Monte Marenzo – Wikipedia


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Monte Marenzo ( San Pàol in Bergamo dialect, MUNTN MARENNZ In Lecco dialect [5] [6] ) is an Italian town of 1 904 inhabitants of the province of Lecco in Lombardy. It is located in the San Martino Valley and until 1992 it belonged to the province of Bergamo.

The Municipality is territorially divided into two areas with historical -environmental -social and economic characteristics different from each other: the town center – “San Paolo” – in which a strong residential presence is concentrated and the levata hamlet where, in addition to some housing nuclei, There is a significant artisan and industrial activity. The town center and the levata hamlet are still connected to each other by an agricultural tratturo, which can only be traveled by pedestrians; Currently the actual road connection between the two areas takes place through the municipality of Calolziocorte on provincial and state roads. Monte Marenzo is crossed by the state road n. 639 of the lakes of Pusiano and Garlate and from the Lecco-Bergamo railway line in the local area. The main waterways present within the municipal area are the Carpine, Prisa, Bisone and premanent streams.

Middle Ages [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The territory began to be inhabited in the Roman era, given that it was along a branch of the Bergamo-Como road. Then during the barbarian invasions various fortifications were built and in 1137 a “court” and the church of Sant’Alessandro in turn was mentioned. One of these was on the hill of Santa Margherita and it was the Cantagudo castle and outside its walls stood the sacred of Santa Margherita. Many properties on the territory of Monte Marenzo belonged to the monastery of San Giacomo di Pontida, which had obtained it by donation from the De Villa and the Marenzi, perhaps ancestors of the subsequent captains or Cattanei di Marenzo. After the peace of 1185 with Barbarossa the area entered the orbit of the Municipality of Bergamo, which in 1238 was in possession of the Castle of Marenzo and its territory. In 1216 the territory of Monte Marenzo was also equipped with one of his relatively autonomous parish from the Milanese Plebana of Brivio and at least since 1234 the church of San Paolo was the center, Monte Marenzo remained at the diocese of Milan until 1787, then to move on to the diocese of Bergamo, however maintaining the Ambrosian rite.

The inhabited center of Monte Marenzo was deployed with the Guelphs and then rose up against the Visconti domain of the Lordship of Milan following the families of the Colleoni and Captainae; He then argued first Pandolfo Malatesta and then Tuzzano Rota. In 1433 he entered the territory of the Republic of Venice and consequently the parish of San Paolo became completely autonomous in 1435 which was expanded in 1494. In 1597 the population was about 360 inhabitants and was mostly made up of peasants employed by Cattaneo, Ginamami, Mangili and armor. The vine was cultivated which in the seventeenth century also offered work to immigrants of the nearby territories. [7]

Symbols [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The coat of arms of the Municipality was granted on December 5, 1978 [8] by decree of the President of the Republic Sandro Pertini n. 3023/20.12.1978. [9]

Coat of arms

«Golden, to an Italian mountain of three peaks of green, scored by a tower of blue, crenellated by three to the Guelph; Stop with the claws on the blackbirds, an eagle black. External ornaments from the Municipality. ”

( Description of the civic coat of arms of the Municipality of Monte Marenzo )

“Drapping of blue richly adorned with silver embroidery and loaded with the coat of arms described above with the inscription centered in silver: Municipality of Monte Marenzo . The metal parts and the cords will be silver-plated. The vertical rod will be covered with blue velvet with silver bullies placed in spiral. In the arrow the coat of arms of the Municipality will be represented and the name engraved on the stalk. Trove and tricolored tie and nastri with fringed silver -fried national colors. ”

( Description of the civic coat of arms of the Municipality of Monte Marenzo )

L’Aquila is taken from the coat of arms of the Marenzi family ( gold, in the eagle in Nero, crowned of the field ) and rests on what would seem to be the medieval castle of Cantagudo, of which some ruins remain today. The mountain below recalls the toponym of Monte Marenzo. [ten]

Religious architectures [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Demographic evolution [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Inhabitants surveyed [twelfth]

Foreign ethnic groups and minorities [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The foreigners residing in the Municipality are 137, or 6.9% of the population. The most consistent groups are shown below [13] :

  1. Ivory coast, 40
  2. Morocco, 24

Languages ​​and dialects [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In addition to the Italian language that remains the most used, in Monte Marenzo the Bergamo dialect is spoken, a variant belonging to the eastern branch of the Lombard language, which has spread thanks to the long -standing bond that binds the San Martino Valley in Bergamo [14] . The local spoken in the western area of ​​the valley are affected by the proximity to Lecco and consequently the local vernacular presents affinities with the Lecco dialect of which it takes up several words [15] .

Mayor Paola Colombo (for a solidarity community) from 26/05/2014

  1. ^ Monte Marenzo (LC) – Italy: information
  2. ^ Data Istat – Population residing at 31 December 2019.
  3. ^ Seismic classification ( XLS ), are .
  4. ^ Table of the degrees/day of the Italian municipalities grouped by region and province ( PDF ), in Law August 26, 1993, n. 412 , attached a , National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, 1 March 2011, p. 151. URL consulted on April 25, 2012 (archived by URL Original 1 January 2017) .
  5. ^ The dialect toponym is mentioned in the book-Dictionary of Carmello France, Emanuele Gambarini (the Acacts of), Italian-Bergamasco dictionary , Boldone Torre, Grafital, 2001, ISBN 88-87353-12-3.
  6. ^ Aa. Etc.,, Dictionary of toponymy. History and meaning of Italian geographical names. , Milan, Garzanti, 1996, p. 419, ISBN 88-11-30500-4.
  7. ^ Historical notes Monte Marenzo . are .
  8. ^ Monte Marenzo, decree 1978-12-05 DPR, concession of coat of arms and banner . are .
  9. ^ Monte Marenzo symbols . are .
  10. ^ Torre de ‘Busi celebrating for the 30 years of the municipal coat of arms. The descriptions of the ‘symbols’ of the countries of the San Martino Valley . are . URL consulted on October 31, 2021 .
  11. ^ Churches of Monte Marenzo . are .
  12. ^ Statistics I.Stat – state; URL consulted on 28-12-2012 .
  13. ^ Demographic balance and foreign resident population at 31 December 2010 for sex and citizenship . are , State. URL consulted on February 21, 2013 ( filed June 22, 2013) .
  14. ^ Val San Martino Spot. Bergamo dialect . are . URL consulted on 1 October 2018 ( filed on 10 August 2018) .
  15. ^ Antonio Martinelli, The San Martino Valley in history , Litostampa Gorle graphic institute, 1987, p. 24, ISBN not existing.
