Monza Calcio Association 1933-1934 – Wikipedia


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Monza football association
Season 1933-1934
Sport soccer
Squad Monza
Trainer Technical Commission
Extra Commissioner. ItaliaErnesto Crippa, then
ItaliaCesare Vigoni [first]
First division 1st place in group B, admitted to the finals. 4th in group C of the finals.
Greater presences Championship: 4 players in (32)
Best marker Championship: Arosio (22)
Stadium Field of via ghilini

This item collects the information regarding the Monza football association In the official competitions of the season 1933-1934 .

Area Directive [2]

  • Extraordinary Commissioner: Ernesto Crippa (called by all “Ul Cripùn” [3] )
  • Vice President: Dr. Massimo Brigatti
  • Cashier and Vice Pres.: Luigi Colombo (i)
  • Councilors: Rag. Lino Camagni, Giovanni Meregalli, Carlo Pasquali, Carlo Gaviraghi, Alfredo Garlati and Luigi Crippa.

Organizational area [2]

  • Secretary: Luigi Colombo (s)

Technical Commission [2]

  • Components: Ernesto Crippa, Luigi Colombo (i) and Luigi Crippa.
  • Social doctor: Dr. De Simoni.

Monza loses the promotion in Serie B Ala end of group C of the finals.

It is the naked and raw result that can be seen on paper by reading the final charts. But it does not reflect at all the actual trend of the season that the red and white would actually deserve on the field, a result that the enthusiastic audience waited until the end of the last match of the finals.

Having easily obtained access to the finals, thanks to the contribution of the attackers Giovanni Arosio author of 22 goals and Luigi Beretta, second best marker with 18 centers, Monza was included in group C of the final groups for promotion in Serie B. The finals were Dispose with the Italian group formula against Lucchese, Pescara and Syracuse.


However, the finals have already been written since the beginning of the season.

The Monzese bundle, the main financial contribution of the red and white season and a political body that since the beginning of the championship has operated and managed all the managers present in the club, appointed the Capomanipolo Ernesto Crippa at the beginning of the season. He was the first to believe in promotion on the Monza field, but he had to clash heavily with the fascist directives and get out of his verbal and boxing clash with the future podestà of Monza Cesare Vigoni. Following the differences with the upper fascist Crippa was removed ex officio and Vigoni himself completed the season as always as “extraordinary commissioner”. [first]

First division [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

First round [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

September 24, 1933
1st day
Cantù 0 – 1 Monza Littorio camp

October 8, 1933
3rd day
Vogherese 1 – 3 Monza Littorio camp

October 15, 1933
4th day
Monza 3 – 0 Cream Field of via ghilini

October 22, 1933
5th day
Lecco 1 – 1 Monza Campo dei Cantarelli

November 1, 1933
7th day
Brescia (B) 0 – 0 Monza Stadium in Viale Piave

November 5, 1933
8th day
Monza 9 – 0 Vis Nova Field of via ghilini

November 12, 1933
9th day
Trevigliese 2 – 0 Monza Campo C.S. Trevigliese

November 19, 1933
10th day
Monza 6 – 3 Orceana Field of via ghilini

November 26, 1933
11th day
Pro lissone 1 – 1 Monza Field of the gym

December 10, 1933
12th day [4]
Monza 4 – 0 Rhyme Field of via ghilini

December 17, 1933
13th day [5]
Soresinese twelfth Monza Littorio camp

December 24, 1933
14th day
Monza ten Milan (B) Field of via ghilini

December 31, 1933
15th day


Return group [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

January 7, 1934
16th day
Monza 4 – 0 Cantù Field of via ghilini

Sesto San Giovanni
January 14, 1934
17th day [6]
Falck steelworks 3 – 2 Monza Dopolavoro Falck camp

January 21, 1934
18th day
Monza 11 – 1 Vogherese Field of via ghilini

January 28, 1934
19th day
Cream 1 – 1 Monza Littorio stadium

February 4, 1934
20th day
Monza thirty first Lecco Field of via ghilini

February 18, 1934
21st day
Vimercatese 0 – 1 Monza Littorio camp

February 25, 1934
22nd day
Monza 5 – 0 Brescia (B) Field of via ghilini

11 Marzo 1934
24th day
Monza 2 – 0 Trevigliese Field of via ghilini

18 Marzo 1934
25th day
Orceana 1 – 1 Monza Municipal field

April 1, 1934
26th day
Monza 2 – 2 Pro lissone Field of via ghilini

April 8, 1934
27th day
Rhyme 1 – 3 Monza Municipal field of the Littorio

April 15, 1934
28th day
Monza 4 – 1 Soresinese Field of via ghilini

April 21, 1934
29th day [7]
Milan (B) 0 – 2 Monza San Siro camp

April 29, 1934
30th day


Group C of the finals [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

May 13, 1934
1st day
Monza 0 – 0 Pescara Field of via ghilini

June 17, 1934
3rd day
Monza 0 – 2 Lucchese Field of via ghilini

June 24, 1934
4th day
Pescara 2 – 2 Monza Rampigna stadium

1 July 1934
5th day
Monza 3 – 5 Syracuse Field of via ghilini

July 8, 1934
6th day
Lucchese 5 – 1 Monza Porta Elisa stadium

Team statistics [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Competition Points In home Away Total DR
First division 42 13 twelfth first 0 55 8 13 6 5 2 18 11 26 18 6 2 seventy three 19 +54
Final group C 2 3 0 first 2 3 7 3 0 first 2 4 9 6 0 2 4 7 16 -9
Total 44 16 twelfth 2 2 58 15 16 6 6 4 22 17 32 twelfth 6 6 89 35 +45

Statistics of the players [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Player 1st division Final Total
Presenze Reti Presenze Reti Presenze Reti
Aldeghs, F. F. Aldheways 0 0 0 0 0 0
Arienti, F. F. Arienti (II) 2 2 0 0 2 2
Arienti, G. G. Arienti (s) 32 6 0 0 32 6
Arosio, G. G. Arosio thirty first 22 0 0 thirty first 22
Banfi, A. A. Banfi 28 2 0 0 28 2
Barzanò, L. L. Barzanò 2 0 0 0 2 0
Beretta, L. L. Beretta 25 18 0 0 25 18
Casciaold P. P. Casanova 29 0 0 0 29 0
Casiraghi, G. G. Casiraghi 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cavenaghi, C. C. Cavenaghi 0 0 0 0 0 0
Colombo (II), E. E. Colombo (II) 32 6 0 0 32 6
Crespi, R. R. Crespi 32 5 0 0 32 5
Dusi, G. G. Dusi 2 0 0 0 2 0
Grass, A. A. Erba 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fossati, A. A. Fossati first 0 0 0 first 0
Frigerio, F. F. Frigerio 29 -23 0 0 29 -23
Galbiati ,. . Galbiati 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nova, E. It’s new 0 0 0 0 0 0
Piffarerio, A. A. Piffarerio first -5 0 0 first -5
A pet A. Ponzini 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ravera, E. E. Ravera first 0 0 0 first 0
Riva, M. M. Riva thirty first 8 0 0 thirty first 8
The room, C. C. the room 26 3 0 0 26 3
Sironi, G. G. Sironi 2 -7 0 0 2 -7
Valli, G. G. Valli 14 4 0 0 14 4
Villa, G. G. Villa 32 first 0 0 32 first
  1. ^ a b Rocca-Vegetti, p. 38.
  2. ^ a b c The people of Monza , n. 33 of 23 August 1933 p. 6 , microfilmade newspaper consulted at the Municipal Library of Monza.
  3. ^ At the time all the players and the managers had a nickname: Luigi Colombo (i) was called “Cicoria”, Costantino Sala “Menelik” because of his dark complexion.
  4. ^ Advance match at 8 December 1933.
  5. ^ Game postponed and recovered on December 26, 1933.
  6. ^ Match suspended for fog at 45 ‘by the referee Borri di Belluno on the score of 1-1 and recovered on January 25, 1934.
  7. ^ Game played in advance, it was scheduled for April 22, 1934.
  8. ^ Winner of the ULIC First Category Championship of the Seregno Committee.
  9. ^ From the book “One hundred years of Chiasso – History of the Fooball Club 1905-2005” by Ruggero Glaus and Luca Ortelli pag. 89 (season 1932-1933) and Monza paintings of the 1933-1934 sports season published by the Gazzetta dello Sport.
  10. ^ Transfer lists published by Il Littoriale, 2 September 1933.
  11. ^ Transfer lists published by Il Littoriale, 5 August 1933, pp. 6-7.
  • Lino Rocca, Giorgio Vegetti, White on red the history of Monza football , Monza, supplement to “the loyal” printed by the brasca graphics workshop, 1977, pp. 37 and 38, xxx of summary ..
  • Massimo Dutto, Giorgio Vegetti, 80 years of Monza , Monza, supplement to the fortnightly periodical “Il Brianteo” published by Calcio Monza, September 1992, p. 79.
  • Delbue, Fontanelli, Peduzzi, And we will never go to Serie A … 100 years of Monza Almanac Biancorosso 1912-2012 , Empoli (FI), Geo Edizioni S.r.l., 2012, pp. 78-79.
  • The people of Monza , organ of the Monza beam – microfilmate newspaper that can be consulted at the Braidense National Library of Milan and the municipal library of Monza.
  • Gazzetta dello Sport , years 1933 and 1934, available at the libraries:
