Mino Steiner – Wikipedia


From Wikipedia, Liberade Libera.

Guglielmo “Mino” Steiner

Guglielmo “Mino” Steiner (Milan, 13 May 1909 – Ebensee, February 28, 1945) was an Italian lawyer.

Son of Emerico Steiner, Milanese industrialist of Bohema origin, and of Fosca Titta, sister of the baritone Titta Ruffo. Nephew of Giacomo Matteotti. Brother of Albe Steiner.

Reached her degree in Law in 1936, the following May the profession began in Lelio Basso’s study [first] , with whom he collaborated until October 1939. In June 1939 [2] He is arrested and translated to San Vittore for a week by the Fascist Political Police on the occasion of yet another bass arrest [3] , due to his attendance of the Milanese anti -fascist environments that will lead to the birth of the action party.

In October 1942 he was recalled to weapons in the army in Palermo [4] . Immediately after the allied landing in Sicily and even before July 25, through local anti -fascists (Purpura, Ramirez, Finocchiaro April) comes into contact with the allied secret services that entrust him with the command of the Law mission.

On October 3, 1943 [5] An English submarine Mino Steiner and Fausto Bazzi lands off the Ligurian coast in Lavagna with the task of collecting information on the German military forces and of promoting the passage towards Switzerland of the allied military dispersed beyond the lines.
In Genoa, the first recruits of the Law mission are Piero Caleffi, Eros Lanfranco and the radio and telegraphist Cirillo.
In Milan he resumes contact with the local representatives of the action party, to which he adheres, and undertakes in the spread of illegal press. With Mario Paggi [6] , Antonio Basso, Carlo Enrico Galimberti [7] , Gaetano Baldacci and others, puts a newspaper of political culture open to all the anti -fascist ideas that will be “the modern state” on site [8] : will not be able to see the release of the first clandestine number in July 1944.

After the general strike of 1 March 1944, the Nazi-fascist repression brings to San Vittore among others Mario Damiani [9] , regional secretary of the action party, who makes the names of numerous members. Mino Steiner is arrested in Milan on March 16, 1944 [ten] ; In the insulation regime for 28 days, it is subjected to at least five interrogations.

On April 27, a convoy with 225 politicians (207 men and 18 women) and 50 Jews (these unidentified) leaves track 21 of the Central Station of Milan, destination the Fossoli field, concentration and transit.


In Fossoli his partner of Castello is Aldo Valcarenghi [11] ; He participates in the “triumvirate” who assumes the organization of the Baracca 18 (political prisoners), until June 21 when he leaves for the Mouthausen lager in Austria, where he arrives on June 24, 1944 and is registered with the number 76594.

In August he is transferred to Großraming [twelfth] , field provided for the construction of a dam, but quickly dismantled; In September he is sent to Ebensee (Mouthausen subfield), a labor field and extermination, for the construction of tunnels in the mountains intended to protect industrial plants from allied air raids.

Ebensee died on February 28, 1945 [13] .

Mino Steiner stumbling stone

Mino Steiner is remembered:

  • Milan – Loggia dei Mercanti
  • Milan – Monumental Cemetery – Monument to Milanese deportees
  • Milan – Palace of Justice – Salone 1st floor
  • Milan – Via Boscovich, 42
  • Milan – Viale Bianca Maria, 35
  • Rapallo (GE) – Parco delle Rimembranze di San Michele di Pagana
  • Carpi (MO) – Museum Monument to Deportato – Name Salone
  • Mauthausen Memorial – concentration camp memorial (Austria) [14]
  • MILAN – Viale Bianca Maria, 7 – stumbled stone laid on January 24, 2019. [15]
  • Milan – via Tucidide (front n. 10) – anti -fascist murals and politicians – 17 May 2020. [16]
  1. ^ Private Archive of the Steiner family – Mino Steiner, Agenda 1937
  2. ^ Private Archive of the Steiner family – Mino Steiner, Agenda 1939
  3. ^ http://leliobasso.it/vita/lavita_1926_1940_testo.htm , consulted March 15, 2019
  4. ^ Military District of Milan – Guglielmo Steiner wedding sheet
  5. ^ There is legitimate uncertainty about the exact date of the landing. On the website http://ubat.net/allies/warships/ship/3442.html it is read: ” 28 Sep 1943 – In the evening HMS Sickle (Lt. J.R. Drummond, DSO, DSC, RN) landed a party of two Italians near Sestri Levante, Italy (about 20 miles East of Genoa). They are Guglielmo “Mino” Steiner and Fausto Bazzi and their task is to gather information, organize antifascist resistance and the escape of Allied PoWs through Switzerland (special operation LAW). “. – Piero Caleffi in “It is quick to say hunger” he writes: ” One day in late September, the officer of the office announced a visit to me. It was Casimiro Wronowski, who warns me of the arrival of his nephew Mino in San Michele di Pagana … ” – in turn Giuseppe Cirillo in” cases and things “indicates” It was a splendid late summer afternoon …. “As a day of meeting with Steiner and Bazzi, always in San Michele di Pagana. In the written diary of punch by one of the participants, Fausto Bazzi is explicitly indicated on the date of October 3, 1943; Bazzi himself in some manuscript notes indicates the meeting with Caleffi on 6 October and the one with Eros Lanfranco, who will put him in contact with Cirillo, on 9 October. It is preferred to give credit to the memory of Bazzi.
  6. ^ http://www.anpi.it/donne-e-uomini/754/mario-paggi
  7. ^ http://www.anpi.it/donne-e-uomini/1027/carlo-enrico-galimberti
  8. ^ Elena Savino, “The modern state” – Mario Boneschi and the Milanese shareholders, Milan, Franco Angeli, 2005, ISBN 9788846466396
  9. ^ http://www.anpi.it/donne-e-uomini/4/mario-damiani
  10. ^ State Archive of Milan – Judicial prisons of Milan – Register n. 235 – Serious book of the new S. Vittore. SS department. German (reproduction of a register kept at the Risorgimento Museum in Milan).
  11. ^ Daniele Orlandi, Serial number 76613. The forgotten Mouthausen of Aldo Valcarenghi , Petite Plaisance, 2014; Marina parrenghongha, Aldo Valcarenghi. The search for freedom , Unicopli, 2016.
  12. ^ Oral testimony of Raimondo Ricci of 09.02.2012 to Marco Steiner.
  13. ^ Dal Registro di Ebensee: “Deaths from prisoners …… died on 28.2.45 at 6:55 a.m.”. Rif. Archivio Its di Bad Arolsen, Parte Inventario:, Doc. Id. 1290052/1286864/1286867/1278929.
  14. ^ http://www.gyedenkstaetten.at/raum-der-namen/cms/ ? Room of the names
  15. ^ Mino Steiner . are Pietredinciampo.eu . URL consulted on 11 February 2019 .
  16. ^ Or.Me project – Memory Nettle . are Orticamemoria.com . URL consulted on May 17, 2020 .
  • Giuliano Pischel, What is the action party. Doctrine and historical experience of a new party and its directives for the future , Milan, A. Tarantola, 1945, ISBN not existing.
  • Ene Sennei, A man and three numbers , Milan, Speroni, 1945, ISBN not existing.
  • Giuseppe Cirillo, Cases and things (… I think it went like this …) , Ala, 1948, ISBN not existing.
  • Piero Caleffi, It is easy to say hunger , Milan, Ed. Next!, 1954.
  • Mario Bonfantini, A jump in the dark , Milan, Feltrinelli, 1959.
  • Salvatore Di Benedetto, From Sicily to Sicily , Palermo, Palma, 1977.
  • Ersilia Cuffaro Montuoro, The flavor of the salt , Milan, Gorlini, 1980.
  • Leo Valiani, All roads lead to Rome , Bologna, Il Mulino, 1983, ISBN 8815002774.
  • Franco Fucci, Spies for freedom , Milani, Mursia, 1983, ISBN 9788842538974.
  • Matteo Matteotti, Those twenty years – from fascism to change that changes , Milan, Rusconi, 1985, ISBN 8818570056.
  • Federico Steiner, Thirdfold and democracy. Mario Paggi from anti -fascism to the beginning of the center -left. – Thesis. University of Milan, faculty of letters and philosophy. A.A. 1986-87 , Milan, 1987.
  • Italo Tibaldi, Travel friends , Milan, Franco Angeli, 1994.
  • Gabriele Mucchi, Lost opportunities. Memories 1899-1993 , Milan, The Archive, 1994.
  • Lisli bass carini, Things never said. Memoirs of an excellent , Bologna, Il Mulino, 1995.
  • Enrico Serra, Hard times. War and resistance. , Bologna, Il Mulino, 1996.
  • Amelia Belloni Sonzogni, Giuseppe Bicchierai. Priest and manager in Milan 1898-1987 , Milan, Franco Angeli, 1999.
  • Mauro Canali, The spies of the regime , Bologna, Il Mulino, 2004, ISBN 9788815098016.
  • Elena Savino, “The modern state” – Mario Boneschi and the Milanese shareholders , Milan, Franco Angeli, 2005, ISBN 9788846466396.
  • Leopoldo Gasparotto, Fossoli diary , Turin, Bollati Boringhieri, 2007, ISBN 9788833917801.
  • Vittorio Civitella, The lizard hill Saddle sides, shim, 2008, isbn 9788895010397.
  • Gian Luigi and Julia Banfi, Love and Hope – Correspondence between Julia and Giangio from the Fossoli field April -July 1944 , Milan, Archinto, 2009, ISBN 9788877685254.
  • Gianni Ferraro, Encyclopedia of espionage in the Second World War , Romans, Sandro te Tet, 2010, on pages 978882778.
  • Andrea Lorenzetti, Prisoner of the Nazis. Always free. – Letters from San Vittore and Fossoli. March-July 1944 , Milano, Mimesis, 2014, ISBN 9788857522395.
  • Giovanna D’Amico, On the road to Reich – Fossoli, March -Luglio 1944 , Milan, Mursia, 2015, ISBN 9788842548577.
  • Marco E. Steiner, Mino Steiner – The duty of anti -fascism , Milan, Unicopli, 2015, ISBN 9788840018188.
  • Marco E. Steiner, Private archive of the Steiner family
