Mauro Fabris – Wikipedia


From Wikipedia, Liberade Libera.


Mauro Fabris (Camisano Vicentino, March 14, 1958) is an Italian politician and sports manager.

Graduated in Economics and Commerce, already freelancer (former company consultant), in 1990 he was provincial secretary of the Christian Democracy in Vicenza. In 1994 he joined the Italian People’s Party and in 1995 he passed to the United Democratic Christians of Rocco Buttiglione.

In 1996 he was elected for the first time in the Chamber on the CCD-CDU lists, in alliance with the Polo delle Freedom. In January 1997, during the contrasts between the two centrist formations, Fabris joined the CCD of Pier Ferdinando Casini together with other exponents of the Veneto CDU [first] .

In 1998 he followed Clemente Mastella in the split that will give life to the democratic Christians for the Republic (CDR) first and to the democratic union for the Republic (UDR) of Francesco Cossiga then. In 1999 he participated in the foundation of the Democratic Union for Europe (Udeur), always with Mastella.

In this phase, from 1998 to 2001, he is repeatedly undersecretary: to public works during the D’Alema I government, to finances and still to public works during the D’Alema II government, to industry, with delegation to foreign trade e Tourism, in Amato II government.

In 2001 he was elected Senator, as a representative Udeur, with the majority in the college of Ravenna representing the center -left coalition.

In 2006 he moved to the Chamber of Deputies: always at Udeur altitude, he was candidate, however, on the lists of the Olive tree as a representative of the right of “parliamentary grandstand” that the coalition had offered to the small party in the event that he had not exceeded the barrier to elect deputies . Fabris is assigned a useful place to the election in the Lombardy-2 district.


In the XV Legislature he is a member of the Transport Commission and Udeur group leader in the Chamber.

In 2009 he was appointed by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Extraordinary Commissioner for the Brenner Tunnel access works, a position later reconfirmed by the subsequent governments in 2012 and 2013.
Since June 2013, on the designation of consortium companies, he has been president of the Venice Nuova Consortium, the State Dealer – for the realization of the Mose system and the safeguarding of Venice and the lagoon of the state competence, in implementation of law 798/84.

Since 2006 he has been national president of the Volleyball League Female Serie A: re -elected 6 times (2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015 and 2017), always unanimously of the votes of the 24/26 companies that make up the Lega Consortium. During its presidency, some significant changes are highlighted, including for example: the characterization of Italian women’s volleyball with the pink and purple field, the scene of all the matches of the Serie A1 and Serie A2 championships; the introduction to Serie A – and the subsequent transposition within federal rules – sports penalties for ‘administrative doping’; the start of the live streaming transmissions of the women’s Serie A1 matches, which since 2015 have merged into LVF TV, the official web-TV of the women’s volleyball League; The introduction, starting from the 2016-17 season, of the video Challenge System.

In 2013 he reported to the Order of Journalists and initiated a civil lawsuit with a request for damages for 2 million euros to the journalist Luca Muzzioli, together with Patrizio Ginelli a to the company Lega Volleyball Female Serie A for the articles published by Luca Muzzioli himself on his own journalistic portal in which the conduction of the League of companies by its president was more popular. The two causes end in 2015 with the full acquittal of the journalist [2]
