Michael James sis – Wikipedia


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Michael James Sis (Mount Holly, January 9, 1960) is an American Catholic Bishop, from 12 December 2013 Bishop of San Angelo.

Michael James Sis was born in Mount Holly, New Jersey, January 9, 1960 and is the fourth of the five children Raymond, a deacon permeating, and Janice Sis. His brothers are Susan Sis-Boyd residing in Georgetown; Valerie Bourque, residing in Salado; Mark, residing in Boomfield, and Amy Short, residing in Bryan. He has seven grandchildren and two prones. [first]

Training and priestly ministry [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

He attended St. Joseph Catholic School and then Bryan’s public schools. In 1978 he graduated from Bryan High School. In 1982 he obtained the Bachelor of Arts in philosophy at the University of Notre Dame a South Bend as a pupil of the “Moreau” seminar. The same year he was sent to Rome for studies. He took up residence in the Pontifical American College of the North. In 1986 he obtained the theology baccalaureate at the Pontifical Gregorian University. In Rome he carried out pastoral service among Ethiopian refugees. [first] [2]

On July 19, 1986, a presbyter was ordered for the diocese of Austin. He later was parish vicar of the parish of Christ the king in Austin from 1986 to 1988. In 1988 he returned to Rome for studies. In 1990 he obtained his license in moral theology at the Alfonse Academy. Back home, he was parish vicar of the parish of the Cathedral of Santa Maria ad Austin from 1990 to 1992; Vice-Cappellano in 1989 and then university chaplain of the “Santa Maria” Center of Texas A&M University in College Station from 1993 to 2006; Director of vocations from 2006 to 2009; Parish of the parish of San Tommaso Moro in Austin from 2009 to 2010 and Vicar General and moderator of the Curia since June 2010. In 2009 he was appointed chaplain of his holiness. [first] [2]

Over the years, Monsignor Sis has also served as a member of the presbyteral council, of the Council of Priestly Staff, the College of Consultors, the Vocational Team, the Committee for admissions to the permanent diaconate and the Consultative Council of the Bishop and how Decano of Bryan-College Station’s praise. [2]

Episcopal ministry [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

On 12 December 2013 Pope Francis appointed him Bishop of San Angelo. [2] [3] [4] He received the episcopal ordination on January 27 in the Junell Center of Angelo State University in San Angelo by the metropolitan archbishop of San Antonio Gustavo Garcia-Siller, co-convicted the emeritus bishop of San Angelo Michael David Pfeifer and the bishop of Austin Joe Steve Vásquez During the rite his father lent liturgical service as a deacon.

In January 2020 he made a visit the threshold for .


In addition to English, he knows Spanish and Italian. [2]

Episcopal genealogy is:

Coat of arms Holder Description [5]
Michael James Sis
Bishop of San Angelo
Truncated semi -party: [6] on the first [7] gold to the heart of red red by a silver crown, on a green plain, loaded with a silver star (5); in the second [8] red to the silver angel wings; At the third of gold at the basket of five natural loaves, accompanied in the head and to the tip by two silver barbes.

External ornaments from Bishop.

Motto: “We are the hearers.” [9]

  1. ^ a b c ( IN ) Biography of Monsignor Michael James Sis . are sanangelodiocese.org . URL consulted on October 19, 2020 .
  2. ^ a b c d It is Renunciation of the bishop of San Angelo (U.S.A.) and appointment of the successor , in Bulletin of the press room of the Holy See , 12 December 2013. URL consulted on October 19, 2020 .
  3. ^ ( IN ) Pope Names Bishops for Mississippi, Texas Dioceses . are USCCB.org , 12 December 2013. URL consulted on October 19, 2020 .
  4. ^ ( IN ) Pope names two new bishops for Mississippi and Texas , in Catholic News Agency , 12 December 2013. URL consulted on October 19, 2020 .
  5. ^ ( IN ) Coat of arms of Monsignor Michael James Sis . are sanangelodiocese.org . URL consulted on October 19, 2020 .
  6. ^ According to the ecclesiastical heraldic tradition of Anglo -Saxon countries, the bishop’s coat of arms is impaled with that of the diocese to symbolize the relationship between the man and the office he covers.
  7. ^ Coat of arms of the diocese of San Angelo.
  8. ^ Personal part: it contains five loaves in a basket, with two fish, one above and one under the basket. Rooms in ancient Christian iconography, these figures recall the miracle of the multiplication of loaves and fish, the only miracle recorded in all four gospels. Just as he did on the shore of Lake Tiberiade, according to Bishop Jesus he continues to take our apparently insufficient resources, miraculously multiplies them through the power of his grace and uses them to satisfy the spiritual and material needs of his people.
  9. ^ Taken from 1Cor 3,9 . are Laparola.net . ), can be translated as “we are collaborators of God” and expresses the profound biblical truth that God calls us to cooperate with him in his action in the world.
