Monica Oltra — Wikipedia


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Mónica Oltra Jarque , born In Neuss, is a lawyer and politician of the Valencian community, in Spain, co-spokesperson for the Compromís coalition.

Political career start [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Member of the united left of the Valencian country since its foundation in 1986, Mònica Oltra occupies various positions of responsibility. She was elected deputy in the Valencian Parliament in the 2007 elections in the ranks of the Compromís Pel país Valencià coalition. However, internal dissensions within it and EUPV between the Valencianist sectors, represented by Oltra and Mireia MOLLLIA, and those led by the Glòria Marcos list, closer to the Communist Party, lead to the expulsion of the first of the group, which then founded a new party, initiative of the Valencien people, of which Oltra is the spokesperson until 2014.


In the 2011 regional elections, it was renewed in its deputy headquarters, this time within Compromís.

Media impact [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

From , and in relation to the events of the Gürtel affair in which Francisco Camps, president of the Valencian generality is involved, the interventions of Oltra in the Valencian parliament are experiencing an important popular and media echo. THE , she is expelled from the assembly due to a t-shirt that she sports representing a photo of camps bearing the inscription in English ” Wanted. Only alive. “(” Living “), parodying American research notice posters, by which she intends to denounce the absence of this one to the parliamentary control session to stand the same day and during which questions related to the case had to be asked [ first ] , [ 2 ] .

As part of the Sigma Dos survey published in by the newspaper The world , Oltra obtains a note of 4.54, which makes it the second most popular political figure in the Valencian community after President Camps (which obtains 4.80) [ 3 ] . In 2009 still, she appeared in the classification of the 100 protagonists of the year proposed by the newspaper The country [ 4 ]

In 2012 and 2013, Mònica Oltra appears to be the most popular political figure in the Valencian community in the survey published annually by The country [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] .

2015 elections [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

During the elections of the Valencian Parliament of , the Compromís coalition is in third position and obtains 19 seats. The party is committed to the PSPV-PSOE and Podemos in order to constitute a government led by the socialist Ximo Puig. This is invested by president of the Valencian generality council Sugurating et Mònica Oltra devient vice-priest.

Resignation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Mónica Oltra is mise on exam by the Higher Court of Justice of the Valencian community, which suspected her of having tried to suffocate a case of sexual abuse on minor in which her ex-husband, social educator, was sentenced to having abused a young girl Placed in a reception center under the authority of the inclusive policies department. She announces her resignation from the Government and the Valencian Parliament five days later, after initially dismissed this possibility [ 7 ] .

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
