Milan zloković — Wikipedia


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Milan Zlokovic (in Cyrillic Serb: Milan Zloković ; born the To Trieste and Death on in Belgrade) is a Serbian architect.

  • The house of Josif Šojat (located 33 rue King Milutin ), 1926-1927; This Italian Renaissance style building clearly illustrates the style of Zloković, just before his passage from historicism to modernism [ first ] ; It is today classified (identifier n O  SK 2229) [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] .
  • The house of Milan Zloković (located 76 rue International Brigades in the Kotež-Neimar district of Belgrade), 1927; This house, built for his family, announces the taste of Milan Zloković for modernism; It is registered on the list of cultural goods of the city of Belgrade [ 4 ]
  • The house of Nevena Zaborski in Belgrade, 1928-1930, classified (identifier n O  SK 2134) [ 5 ] , [ 6 ]
  • The National Bank of Sarajevo, 1929, registered on the list of national monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina [ 7 ]
  • The villa of Bruno Moser in Belgrade, 1929-1931, preliminary classification [ 8 ]
  • The villa tookić in Belgrade, 1932-1933, classified [ 9 ]
  • Villa Šterić in Belgrade, 1933, classified (identifier n O  SK 2218) [ ten ] , [ 11 ]
  • The university hospital for children in Belgrade (10 rue Tiršova and 13 street Pasterova ), 1936-1940; This modern style building is also registered on the list of cultural goods in the city of Belgrade [ twelfth ]
  1. (in) Joseph Šojat Building » , on , Site de Fondation Milan Zlokovic (consulted the ) .
  2. (sr) Government of Serbia, Decision on determining the house of Josifa Shojat in Belgrade for a cultural monument » [“Protection decree of the house of Josif Šojat in Belgrade as a cultural monument”], Službeni Glasnik RS (Official Journal of the Republic of Serbia) , n O 65, , p. 6 ( read online [PDF] , consulted the ) – Available on the website of the Institute for the Protection of the Heritage of the Republic of Serbia.
  3. (sr) House Josifa Shojata in Belgrade » , Site of the Institute for the Protection of the Heritage of the Republic of Serbia (consulted the )
  4. (sr) (in) Architect Milan Zloković’s House » , on , Site of the Institute for the Protection of Heritage of the City of Belgrade (consulted the ) .
  5. (sr) House Nevenene Zaborski in Belgrade » , Site of the Institute for the Protection of the Heritage of the Republic of Serbia (consulted the ) .
  6. (sr+en) House of Nevena » , on , Site of the Institute for the Protection of Heritage of the City of Belgrade (consulted the ) .
  7. (bs) National (Central) Bank building » , on (consulted the ) .
  8. (in) Villa Bruno Moser » , on , Site of the Milan Zloković Foundation (consulted the )
  9. (sr) Villa Prendić in Belgrade » , Site of the Institute for the Protection of the Heritage of the Republic of Serbia (consulted the )
  10. (sr) Government of Serbia, Decision on determining the Villa Sterić in Belgrade for the cultural monument » [“Protective decree of the Villa Šterić in Belgrade as a cultural monument”], Službeni Glasnik RS (Official Journal of the Republic of Serbia) , n O 54, , p. 40 ( read online [PDF] , consulted the ) – Available on the website of the Institute for the Protection of the Heritage of the Republic of Serbia.
  11. (sr) VILA PERMIT IN BELGRADE » , Site of the Institute for the Protection of the Heritage of the Republic of Serbia (consulted the ) .
  12. (sr) (in) University Children’s Hospital » , on , Site of the Institute for the Protection of Heritage of the City of Belgrade (consulted the ) .
