Mozinor industrial building – Wikipedia


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The Mozinor industrial building (Contraction of “Montreuil Zone Industrielle Nord”) is a vertical factory designed and produced in the early 1970s by architects Claude Le Goas and G.-P. Bertrand [ first ] In the city of Montreuil in the department of Seine-Saint-Denis in the Île-de-France region. Video creator Mozinor has taken up the name of this building as a pseudonym.

Advertising for Mozinor published in French national newspapers around 1976

In 1963, the city of Montreuil had considered creating the first vertical industrial zone in Europe [ 2 ] . For this, she called on Claude Le Goas, who had already worked for the city for 30 years. In his project, he designs a series of industrial premises placed on each other and served by a interior motorway in the shape of a double helical ramp to allow trucks up to 38 tonnes to access all floors [ 2 ] . This path is one of the most striking characteristics of the building.

The vertical industrial city also offers 42,000 m 2 activity premises, a panoramic terrace and a business restaurant project (known as lot 38 , planned in the original plan), which after having been transformed into a nightclub, now houses artists’ workshops. The 38 lots are on average 6.30 meters in ceiling and an area of ​​100 to 2,700 square meters [ 3 ] .

The current building, built in 1971 [ first ] , was the first phase (known as Mozinor 1) of a larger project (1 km long), aimed at reindustrializing the Montreuil plateau. However, phases 2 and 3 have never seen the light of day. Designed from a classic reinforced concrete frame, the specialized review Modern construction Salt in 1977 “This impressive construction, whose style harmoniously fits into surrounding town planning [ 4 ] » .


In the 1980s and 1990s, the roof of the building was the place where the first rave parties In France [ 5 ] . In the evenings Cosmos Fact , the dancers came to listen to the DJs of techno and house music inside the lot 38 , oval in shape, nicknamed the Flying saucer [ 6 ] . According to Luc Bertagnol, organizer of the evenings, “Inside, a ramp went up a spiral along the walls, it felt like it was in an egg with people from the floor to the ceiling. The capacity was around 1,800 people, it was impressive. We had installed 20 kilos of sound, indirect lights that played on large cut fabrics. [ 6 ] »

After a vacuum in the 2000s, in 2013 the occupation of the building was almost complete, welcoming 450 workers employed by around sixty companies [ 2 ] . The profile of these occupants is quite diverse, combining manufacturers and designers.

On the roof is the seat of the Ecodesign Fablab (first fablab in the department, in which the falls and waste from other building brands are re-employed) [ 7 ] . An urban garden suspended by two hectares with trees has also been planted, this space having been planned to be vegetated from the start [ 8 ] . Since the destruction of the A186 [ 9 ] In order to build a tram line, Mozinor has a less good road service.

Notes and references [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. a et b Industrial set called Mozinor City » , on Merimée base (consulted the ) .
  2. A B and C Mozinor, 40, and more of the future » , on The Parisian , (consulted the ) .
  3. Mozinor, a vertical industrial city with a green roof » , on parisianeast (consulted the ) .
  4. Factories in town, architecture and history of the workshops and factories of Montreuil, Museum of living history, Valette Editions
  5. Odile of Plas, Mozinor 2012, the good taste of raves of yesteryear » , on Telerama , (consulted the ) .
  6. a et b Raves in France, how it all started » , on Trax Mag , (consulted the ) .
  7. Côme Bastin, In Montreuil, a circular fab lab in a “vertical factory” » , on Wedemain , (consulted the ) .
  8. Christophe Catsaros, The Mozinor industrial hotel » , on Traced , (consulted the ) .
  9. Jean-Paul Chapon, The suburb of architecture laboratory, continuation … Mozinor of Babylon » , on blog parisbanlieue, the world ,

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