MoEz Garsallaoui – Wikipedia


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Moez Garsallaoui , born December 19 [ first ] 1968 [ 2 ] in Tunis [ 3 ] and probably died the In Pakistan, is a Tunisian Islamist activist member of Al-Qaeda.

In the 1990s, Moez Garsallaoui moved to Syria before winning Italy, where he asked for political asylum in 1995 [ 4 ] . In May 1997, he made a request for asylum in Switzerland [ 5 ] where he resides first in the region of Bern then in Guin [ 6 ] . He works on construction sites, then as a computer specialist [ 7 ] .

In December 2003, he religiously married, in a mosque in Brussels, Malika El Arud, widow of Abdessatar Dahmane (alias Abou Obeyda), one of the assassins of Commander Massoud, an Afghan chief opposed to the Taliban and killed the [ 5 ] , [ 7 ] , [ 8 ] . In 2004, the couple settled near Friborg, Switzerland, and animated the Minbar SOS site, promoting Al-Qaeda. The broadcast of decapitation videos in Iraq, intended for indoctrination, applies to Garsallaoui, in June 2007, a conviction to six months in prison [ 4 ] But he only performs three. In , the couple returns to live in Belgium [ 9 ] .

In [ ten ] , Guyallaoui leaves Europe to go to the Pakistani tribal areas [ 2 ] . From 2008, he coordinates, according to French anti -terrorist justice, European jihadist sectors [ 11 ] . In September, he first called on his network to commit attacks in Belgium by this sentence broadcast on the web: “The my brothers and sisters’ solution is no longer the fatwas but Booom …” [ 9 ] . In May 2010, he was sentenced by default to eight years in prison by the Brussels Criminal Court [ twelfth ] For having conveyed young volunteers from Turkey to the Afghano-Pakistani border [ 13 ] . In September 2011, he met Mohammed Merah, the author of the March 2012 killings in Toulouse and Montauban and the help of acquiring combatant training [ 14 ] .

In an email from August 2012, he said he had escaped missiles dropped by American drones above his Waziristan refuge. ” Since I hardly move after injuries. My doctor advised me not to make efforts for a long time. A drone shot targeted my room at 4 a.m. [sic] While I was preparing to make my morning prayers ” [ 6 ] . He would have been killed on During a new attack on the locality of Mir Ali (in) , in Northern Waziristan, one of the seven tribal agencies in Pakistan [ 11 ] .

  1. Mohamed Merah: the incredible failure of secret services on YouTube , (consulted the ) .
  2. a et b Death of Moez Garsallaoui, alleged mentor of Mohamed Merah » , on , (consulted the ) .
  3. Yannick Vely, Moez guyaallaoui. Mohamed Merah’s “mentor” would be dead » , on , (consulted the ) .
  4. a et b Éric Pelletier, MoEz Garsallaoui, alleged “mentor” of Merah, was allegedly killed » , on , (consulted the ) .
  5. a et b Plattner and Daniel Glaus Become terrorist out of love of the Black Widow » , on , (consulted the ) .
  6. a et b Sylvain Besson, The veil rises on the Swiss inspirator of Mohamed Merah » , on , (consulted the ) .
  7. a et b Sylvain Besson, End of course for guys, ex-refugee in Switzerland killed by a drone » , on , (consulted the ) .
  8. Merah’s alleged mentor was killed by the shooting of an American drone in Pakistan » , on , (consulted the ) .
  9. a et b Alain Rodier, Moez Garsallaoui, new Al-Qaeda manager for Europe? » , on , (consulted the ) .
  10. Christophe Lamfalussy, A smell of powder in the Brussels court » , on , (consulted the ) .
  11. a et b Jacques Florou, Moez Garsallaoui, the contact of French jihadists in Pakistan » , on , (consulted the ) .
  12. Belgian, Malika El Arud’s husband would still be alive » , on RTBF.BE , (consulted the ) .
  13. France Media Agency, Death of the jihadist guys, alleged mentor of Merah » , on , (consulted the ) .
  14. Éric de Lavarène (in Pakistan) and Éric Pelletier, Exclusive: Mohamed Merah, apprentice killer in Pakistan » , on , (consulted the ) .
