Mondher Thabet — Wikipedia


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Mondher Thabet (Arab: Munther Thabet ), born the In Moknine, is a Tunisian politician.

Formation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

After primary studies at the school on rue de Marseille in Tunis, he was sent back from public secondary schools due to disruption; He therefore followed his studies at the Lycée Libre in rue de India, in Tunis, where he obtained a baccalaureate (letters) in 1982.

He then began higher education, studying philosophy at the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences in Tunis where he obtained university mastery in 1987.

Union and Political Career [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Very marked during his childhood by the disappearance of his cousin Hedi Thabet, member of the brigades of Georges Habache killed in black September in 1971, Mondher Thabet embarked on union action as a Marxist alongside Tarek Mahdaoui; They operate a revision of Stalinism to adopt Trotskyism in 1984 via a text signed by “The revolutionary left in demarcation with sectarianism and revisionism of PCT and primary unionism of a certain Maoist left” . During this same year, he went with Trotskyists to the progressive socialist rally of Ahmed Néjib Chebbi.


Chased by the power, Thabet, then a student, carried out his military service at Rjim Maâtoug in 1985. After his release, he went to Moscow with Samir Lâabidi, Rafaa Tabib and Habib Kazdaghli to attend the Congress of International Communist Youth. In April 1987, following a police descent at his home, he fled with the help of his friend Abdelmajid Msalmi, before being arrested at the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences in Tunis at the end of month of June.

From 1984 to 1989, it was a framework for the General Union of Students in Tunisia (UGET) at the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences in Tunis; He is also the spokesperson for Trotskyist students in the Federation of Revolutionary Marxist students. In 1988, he boycotted the 18 It is Extraordinary Congress of UGET, considering the regime of Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali as a police officer and preferring that the movement keeps its character of political agitation, a thesis considered as maximalist and adventurist by certain figures of the left.

Framework for the Social-Liberian Party (PSL) in 1989, a member of the political bureau responsible for external relations in 1990, he was excluded in 1991 and then tried to launch a movement to reform it. He ended up becoming secretary general of the PSL, replacing Mounir Béji, following the extraordinary congress of the .

He was elected vice-president of the Liberal International in 2008 and sits at the Chamber of Councilors of July 2008 [ first ] In January 2011. After the revolution of January 14, 2011, he took the newly created post of PSL president [ 2 ] . It is then presented as an independent liberal personality [ 3 ] . A travel ban was issued against him in September 2013 following an investigation into the financing of his party at the time of President Ben Ali [ 4 ] .

Professional career [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Mondher Thabet also works in teaching as a principal teacher of philosophy and this from the .

Distinctions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Chamber of advisers: List of personalities appointed by the President of the Republic » , on , (consulted the ) .
  2. MM. Mondher Thabet and Mohsen Nabli, respectively president and secretary general of the PSL » , on , (consulted the ) .
  3. Many Ben Hamadi, Mondher Thabet: “Tunisia must rectify the shooting with Algeria and Europe” » , on , (consulted the ) .
  4. Tunisia: Mohamed Bouchicha and Mondher Thabet prohibited from travel in turn » , on , (consulted the ) .
  5. Decrees and decrees », Official Journal of the Tunisian Republic , n O 3, , p. 75 (ISSN  0330-7921 , read online [PDF] ) .
  6. Order of November 7 », Official Journal of the Tunisian Republic , n O 92, , p. 3493 (ISSN  0330-7921 , read online [PDF] , consulted the ) .
