Mayr — Wikipedia


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Gustav Ludwig Mayr ( , Vienne – , Vienna) is an Austrian entomologist and professor in Pest and Vienna, a great specialist in hymenoptera and especially ants.

He was born in the family of a lawyer, Ignaz Mayr, and his wife, born Rosalie Holzer. After completing the classical high school and studied at the Faculty of Philosophy, Mayr undertakes medical studies in Vienna. He was a member from 1851 of the Botanical and Zoology Society of Vienna ( Zoological-botanical society ). He was a doctor of medicine in 1856, then taught natural sciences and chemistry in secondary establishments in Pest, but he lost his post in 1861 because of the laws of magnificently which prohibited teaching in German in Hungarian secondary schools. He moves to Vienna where he teaches natural history in a Oberrealschule , until his retirement in 1892. The honorary title of imperial advisor ( imperial advice ) He was then awarded, after having received the Cross of the Gold Merit in 1876.

Mayr is passionate about entomology and in particular for hymenoptera and specializes in the systematics of ants. One of his hymenoptera collections bringing together 1,350 species and representing approximately 5,500 specimens was offered by him in 1896 at the Vienna Natural History Museum. Another collection of 2,180 species of ants, and other collections of insects are bequeathed by will at the Botanical and Zoology Society of Vienna that it later sells to the Museum, not having the means to keep it .


Between 1862 and 1901, he described fifty-eight kinds of ants (including Acromyrmex, anochetus, Aphaenogaster, construction, formicoxenus, Leptothorax, Monomorium, Tetramorium ) and more than five hundred new anti -ants. He also describes unique collections of fossil ants kept in the amber of the Baltic (1868), Tibet ants reported by the przewalski expeditions and Turkestan ants harvested by Alexei Fedtchenko. It is he who is responsible for writing the zoological part concerning the ants of the travel report of the Novara expedition around the world (1857-1859).

He also works on hemiptera. Its collection thus includes 2,960 species of chalcidoids, 923 kinds of Cynipidae and 1,350 hemiptera.

About fifty species of hymenoptera bear the epithet Mayri [ first ] and three kinds of ants are dedicated to him:

  • Mayria Trout (1879)
  • Eumayria Ashmead (1887)
  • Mayriella Trout (1902)

Gustav Mayr was a member of the following learned companies:

  • The European formicides: with a lithographic table , 1861
  • Formicidae (in the zoological part of the report of the Novara expedition), Vienne, 1865
  • The ants of the Baltic amber , Königsberg: Koch, 1868.
  • Fig , Vienna: Hölder, 1885.
  • Formicids from Ceylon and Singapore , Nature Booklets 20: pp. 420-436. ( )
  • South African formicides, collected by Dr. Hans Brauns , Annals of K.K. Natural History Hofmuseum Vienna, 16: 1-30. (( )
  • Hymenopterological mis any , Vienna: Hölder, 1902.
  • Formicides from Egypt and the Sudan , 1903
  1. Whose species: APTEROSTIGMA MAYRI (Trout, 1893); Under mayri Trout, 1879; Carebara mayri (Trout, 1901); Dorylus mayri HOULD, 1912; Monomorium mayri Trout, 1902; Myrmelachista mayri Trout, 1886; Sericomyrmex mayri Trout, 1912; Rhoptromyrmex mayri Trout, 1912; Tetramorium mayri (Mann, 1919) ; Tetraponera Mayri (Trout, 1901)
