Mathias E. Myampala — Wikipedia


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Mathias Eugen Mnyampala (1917-1969) is a writer, jurist and poet of Tanzanian Swahilia. His first publications appeared in the colonial era in the form of a Tanganyika Wagogo history book written in Kiswahili (Mathias Mnyampala, 1954) and stories. MNYAMPALA did not choose his mother tongue, the cigoGo , as a language of writing but preferred Kiswahili (also written Swahili) in all of his literary work. He composed many poems in Kiswahili for the press of the time.

Mathias E. MNYAMPALA is from the Ugogo region and is attached to the ethnic group of Wanyaugogo (see Gogo (People)) by his mother and by his father. He was born on In the hamlet of Mattundya in Ihumwa, a city of the rural ugogo located at around 22 km Dodoma. The year of birth 1919 is sometimes proposed for this author in certain documents including official documents but this is confirmed or by his autobiography [ first ] On page 4 where he talked about the year 1917 (Mathias MNYAMPALA, 2013), or by a colonial document from 1956 where his personal data is recorded [ 2 ] complete. In the last years, he has known Tanganyika independence in the last years of his life then the union of this sovereign state with the Zanzibar archipelago Within the United Republic of Tanzania. He died on in Dodoma (Tanzania) at the age of 51.

Tanzania is experiencing an official socialist ideology whose founding and programmatic discourse is contained in the declaration of Arusha pronounced the by President Julius Kambarage Nyerere (1922-1999). Also the promotion of Kiswahili passes in an organized, centralized and singular way through the poetry of Swahilia expression, hence the importance of certain poets like Mathias E. Mnyampala. Poetry fulfills three functions: Tanzanians, schoolchildren first, learn literary forms from their national language and in fact, Kiswahili develops by reading poems. The poetic tradition of Swahilia expression is rich, old and valued internationally.
The United Republic of Tanzania, by projecting this tradition into the national imagination allows its citizens to develop a feeling of national pride due to the prestige of literary culture of their language. Finally, poems will be able to convey, in an assumed form of propaganda, the official ideology whose memorization will be facilitated in a versified form.

The association called Usanifu wa kiswahili na ushairi Tanzania (UKUTA) “Development of Kiswahili and poetry in Tanzania” is the national association of poets of Tanzanian Swahilia expression. It will fulfill this triple mission of distribution of Kiswahili with poetry of Swahilia expression, development of a national swahilophone culture and propaganda at the service of Tanzanian socialism. Mathias E. MNYAMPALA was the president at the national level until 1966 and then he presided over the UKUTA regional antenna in Dodoma in his native region. He then wrote a considerable poetic corpus and was recognized by his peers as one of the masters of Swahilia expression poetry.

Mnyampala’s poetic work has profound theological and philosophical aspects which are barely beginning to be sketched by research. In Tanzania itself, Mathias E. MNYAMPALA is considered by specialists as a giant forgotten of the letters Swahilies which should be rediscovered and recognized.

  • (sw) Mathias E. Mnyampala, History, traditions, and customs of the Tanganyika Grandma , Eagle Press, 1954
  • (sw) Mathias E. Mnyampala, Holy Registrar , Ndanda Mission Press, 1962
  • (sw) Mathias E. Mnyampala, Mnyampala Councilor , East African Literature Bureau, 1963
  • (sw) Mathias E. Mnyampala, Wall walls , Oxford University Press, 1970
  • (in) Mathias E. Mnyampala, G. H. Maddox, The Gogo: history, customs, and traditions , USA, ME Sharpe Inc., 1995 (ISBN  9781563244056 )
  • (sw) Mathias E. Mnyampala, History of Sheikh Sheikh Kaluta Command Abedi (1924-1964) , Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Ahmadiyya Printing Press, 2011 (ISBN  9789976891645 )
  • (sw) Mathias E. Mnyampala, Life is to finance , Paris, DL2A Buluu Publishing, (ISBN  9791092789027 )
  • (sw) Mathias E. Mnyampala, The laundry and its land , Paris, DL2A Buluu Publishing, (ISBN  9791092789201 )
  • (in) M. M. Coup, T. S. Soves, History of Kiswahili poetry , Dar es Salaam, Institute of Swahili Research, 1995
  • Mathieu Roy, C. M. Mnyampala, Portrait de Mathias E. Mnyampala , 2007 [ Portrait (page consulted on August 15, 2018)]]
  • (sw) J. S. Madumulla, Mathias Eugene Mnyampala (forgotten rock) , French title: Mathias E. MNYAMPALA (a forgotten mountain), published on account of author, 2011
  • Mathieu Roy, Mathias E. Mnyampala (1917-1969): Poésie D’epression Swahilie Et Construction Nationale Tanzanianne , Paris, National Institute of Oriental Languages ​​and Civilizations (Doctoral thesis in African Studies), 2013, [ online thesis (page consulted on August 15, 2018)]]

General references on the Tanzanian nation and Swahilia expression literature [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • (in) (sw) Jan Knappert, Four centuries of Swahili verse : a literary history and anthology , Londres, may, 1988 (ISBN  9781850771814 )
  • Alain Ricard, Black African literatures: books to books , Paris, Karthala Éditions, 1995
  • Elena Bertoncini Zubkova, Ursula Baumgardt, Abdellah Bounfour, Panorama of African literatures: inventory and perspectives , Paris, L’Harmattan, 2000
  • (in) Gregory Maddox, James Leonard Giblin, In Search of a Nation: Histories of Authority & Dissidence in Tanzania , James Currey, 2005 (ISBN  9780852554876 )
  • Xavier Garnier, The Swahili novel: the notion of “minor literature” to the test , Paris, Karthala Éditions, 2006
  • (in) Alamin M. Mazrui, Swahili Beyond the Boundaries: Literature, Language, and Identity , Ohio University Press, 2007 (ISBN  9780896802520 )
  • Marie-Aude Fouéré, Tanzania: the nation to the test of post -socialism , African policy, p. 69-85 , 2011
