 100 mm 160 calibers mounted in the 370 barrel mm model 1875-1879 R.1889 n O first. p. 48 Calibre 370  mm n ° 115; DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE. Historical Defense Service. Archives center of armaments and staff. Series 2 I 7. Funds of the Directorate of Ruelle Naval Constructions. Directorate of Ruelle Naval Constructions, Marine Artillery, Canons and Ships Plans 1866 – 1951. Digital repertoire n O 896. Châtellerault, September 2009
  2. D’Iberville, the other “canon of Paris” » , on Did you know that… , (consulted the ) .
  3. Long (L.P.) and very long range (T.L.P.) » , (consulted the ) .

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