Michael Stavarič – Wikipedia


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Michael Stavarič in Vienna 2008


novel, essays, children’s books

Primary works

Michael Stavaric (born the in Brno) is an Austro-Tchèque writer and translator. He lives and works in Vienna.


Michael Stavarič arrived at the age of 7 in Austria. His parents had the plan to go to Canada, but finally fell back on a small Austrian town, Laa An der Thaya, very close to the Czech border. He spent all his schooling there before leaving in Vienna to study journalism and communication.

One could easily draw a parallel between his master’s thesis (1998) focused on “the linguistic structures of the headlines in Mladá fronta dnes and Blesk”, two Czech newspapers, and his life as a writer, which also juggles between two countries and two LANGUAGES.

After his studies he held various functions (in the Pen Club International, secretary to the Czech ambassador, lecturer at the University of Vienna, editorial reader for various publishers) and wrote articles for the weekly magazine and Viennese Falter . Then he was able to publish his first writings in literary journals.

Michael Stavarič lives and works today in Vienna.

In Michael Stavarič’s work with novels, poetry, essays, children’s books, creative and formal game with the language is very important.

Each project thus presents a different approach to the language and its registers, from a predominance of oral and phonetic to the borrowing from the language of fables and tales, between reality and over-real, often imbued with An irony pinches-rire.

  • Nadelstripe & ink ink , Our Bestiarium, Avec Single Deborah, Innsbruck 2011, (ISBN  978-3-85218-695-5 ) .
  • Scenario , Roman, Munich 2011, (ISBN  978-3-406-61265-7 ) .
  • There are lions here , Children’s book with Renate Habinger, St. Pölten – Salzburg 2011, (ISBN  978-3-7017-2084-2 ) .
  • Sometimes I still think with my fingertips , EBook/Audiobook, mcpublish, 2011, (ISBN  978-3-902797-09-4 ) (MP3). 978-3-902797-10-0 (EPUB). 978-3-902797-11-7 [PDF] .
  • Already mit pocahontas , EBook/Audiobook, incl. Bande originale de Cadiz feat. Maja Racki, mcpublish, 2011, (ISBN  978-3-902797-06-3 ) (MP3). 978-3-902797-07 (EPUB). 978-3-902797-08-7 [PDF] .
  • Already Mit Pocahontas. Raritan River , Vienna 2010, (ISBN  978-3-7076-0326-2 ) .
  • The little ceiling woman , Children’s book with Dorothee Schwab, Vienne 2010, (ISBN  978-3-902373-55-7 ) .
  • Evil games , Roman, Munich 2009, (ISBN  978-3-406-58240-0-0 ) and in pocket: (ISBN  978-3-423-14035-5 ) .
  • Magma , Roman, St. Pölten – Salzburg 2008, (ISBN  978-3-7017-1506-0 ) .
  • stillborn , Audiobook gel. By Mona Moore, Residenz Verlag, St. Pölten – Salzbourg 2008, (ISBN  978-3-7017-4002-4 ) .
  • NKAAH – experiments on the living object , Prose -by, Kookbooks, Idstein 2008, (ISBN  978-3-937445-28-1 )
  • Door , Children’s book together with Renate Habinger, Residenz Verlag, St. Pölten – Salzbourg 2008, (ISBN  978-3-7017-2034-7 ) , Korean translation, Seoul 2009, (ISBN  978-89-93260-13-7-7 ) , (ISBN  978-89-93260-27-4 ) , A beekeeper or ants do not have a really no idea of ​​pollination, Livre Pour enfants Avec Renate Habinger Traduection Tchèque, Prague 2009, (ISBN  978-80-204-1952-1 ) .
  • Terms , Roman, residence publishers, St. Pöcats – Salzbourg 2007, (ISBN  978-3-7017-1475-9 ) .
  • Gaggalagu , Children’s book together with Renate Habinger, Kookbooks, Idstein 2006, (ISBN  978-3-937445-21-2 ) .
  • stillborn , Roman, residence publishers, St. Pöcats – Salzbourg 2006 (2. Auguf. 2008), (ISBN  3-7017-1440-1 ) and in your pocket (ISBN  978-3-423-13915-1 ) , The dead Eliška Frankenstein , Czech translation, with Radka Denemarková, Prague 2010, (ISBN  978-80-87260-06-7 ) .
  • Europe – a litany , Kookbooks, Idstein 2005, (ISBN  3-937445-13-7-7 ) .
  • Tagwerk. Landing. Awkward , Art project, Guilty & Red at Bod, Vienne et Norderstedt 2002, (ISBN  3-8311-4561-X ) .
  • Wingless , Poems, edition Va bene, Klosterneuburg 2000, (ISBN  3-85167-098-1 ) .
