Maurice de la Pintière – Wikipedia


Maurice Thomas de la Pintière , born the in Vouvant, in Vendée and Death on , is a French illustrator who was deported during the Second World War to 22 years old , while trying to cross the Spanish border to reach free France.


Maurice Thomas de la Pintière was born in a family of former nobility from Brittany [ first ] , from Michel Thomas (born v. 16o5), sieur de la Monnerais in Saint-Hilaire-des-Landes (Ille-et-Vilaine).
Joseph Marie Thomas 1735-1828) is a royal notary and prosecutor. He marries, the , Françoise Tréhu de la Pintière (1739-1828), in Saint-Germain-en-Coglès, whose descendants kept the name.
Paul Thomas de la Pintière (1850-1920), ESM de Saint-Cyr, promo. Revenge, 1870-1872, is an officer of hunter, Colonel, officer of the Legion of Honor.
Maurice Thomas de la Pintière is his grandson.

Formation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Born the In Vouvant, in Vendée, he learns to draw in his childhood, and likes to make the caricature of his teachers. He practices in particular the art of watercolor. He studied first in Fontenay-le-Comte then in La Roche-sur-Yon. His father doctor would like to see him prepare HEC, but in 1940 he passed the entrance exam to the National School of Fine Arts, in Paris, which he succeeds and where he will study different styles: academic drawing, anatomy , animal art (thanks to visits to zoos), sketches.

Deportation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

During the war, he will make a series of “corrosive” drawings and caricatures on the German occupants and gouaches. In 1943, he came into resistance, and he was responsible for distributing leaflets from a group of the School of Fine Arts. He tried, with Robert de Lépinay and Xavier Leschallier de Lisle, to go to Spain, in order to reach free French forces but he was arrested by the Germans on the Spanish border, the , “By French people in German uniforms, of the Legion of French volunteers, commanded by a German” [ 2 ] . He was tortured by the Gestapo then, imprisoned in Oloron-Sainte-Marie, then in Bordeaux, in Compiègne, at the Royallieu camp, then in Kl Buchenwald With the Matricule 31115, finally, the , at the Dora concentration camp. In August 1944, at the request of a kapo, he decorated with paintings a barrack from the Dora camp. He also makes sketches which will serve him later for wash on the Dora camp. He is transferred from Dora to Bergen-Belsen until .

Back to the native country [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

After his release, he produced a series of 35 wash from memory from sketches made in the Dora camp: “Dora, the male eater”.

In 1946, he began a professional life, although weakened by tuberculosis, as a designer of children’s newspapers ( Suzette week [ 3 ] , Valiant hearts , Lisette , Bernadette [ 4 ] , Pierrot , Hurrah , the intrepid , Freipopet ) and illustrator ( Croc-Blanc In 1957) [ 5 ] .


After his marriage to Christiane Bertaud du Chazaud in 1950, of which he will have two boys, he was forced to change activity by the disease, in 1957, he began to carry out decorative panels then tapestry boxes on symbolic themes then evangelical. 15 of his tapestries are on the theme of the apocalypse.

In 1962 he illustrated the song in 1962 The lacs lachers [ 6 ] as well as Chouans’ Christmas (1952) in the newspaper Bernadette , and a book on the Vendée, his native country. He won the Milcendeau Prize, named after a painter from Vendée, Charles Milcendeau.

He died at the age of 86 years old the . The album is in possession of his eldest son. A photo of the original album is put online with this one and transmitted in different museums.

  • Coqs fight (1960)
  • Cerfs’ fight (1962)
  • L’apocalypse (1972)
  • The triumph of the lamb (1982)
  • The Grand Manège ()
  • The mandala (1984)
  • Cells 114 Charles Spitz, Secondary Author cover. and ill. from Maurice de la Pintière
  • Tell me … Deportation in Nazi camps The ENNE TRIEBLE, Maurice the La Pinties, Eart Marie-José Coumbart The Lobwe (Album – )
  • A path of deportee. Darkness in light , La Roche-sur-Yon, Vendéen Center for Historical Research, 2005, 176 p.
  • Dora the men’s eater , Press of today, Paris, 1993.

Maurice de la Pintière won the Charles Milcendeau Prize [ 7 ] .

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • [5] “The Lucs lachers” La Roche-sur-Yon, Marcel Delhommeau, 1962 Gauvrit, brother Gabriel-Marie and Maurice de la Pintière, Revue du Souvenir Vendéen.
  • [6] In the heart of Vendée and Poitou , by A. Billaud Illustrations by Maurice de la Pintière – Les Éditions de l’École
  • 1914-1918, 1939-1945, artists at war , History of the Vendée, , Catalog De L’Extosition, Editions Snoeck, Gand, 2015, 119 p.

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